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  1. I may tinker with this a little later today. DynamicCrosshair.esp This plugin is incompatible with "DarNifiedUIF3.esp", but both files are present. Loot gives me this error, its the only one I still have. Is this present in your list as well? IF not I may need to redo my UI section? Might make sense considering my UI isnt loading. Loot says my FOSE is up to date, not sure how reliable that is. When I get to it I may look at darn first to make sure I didnt do anything improperly, Then maybe Ill redo FOSE as you suggest and rebash. IF that doesnt work either Ill probably get discouraged and take a few days off before I start pulling mods out and testing. I already played with the INI a bit, reran BethINI and checked vs some of the ini tweaks but maybe Ill double check that as well, it was pretty late by the time I got around to booting fallout up last night.
  2. Looked around and the only other issue I seen thats similar is https://forum.step-project.com/topic/11389-no-main-menu/ But its not that the menu isnt visible, the menu just isnt there. No intro movies just the power armor background picture with music, enb loads and fades out then nothing. I smashed a huge mod list into oblivion a year or so ago without any issues, but this guide is giving it to me pretty hard right now. I tried Beth ini again and removing dynamic crosshairs which is giving me the issue I mentioned in general feedback ( says it doesnt work with darnui in loot) but no luck.
  3. Can this go into the guide? I just spent an hour plus trying to figure out how to use the patch without the ability to download all the masters. Maybe with more bethesda modding experience i would have been able to figure it out quicker but to a super newb such as I, twas painful (and I imagine I'm still better than most). I almost just gave up and tried to run the pack without the patch. (not sure how that would have gone) EDIT: Also, I still have no idea what exactly to do with bashed tags. Kinda seems from the description that I should go through loot and manually pull all the listed tags for all the mods into wyre flash. But it also says that "For example, it is usually best to have only Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Project Beauty HD use the Eyes, 'NPCFaces, R.Mouth, and R.Teeth, bash tags so the facial changes it provides are not overwritten. Of course, if mods are used that are suppoed to override these Project Beauty entries for selected NPCs then use these tags for those mods." but theres more tags listed in loot that those 4. So, either editing tags really isnt important (a preference feature?) or just editing that one and the dlc as instructed in the section are the only important ones? " if mods are used that are suppoed to override these Project Beauty entries for selected NPCs then use these tags for those mods." How am I supposed to know this? I ARE CONFUSED. In the meantime im not going to edit any tags other than beauty and the dlc as noted, and hopefully if thats the wrong move I can edit it after because I started this guide 7 days ago and I just want to play some fallout. EDIT:2 From Loot DynamicCrosshair.esp This plugin is incompatible with "DarNifiedUIF3.esp", but both files are present. Im going to run it, since theres no extra notes that I can see (Or maybe this guide has ruined my vision lol) If theres a step I missed or one that should be taken let me know.
  4. Thanks for the reply. Just so happen to have the day off today so great time to finish this off. Sounds like I'll have to go back and recheck the guide vs loot to make sure nothing was missed as far as cleaning is concerned. As well as pull out any 20th century related mods and patches.
  5. Oh man, after days of waiting to play this, adding mod after mod. And being this close. Really hoping for an answer here.
  6. Whoops didn't realize there was a subforum dedicated to this pack, I reposted there so umm ya.
  7. 1. Cleaning Any mods tagged with cleaning I cleaned. However most plugins once a new mod is installed are dropped in the bottom of the xedit list, but not all. As i went if it wasnt obviously at the bottom with a simlar name to the mod I'd search the first couple words of the mod name and find it in the middle somewhere. Once i got past the half way point of the guide i realized that not all the mods marked for cleaning came with a single plugin, I noticed a mod I did also had the patch plugin esp listed as a well, and now im all panicked i missed a couple along the way. Will loot identify these? So prior or bashed patching can i run loot, check the list and compare to the step guide to see if the mod was marked for cleaning (Seems like not all cleanings are recommended). Or do i need to run down the whole list and reclean everything just to be sure. But what if the extra plugin in the list is from a patch merged in from a mod further down the list not marked for cleaning??? 2. https://www.nexusmod...out3/mods/22945 https://www.nexusmod...out3/mods/21259 These mods are unavailable at the nexus. I imagine the protectron textures arent necessary but the patch mod seems pretty important. Can anyone with these help me out? Or can i run without for now until these come available, and stick them in after? I'm so close to done and Id hate to start a save, put in a bunch of time only to regret it later. Also https://www.nexusmod...out3/mods/18639 Craft isnt in the list of mods to download, Was it part of another? Its listed as a requirement for this patch, but its also listed as a core..... I installed it. Im so close...... i can taste it.
  8. 1. Cleaning Any mods tagged with cleaning I cleaned. However most plugins once a new mod is installed are dropped in the bottom of the xedit list, but not all. As i went if it wasnt obviously at the bottom with a simlar name to the mod I'd search the first couple words of the mod name and find it in the middle somewhere. Once i got past the half way point of the guide i realized that not all the mods marked for cleaning came with a single plugin, I noticed a mod I did also had the patch plugin esp listed as a well, and now im all panicked i missed a couple along the way. Will loot identify these? So prior or bashed patching can i run loot, check the list and compare to the step guide to see if the mod was marked for cleaning (Seems like not all cleanings are recommended). Or do i need to run down the whole list and reclean everything just to be sure. But what if the extra plugin in the list is from a patch merged in from a mod further down the list not marked for cleaning??? 2. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22945 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21259 These mods are unavailable at the nexus. I imagine the protectron textures arent necessary but the patch mod seems pretty important. Can anyone with these help me out? Or can i run without for now until these come available, and stick them in after? I'm so close to done and Id hate to start a save, put in a bunch of time only to regret it later. Also https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18639 Craft isnt in the list of mods to download, Was it part of another? Its listed as a requirement for this patch, but its also listed as a core..... I installed it. Im so close...... i can taste it.
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