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Everything posted by User77111
Thanks for the instructions I will try this out with all the LOD meshes and see if it works.
I just noticed the models in the screenshots receiving shadows are the full models. I just checked it looks like the terrain LOD and object LOD does not take any shadow at all. In the screenshots comparing the 3d tree LOD brightness between the leaves vs the wood, it just looks like the LOD models have light shining on both sides of the double sided mesh that has the leaves regardless of where the sun is directing. It seems like every double sided mesh does this. I wonder if there could be a solution for this. Here is my Dyndolod Output: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av1dDuTYEuYRgc5lQN88QDqgSpu2nQ?e=cLUIgS TexGen: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av1dDuTYEuYRgc5mm8dX9_PL10bORA?e=s07jOw
You should be able to download it now. I am showing that the model and nifskope does not show a soft lighting or a rim lighting shader flag, yet it still behaves in game like there is one. I do not need LOD objects to receive or cast shadows to fix the LOD issue. Soft lighting and rim lighting with the skyrim engine will illuminate the object with or without shadows casting on the object or receiving shadows. You can see here that part of the LOD object does not behave this way: Opening the BTO file in NifSkope, you can see the shader flags between the two parts of the object LOD tree is not much different. One had a vertex color shader flag and the other is marked as double sided. I am not sure why the part with the double sided flag acts like there is a soft lighting flag/ rim lighting. LOD items in the further regions where the tree LOD is not 3d do have the soft lighting/rim lighting shader flag: Some objects are illuminated the same way with or without the shader flag: I'n not really sure what is going on.
I get these shader flags on the object LOD that causes trees and objects to illuminate even without the sun hitting them. You can see here the sun is behind the mountain and the LOD objects are bright: Once the objects themselves are loaded in: (I froze in game time during this) Here are the tree objects themselves: The BTO file itself does not have the soft lighting and rim lighting on these specific trees, but sometimes they do. Even in this specific tree. Tree Mod Log Files 3D LOD files (overwrite with the 3d LOD resource files on the mod page) I did not mess with the shader flags on my custom 3d LOD. This is an example of a couple of trees showing the issue. This happens with all LOD objects, even mountains. I should mention I use this mod as well: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63725
Hopefully this has not been asked already. Is there a way to disable rim lighting and soft lighting when generating object LOD?
Thanks for this. It works perfectly. Will this be included in the next update? Or is this just a custom one for my case?
Maybe this will help. With alpha 159, viewing the LOD models in nifskope, that is how they would appear in game. With alpha 169, the alpha threshold is increased in game. So it is thinner then when viewing the LOD model in nifskope.
Try with alpha 159 not 167
I said previously that I updated DynDOLOD, then the trees became too thin when using custom models. They are still too thin without the custom models. I'm not asking to fix a problem, just asking for the option to disable a feature added in later versions of DynDOLOD that are making custom models not work like they used to. If that is possible. I also do not understand what that feature is. I attached the custom 3d Tress models. I used these on DynDOLOD alpha v159. I have that version backed up too if you needed it. LOD Gen.zip
I did not make my own custom models, I just edited the models. I edited the NiAlphaProperty of the leafs for each of the trees to make them perfectly match the normal models. Do I need to add an alpha property to the branches and set it to 128 for DynDOLOD not to touch the branches?
It's just slightly better with the normal ones. Not as good as the custom ones I made. Is it possible to disable or adjust this automatic alpha threshold that was added?
Logs: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av1dDuTYEuYRgcpG0GjoBXG5bQVTuQ?e=Bru3fR After updating DynDOLOD, all tree LOD in skyrim 3d trees LOD is very thin. LOD: Tree Model: Console of tree:
Thanks this helped alot!
Setting it to Low worked. Is there a preset that works like xLODGen with HD tree LOD? I would like it to just be like I'm running xLODGen with 3d tree LOD. No added other objects unless xLODGen does so.
Log Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cZTr6s83idVRMZpVZBhxrwDsHHYtmjy_/view?usp=sharing I've been getting issues with stuttering with DynDOLOD.esp enabled. I could only replicate the issue with the intro sequence because it happens at the same place every time. DynDOLOD.esp enabled: https://imgur.com/a/1sznyMW DynDOLOD.esp disabled: https://imgur.com/a/ZgjScYU Keep in mind this kind of stuttering happens all the time during normal gameplay when turning my head really fast or at completely random times. I also keep getting crashes that include occlusion.esp and sometimes just completely random. These crashes are not present with dyndolod uninstalled. https://pastebin.com/Mta7jRwQ https://pastebin.com/VE07U0V8 These crashes happen when switching saves or fast traveling.
Some tree leaves are thinned out to almost nothing if they have a fully black background. I am guessing mathy utilized the black backgrounds to act as a weight to the leaves. Me being dumb just understood that I can edit each 3D tree LOD mesh, then run DynDOLOD, install the old meshes back and DynDOLOD would have picked up the edited ones and I wouldn't have to host the edited meshes on nexus for it to work.
Thanks for this. I just tried it out and it looks like it does the job on the trees you stated it would work on. Will there be an INI edit in the future to disable this added feature to return to how it operated before in case I get permission from the mod author one day?
Is this the "unwanted side effects" you were talking about?
I noticed in the dyndolod changelog you stated this: What specifically does this fix apply to? I assumed it was for trees because when running the latest version of DynDOLOD today the LOD trees still look like the second image in the quoted above post. You did say I would need to manually alter the 3D LOD meshes for this fix before but is there a way I can adjust DynDOLOD settings without doing this? I do not have permissions to post the edited meshes on nexus. Also thank you for adding an option to remove terrain underside with x and y coordinates that really helps
Logs File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cZTr6s83idVRMZpVZBhxrwDsHHYtmjy_/view?usp=sharing When using latest version of DynDOLOD, water LOD is weird: DynDOLOD Enabled: DynDOLOD Disabled: Using latest version of Water for ENB
Thanks sheson for your help with all this. I don't think I will be able to fix these issues on the modding guide without permission from mathy but I will definitely try! Most mod authors aren't this thorough so I appreciate it
This fixed the issue! Now I can fix it myself but I do not have permissions to create a patch for others that use the automated modding guide. I cannot get into contact with mathy I have tried for the last 5 months as I needed permissions from him for other reasons. Hopefully a patch can be made by someone with granted permissions.
I set the terrain underside to the highest quality, and set it to the lowest possible. https://imgur.com/a/FAa3FV1 Dosn't seem to be affected by the settings in this area. Also I think I finally figured out the map situation. I regenerated the textures with xLODGen with half the gamma and left on vertex coloring. Also set AllHD32=1. It gives the most usable image. The only problem when using AllHD32=1 is some objects are completely white:
I'm thinking for now I could just create vertex colors manually for the trees for now. Also I lowered the terrain underside mesh about 150 and it still has the black lines, it is just lower now:
When setting AllHD32=-1 and GenerateVertexColorsLOD32=False I get this: It is perfect! Thanks sheson As for the skyrim 3d trees 3d LOD, just don't use them? Well... actually is there a way to generate vertex colors for only the trees?