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  1. Thanks for the reply. The item is not clickable and it disappears if I uncheck the DYNDOLOD output mod. It might be that I am going to have to do this the hard way. Is it required to redo the XLOD generation every time I add a new mod that adds new world spaces or will DYNDOLOD be enough?
  2. Please let me know if I am speaking on the wrong forum topic for this one, but when I run XLODGEN, TEXGEN, then DYNDOLOD and apply the output I get a floating wall of texture that floats high in the air (I have the secret of arc cryae mod loaded and the item appears above due south of the lower tower). It only appears when I have the STEP SSE - DynDOLOD Output mod active (whether I have the plugins on or off), and a glitch appears on the in game map corresponding directly with its location. I admittedly have a very heavy load order and would like advice on how to remove the "item". So far it seems to be only the one spot. It does not hurt performance, it just looks very bad. Any ideas on how to remove it? I use MO2 and have followed the step guide up until I added my extra items.
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