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Everything posted by Gulfwulf

  1. I can't edit my post, but I wanted to say that re-installing the Vanilla LOD Billboards mod did the trick. Thanks again, Sheson. You're still not getting my firstborn because I need him for child labor tax reasons, but you do have my thanks.
  2. RTFM, eh? Anyway, it looks like that particular texture is from Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards if anybody else asks about it. I'll try re-installing it to see if the error goes away; otherwise I'll try a different LOD texture mod.
  3. Maybe the third time is the charm... Hello Sheson, I'm getting an error about "reachclifftree01_000b8a76.dds: Not a valid DDS texture." Attached are my bug report and log files. I'm using Open Cities Skyrim, Immersive Citizens, Immersive College of Winterhold, and Realistic Water 2. I've disabled OCS and the various patches the other mods have for it before running TexGen, which ran just fine. I then tried running DynDOLOD and selecting everything but generate DynDOLOD. I'm using the 2.69 versions of both DynDOLOD and the resources (I've used your mod in LE, so I'm familiar with how to use it...mostly). I'm also using vanilla LOD tree resources; I can get you a link if the one I'm using is the wrong one. Another issue I ran into on a previous playthrough was a consistent CTD just east of the upper exit of Bleakfalls Barrow between it and Agnes' house. I can't give you an exact cell reference because I deleted that playthrough due to another mod causing an issue. I'll try to take a screenshot near where it happens if that will help. Thanks. DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt bugreport.txt
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