I have been trying since November, 2021 to get DynDOLOD to work. Every time I try, it gives a different excuse for not working. I have Skyrim AE on my laptop with the version of SKSE64 for Skyrim AE, and that works fine. I have the DLL's installed. DynDOLOD resources 3.00 Alpha, and DynDOLOD 3.0 Alpha. I think there is a newer version, (3.2?), but when I tried to run it, it didn't give me the option to select SSE mode instead of TES5 and gave an error after it started to run. At least TexGen64 worked in that version. In 3.00, TexGen64 gives an error that there is not a waterfall effect texture. From the one time it did work, which was a fluke, I took the output folder and zipped and installed it as a mod in NMM, along with the DLLs and other things I just mentioned. When I proceeded to run DynDOLOD, in 3.2 (?), it doesn't give me the option to select SSE mode and later gives an error. No matter what I do, it always gives one excuse or another. In 3.00 Alpha, it gives another reason. It lets me select SSE mode, then runs for a bit and says the DynDOLOD resources are obsolete and I need the newest one. I have the letest resources installed, and even went and uninstalled previous attempts at installing resources. I have 3.00 and 3.2(?) both installed. I tried just 3.2, then just 3.0, then both. It dives me the same bullcrap.
This is actually the most difficult and frustrating thing I have ever done in my life. Nothing else comes close. I want to smash my computer with a hammer, but that wouldn't help anything. Did someone go out of their way to make DynDOLOD as needlessly difficult as possible? I can't imagine it would be this difficult to "hand build" my LODs. It would be tedious, but I can't imagine it being nearly this difficult.
Can someone please help me with this nightmare? I have tried at least 3 different versions of DynDOLOD with matching resources and DLLs. I've watched many tutorials and followed them closely. I've buried myself in many long, confusing guides. Nothing I've ever done in my life has been this difficult or confusing.