Discussion thread:
Dragon Priest Masks by Pannonian
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Hy !
I'm still working on my Dragonpriest masks mod : https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4707
i'm trying to improve it a little bit by making it compatible with Argonian and Khajiit races. My actual problem is i kept the player's head on my latest version...this is working great for all races exept thoses 2 big headed beast races (a lot of clipping of course).
I've found an option in the CK that allow to decapitate the player's head when wearing mask / helmet...i tried to add this option (the idea is to remove the head but to keep the neck... i need the neck to be visible on all my masks for a better visual immersion)...but this is not working (still have the head and neck)...i know how to remove the entire head + neck (CK or Nifskope) but that's not what i want.
If someone can help me on this one (but i'm not a 3D soft expert) !
My next step (after the ALL race compatible step) will be a total retexture for all masks (with better lore friendly 2K / 1K HD textures and new effects) + 5 new masks (for mages / no armor rate)... but i still want to improve it more... like putting other kind of masks, to make a big mask collection...so if some modders want to help me on that (making new 3D mask models, i can do the textures from a 3D flat pattern) i'll be glad...and why not making a quest mod to find them all (pokemasks) into the wild, dungeons, caves...etc
thanks in advance !