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  1. Thank you. With the utmost respect, it sounds like your answer to my question is “yes. If you have set full rules and the object report indicates the mesh and appropriate textures were recognized as dynamic LOD, and you have the dynamic LOD box checked, you will have the appropriate full model dynamic LOD” If I am wrong, please feel free to let me know I am interpreting it wrong. You just didn’t say yes or no to confirm one way or another, so making sure. If I do notice any issues, I will be sure to upload the logs when alluding to them thank you
  2. Apologies for the inconvenience , I simply did want to clutter the thread with unnecessary information since I’ve mostly obtained the results I needed. If it would help to answer my question, I can certainly include the object report log. I was able to get every statue mesh I needed recognized and accounted for in the object report. To clarify my last question, if the object report log shows the dynamic LOD Using the appropriate mesh and textures, while also showing Lvl 0 and Lvl 1 meshes that are vanilla and may use the vanilla textures, if I have my custom rules set as FULL, Full, Full, FarFULL, w/ dynamic LOD set in the gui, will it only use my full dynamic LOD mesh or potentially rotate between them all depending on distance? Thank you and please let me know if you need a log or additional information to answer the above question. I’ve mostly been able to post questions inbetween breaks at work, so I had been trying not to over complicate things if not necessary since I don’t always have all the information in front of me.
  3. Thnx for all your help Sheson, got 90% generated as intended! The only one not in the object report is Mara. Should it be flagged as VWD or no? I initially thought so, but now not sure. Also, I got this for Mehrunes and a few others: ZzzRevShrineMehrunes01 [STAT:2B2A623E] Meshes\clutter\mehrunes\shrinemehrunes01.nif [CRC32:EDF67AA5] using textures\man_dagon\dagon_d.dds, textures\man_dagon\dagon_n.dds Level0: meshes\lod\clutter\shrinemehrunes01_lod_1.nif using textures\clutter\mehrunesstatue01.dds, textures\clutter\mehrunesstatue01_n.dds, textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds, textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02_n.dds Level1: meshes\lod\clutter\shrinemehrunes01_lod_1.nif using textures\clutter\mehrunesstatue01.dds, textures\clutter\mehrunesstatue01_n.dds, textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds, textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02_n.dds Dynamic: Meshes\clutter\mehrunes\shrinemehrunes01.nif using textures\man_dagon\dagon_d.dds, textures\man_dagon\dagon_n.dds LOD4: Full LOD8: Full LOD16: Full would it work as dynamic from the start, showing the full model, or would I need to set all LOD levels to none? Unsure if it'll use the full settings always, or occasionally drop to the non-matching LOD meshes, and I suppose that goes for a few of the statues. I would think at each level it would instead have the dynamic mesh and textures if forcing full settings for LOD. I’ll also have to take a look at Boethiah in game, I didn’t notice It’s quite a bit more than just the statue and seems to include the giant platform it’s on. Excited though, thanks to your information I have a decent grasp and I am close to having my set up just right. fixed mara by removing vwd
  4. OK I think I’m grasping what you’re saying now. Basically you mean if it would have LOD in vanilla by default, matching up w/ a default LOD model (azura, mehrunes, boethiah, Meridia, malacath(?), etc) then that’s when it needs to have the VWD flag, whether it has a matching mesh model or not? As opposed to something like the Hermaeus Mora statue, which does not have a default LOD model and should not have a VWD flag (removing the flag did get this one working for example). slightly related, the ENB light azura mod author dropped an update w/ new DynDOLOD rules and an— interesting setup in the esp, complete with a low poly LOD model. They added new rules none, none, Level 2, none, VWD, farLOD… should this still work as intended…? (Sorry if this is vague for you without seeing the ESP. They essentially set the actual static to have isfullLOD, persistent, etc , and seemingly have the mesh placed as persistent AND temporary. Not sure if this will work as intended how it’s currently set up, but then again I imagine he’s tested?)
  5. Forgive me, I’m trying to ask this in the most intelligent way, I feel like you’re trying to break it down, and I am just missing something you’re saying. If it can/does not know if the LOD model, visually matches, and if there is no matching model, why is VWD required? If you set a custom rule for shrineofazura01.nif at none, none, none, none, NeverFadesFull/FarFULL for example, would it not correctly display? Reading the tooltip for VWD, and what you generally say, it sounds like if a statue DOES NOT ship with matching LOD, you generally DO NOT want to select VWD, as there is no matching LOD for them. Otherwise, if it’s a vanilla statue, you either get the default/vanilla statue, or if it is a mod without a statue in general, you will get nothing, because you tried to force an LOD model with VWD when there is not one. My understanding was without VWD you can force your Full custom rules. Your last sentence that “this works for everything” further confuses me a bit, since in some situations, you certainly DON’T want to use VWD. Unless you are saying that there is a new LOD model specifically for that statue now included with DynDOLOD resources, because then I would understand it needing VWD, as there is now a matching model somewhere. Otherwise, I think that’s what’s confusing me, because there still isn’t an LOD model, and I was of the understanding that ENB light does not work with regular LOD anyway, so I would assume there is no matching model to select VWD for in that case (though I appear to be wrong). Hopefully I am voicing my confusion without sounding dense? Again, I apologize if I am grasping this slowly, I just want to make sure I fully understand your instructions, so that I do not have to bother you again with it in the future Or perhaps you mean if it would have LOD in vanilla by default, then that’s when it needs to have the VWD flag? Thank you
  6. Thank you for breaking this down. Should be my very last question for you. You mentioned that it needs the VWD flag because it has a corresponding mesh in the resources. But if none of those meshes actually fit the new model, wouldn’t that be an issue? I previewed most of them, and I saw one that seemed to fit Mandragora’s new statue, as well as a couple others, but none seemed to match PS Boss’s, particularly the ENB light variant Im using. So going by that logic, I would think I need to use no VWD flag, none at each level, and NeverFadesFULL. If I’m understanding you correctly, though, you’re saying that I should still use the VWD flag for this particular statue? Because there exists in LOD model for shrine of azura regardless..? Would this apply to other statue replacers as well? If there’s an LOD file in DynDOLOD resources, it should have the VWD flag, even if it’s not a match whatsoever?(For example, Meridia?)
  7. I see, That’s good to know. And this is for the PS Boss ENB light Azura in particular? So none, none, none, VWD FarFULL would work well for that particular statue (interestingly enough, the rules the mod author included are different from yours, should we roll with the settings he included, or none at each level?), but all others should use Full settings, FarFULL w/ no VWD flag, if they do not have dedicated LOD meshes (this was my original thought process) is there a simple way to tell which if any of the statues from various replacers have LOD meshes included with DynDOLOD resources?
  8. See, I thought as much w/ the VWD setting but saw it in your examples. I also noticed you use VWD for ENB light azura in your example, but that shouldn't work right? Siince it should only use dynamic LOD because of enb light? Am I misunderstanding?
  9. VWD is selected in them all, per the manual. Tho I initially thought VWD was mostly for if there IS already an LOD model
  10. Hey everyone, happy new year! Sorry to bother again w/ this issue as I've been gone for a bit, but I’m getting inconsistent results with full model LOD statues using the settings the manual recommends. With these settings, the statues are not properly appearing as LOD. I also tried setting none, none , none, none, FarFull for the ENB light Azura statue, and it didn’t seem to work. On the latest version of DynDOLOD. Any thoughts?: https://imgur.com/a/G1eptNu Thnx for any help
  11. I do have an additional, separate question regarding Grass LOD. Been a huge fan and using it since it’s introduction and I’ve had success with consistent color and visuals, depending on ENB and grass mod, usually doing better with green tundra. I had taken a break for a bit, but have now come back and seen the introduction of the HD grass, which it appears is meant to be used with the complex grass textures. Does this work with ALL complex grass textures? Because I’ve seen varying information and I remember initially, it was recommended NOT to cache grass or run DynDOLOD w/ these textures. Even on the complex grass compendium, this message still appears: “Do not use these textures for lod generating / grass caching, or you gonna have blue foliage in the far distant. (just uncheck any complex grass patch mod before starting generating lod textures or grass cache)” Just wondering what your thoughts are, and if there are exceptions to the rule, and also how much more of a hit one could expect if using the complex textures for generation over plain grass. (Also, does the cache need to be redone as well? Or is it enough just to use the new complex textures and start from TexGen?)
  12. Thanks Sheson, I got it figured out last night! I started with a Wabajack list that I then did a fair bit of tweaking to, and didn’t realize the Update and Dawnguard esps were dirtier than a hooker’s thong! (It used a stock game folder rather than my own, and it would seem they never cleaned the ESPs.) The reference number for xedit was useful, showing me that it was a deleted reference in the update records, which then matched up with some of the warnings in the summary page, and I went ahead and cleaned anything mentioned there, and then it went smooth like butter. Thanks again for the amazing tool!
  13. Hey folks, I keep getting this error and im at a loss. It doesn't give a specific reason for the error. Any tips? [Window Title] DynDOLOD [Main Instruction] Error: Setting EditorID to skyrimesm_0DDD36_DynDOLOD_FIX failed for DynDOLOD.esp [REFR:000DDD36] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00007157] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -38,2)) [Content] Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message [Exit DynDOLOD] [Footer] Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard
  14. I think this is the last question I’ll have for a while. With the release of Happy Little Shrubs, my eyes were opened to further flora customization and got me thinking. HLTS comes with a file that tells TexGen to generate textures for the associated shrubs. I compared with my previous TexGen output and sure enough, they were not created automatically without the HLTS file, so that’s pretty cool I may be able to further add other shrubs following that template. So with the texture generated, does the final TREE rule in DynDOLOD automatically cover those meshes since they are technically tree records? Or do I need to also set custom rules, so say, pineshrub01: BB1, BB1, BB1, vwd, etc? At first glance, I would think that was what the TREE rule would cover, however I did also notice that rule mentions having the tree flag and has LOD flag, which when looking at HLT for example (and also the shrub ESP), I don’t see any records flagged as has LOD to confirm I’m understanding that rule correctly
  15. Thank you, glad to be 100% certain now and put the nail in that coffin.
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