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  1. Could really use an edit button on these forums. (For later needed to fix a post). I was able to get the extended to work. I suppose I just post SoS after AOS. (I use a custom merge file of the 3 anyway).
  2. Well. I see BetterQuestObjectives.esp.As the extended requirement and no link next to it like the previous ones. So I wasn't sure. Also. While installing AOS I do like using SoS 3 files so is it fine to use that patch?
  3. Loot says to use "Even Better Quest Objectives" instead of "BetterQuestObjectives". I assume just keep using "BetterQuestObjectives" ?
  4. I found another topic that linked to this page "https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9370-step-compilation/" The wiki I used didn't have " Elemental Staffs" or "Vividian - Extended Weathers.esp" listed. This can probably be deleted now.
  5. I have installed the mods on https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP_Patches_Requirements and did the requirements for extended and have the same order. The only differences I may have is: Book Covers Skyrim 3 6 LEGENDARY - Desaturated and Dawnguard Crossbow Explosive Bolts Visualized. Because I only saw Explosive and other versions not matching the one on the requirements.
  6. I understand that. Tons keep saying to use other things, but I still do not like NMM. I don't understand managing mods through Wyre Bash much either. But MO2 kept crashing for me and sometimes plugins would show (in tools) other times not. Thankfully I had a Restore Point because trying to do some things to get it to work crashed my starting up of latest Windows 10 Anniversary.
  7. *Going back to somewhat stable Skyrim that also has HDT Hair and a working MO*
  8. I also do "Registry fixes" so try running that too.
  9. O wow. The temp issue gave me an idea. I used CCleaner and turned on options "Applications-GameExplorer" and "Advanced-EnvironmentalPath". Now WyreBash works in MO2! Only thing is none of my mods are showing ATM. Just reporting what I did so far.
  10. Looks like I can't edit my last post... so update. Even though I uninstalled the APP the bar was still there, and caused issues again. So I went to XBox App. Went to "settings" "GameDVR" "Windows Settings" and turned off everything on "Game bar". After that things are going fine on all tools.
  11. Removing Gamebar fixed my issue too.
  12. I was able to finish the generator. Thanks for clarifying.
  13. Ok thanks for reply. I found which plugin might be causing it. I was confused thinking it was trying to find a master from an esp that don't exist.
  14. That's fine and all, but I no longer even have the esp. So why am I still getting the message? Will watch video anyway. Note: I am trying to rerun the generator but keep getting errors from a non existing dyndolod esp.
  15. I even deleted and redid TES5Edit, TexGen. I have no idea what else to do. It will not make a new esp. I have read where files should be but can not find anything. I keep getting "Exception in unit process line 166: FormID [01001232] references a master which is not available in file [C5] DynDOLOD.esp". Which the esp don't exist cause I deleted the output folder, even when I tried with the esp it would just report missing masters and fail anyway. Now I am without an esp though and already cleared recycle bin. What do I need to do? I have read everywhere and do not see this problem mentioned...
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