Hi all. I'm having trouble getting TexGenx64.exe to run through MO2 on a new Windows 11 PC. It starts up then hangs after the line that reads:
Loading active plugin list: C:\Users\[My Name]\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\Plugins.txt
About one try in 10 it will progress slightly further and hang after the line that reads:
Game: D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe, Version 1.6.1130, Date: 2023-12-25 11:00:33
No log files have been created since it never actually errors out. It just sits there with 0% CPU and Memory Usage remaining constant. SSEEdit, BodySlide, SSELODGen and the ACMOS Road Generator all run normally. I have Alpha 164 of DynDOLOD and Alpha 47 of DynDOLOD Resources SE installed. I've added exceptions to my anti-virus. I tried running it with the anti-virus shut down. I've checked that all the requirements are there. Reinstalled/enabled/repaired .Net 3.5, 4.8, 6, and 8, and all the various MS Visual C++ modules, both x86 and x64. PapyrusUtil SE and DynDOLOD Resources SE are installed and active. I've cleaned all plug-ins detected by LOOT as having issues. I tried the x86 version. I tried running it with MO2 and all the DynDOLOD executables set to run as administrator. I also tried running them in Compatibility Mode for Windows 8. None of the above seems to be the ticket. It really feels like a file access issue but I'm at a loss to determine what's getting in the way. I had no issues on my Windows 10 machine. Any insight or steps to try would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.