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Everything posted by redryan19

  1. As many before me have stated, thank you so much for creating this mod guide. I have only ever gone through Oblivion and Skyrim 100% without being able to fully embrace Morrowind. But with this guide, it is going to introduce Morrowind to so many people and I thank you! Off topic question, How did you learn how to create a mod guide such as this. E.t.c. Checking compatability, creating patches and other mod related fine tuning? Good luck with the rest of the guide :)
  2. What do you think the minimum specs for this guide would be?
  3. Everything seems to work now that I have changed my password. Strange how it wasn't accepting my old one. Thanks for the help.
  4. I have noticed that in the URL, it says the login page is Not Secure. Could that be the reason why I can't login?
  5. Yes I have tried my username and password in the usual ways that I type them out on different websites. None are working.
  6. For Skyrim make sure that you have these utilities and mods. SKSE LOOT TES5EditA lot of Skyrim mods use SKSE so it is pretty much required and needs to be installed before any other mod. The standalone LOOT program is far better than the inbuilt one and TES5Edit can clean your mods. Make sure you follow the STEP guide on how to setup Mod Organiser 1 for Skyrim. Unfortunately, I haven't modded Fallout 4 as of yet and can't give any help on that. I hope this helped :)
  7. I have been trying for atleast 2 weeks to try and log into the STEP wiki. I have been using the correct forum credentials but it keeps bringing up an error saying "Incorrect Password Entered". I know my password is correct and I am asking how can I log into the wiki without this error popping up? Thanks for any reply.
  8. Written Guide 11. 30 Minute Modding [by dac0152] - [Link] [Guide Last Edited: 2nd March 2017] 12. Beginners Guide [by Morrowind Modding Wiki] - [Link] [Guide Last Edited: 1st April 2015]
  9. Morrowind Mod Guide Compendium I have been going through many different sources in the last few days to find the perfect modding guide that will modernise Morrowind. Below are many written and video modding guides that new or experienced users can follow to create a perfect gaming experience on this ageing gem of a game. I will try to keep this list of links updated as frequently as possible and I hope that other users will help add to this list to create a large depository of mod guides for Morrowind. Written Guides 1. Morrowind Today [by danjb] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 12th July 2016] 2. (Re)installing Morrowind [by Life in Ink and Pixels] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 1st May 2017] 3. Guide: A Modern Morrowind [by Step users] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 11th July 2017] 4. Gluby's Guide to a Modded Morrowind [by Gluby] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 11th October 2009] 5. Morrowind 2017 : Cynderal Edition [by Cynderal] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 15th February 2017] 6. Morrowind - An Alternative to MGSO [by Anthony Dotson] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 10th November 2015] 7. GeeTee's Favourite Morrowind Mods [by GeeTee] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 23rd February 2017] 8. Tomorrowind 2016 [by Povuholo] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 17th January 2016] 9. Morrowind Modding Guide [by cml33] - [Link] [Guide last edited: 9th March 2013] 10. Morrowind Mega Modding Manual [by Ashlandroadwarrior] - [Link] [Guide last edited: ?] Video Guides 1. Modding Guide for New Players - "Modernising Morrowind" [by Zaric Zhakaron] - [Link] [Uploaded: 1st August 2015] 2. Modernising Morrowind [by GamerZakh] - [Link] [Uploaded: 3rd May 2017]
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