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  1. Some hints? Even if my issue looks hard to answer. No feedback is even less than some feedback :(
  2. Usually i am not bothered as much by the coloring of mods in TesVedit but of course I try to correct Red label mods as best as possible… Just today i read on Nexus: (Verdant-grass mod) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60220?tab=description i cite from Paragraph: MY GAME IS CRASHING WHEN I LOAD GRASS!! WHAT GIVES!?! WARNING: This mod in it's latest stage does now in fact have landscape texture worldspace edits in it's .esp, which is essentially harmless in itself, but if you have many, MANY mods that alter your skyrim worldspace (house mods, village mods, landscape overhauls), your game can lose stability from this, and even crash. Always be aware of the mods you are installing, and make sure you read all the instructions and suggestions for best compatibility. Therefore, Worldspaces records should be resolved in some way. As already said, how to deal with this particular edit? Wrye Bash should be able to smooth that conflict Anyway, i need some day to refresh all my mods with the originals, adding just translations with xTranslator. I get various texture errors and maybe other errors which are less visible. Because if deleted master records/references of several mods in one session. This might cause missing textures i think. Else i cannot explain why after adding the usleep, the fishes on the stand after Riverwood had turned violet Rs children lost textures of their eyes, The padding of Quality map in paper version, is violet mods in general lost some textures ans so on. I use Mod Organizer1 and Skse.
  3. Most mods contain the Worldspace entry and the sub record Tamriel is marked always in red. How to deal with this issue? Is it an issue at all? What would you suggest if this record is not important: delete it ? (I guess no good idea, there might be a reason why this record is there if the Ck didn't add it simply by default and the modder didn't care about at the end) Or ignoring it? Or create a bashed patch and forget it? A second minor question related to cleaning records is: why should we clean mods one by one (remove identical to master / remove references) and not in the same session? All well written guides discourage to clean more than one mod at session..
  4. Hi folks, Before to have Mo1 I used to install all my mods by hand, which made me really tired. Please no more.. That was several years ago. Right now MO1 is part of my normal routine and all my mods ran smoothly thanks MO1.. Till I stumbled over the unofficial patches of Skyrim.. I've a serious a problem to make any unofficial patches run (Be it usleep or the separate patches) After a lot of testing I found out that MO1 is able to load usleep or the separate patches if.. I keep Skse deactivated! If skse runs together with the unofficial patches, skyrim freezes at the start screen There I see just a black screen with the dragon logo (no smoke, no music, no menu, no beth- logo) And I can wait as long as I want but skyrim will not load. To get at this conclusions I reducing my game environment to a minimum, that means i removed almost all of the Plugins from Data/Skse/Plugins/ exception made for the memory allocation plugin of Sheson. Furthermore, i loaded only this components: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm Hearthfires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition patch.esp Lastly, I installed the unofficial patches and all of its files in skyrim's folder structure, outside of MO1 and started Skyrim with skse but without MO1. Both the patches and skse loaded successfully - without MO1 In this way I played skyrim for a test run, around a minute or so. No problems. Let me summarize: as soon as I loaded skse from within MO1 (with the unofficial patches on), my game froze again. What's going on? I don't wanna play without MO1, all my mods are managed there. I own the legendary version of Skyrim, (no Se/Vr version) version Skse is its latest version 1.7.3 Usually I loaded the game using skse as launch mechanism in MO1 and not mod organizer as launch mechanism (preferences-workarounds of MO1) I saw that using mod organizer as launch mechanism works better. Still I get freezes at the loading screen :( What's wrong with skse and MO1 ?
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