I had the same questions as blinghound. Maybe could add a note to 2.2.7 to use old version with included map snow so it's less confusing. I am using the separate map snow mod and have replaced EDT with HD distant terrain pro lush version after reading through several related threads. Also noticed the same with SRO overwrites, but Serious HD landscape is not made redundant for me, and I have ALL mods installed as per 2.2.7.
Hi all.
I wanted to install all the S.T.E.P mods before I play through as it seems to fix a lot of annoying features and make the game a much better experience. I just had an issue when I followed the nexus link to this mod and the description is a major spoiler if someone has not completed the main quest line. It would be nice to add a note to the wiki about this. Just my 2c =)
Oh ok cool I was just confused as I downloaded all the mods yesterday and going back to the guide it's suddenly different... Ancient Nord Armour Fix also dissapeared but there was an explanation in the mod anthology thread and it had been labeled as "dropped" but brawl bugs is still labeled as "included".
Why has this been removed from the 2.2.6 guide up on the wiki? It says the page hasn't been edited since July 10th yet things seem to be dissapearing =/