Hello. I just used this to generate LOD and so far it looks good, but there's a snowstorm in Skyrim right now, so things are a little blurry. I did run into one issue. A mod I'm using that I ported from Skyrim LE, "Women's Faces" (I believe) apparently overrides some headpart definitions from the Hearthfire DLC. This caused an error when I ran texgen, along with a warning that it could result in game crashes. I have been using this mod for years, in both Skyrim LE and now SSE. I disabled the plugin and restarted the processing and it all went smoothly after that. I'm wondering if that is a necessary check. I'm impressed with the level of validation texgen is doing, since it called my attention to a couple of invalid IDs for ESL flagged plugins (when I ran the older version yesterday), but I'm wondering about the significance of these new errors regarding the headparts. Is that always considered an error?
This is an update to my previous post (I don't see how to simply reply to it):
[Main Instruction]
Record [INFO:03000D9D] in file HearthFires.esm is being overridden by record [HDPT:03000D9D] in file NPS_Female_SE.esp.
These errors can cause CTD and other serious issues and need to be fixed.
There were quite a few of these errors, so clicking ignore for each would be extremely tedious, so I disabled the .esp file while running texgen and dyndolod.