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Everything posted by zimeron1

  1. Some help for those having trouble downloading DarnUI from modsreloaded like I had: If you are getting a 403 Forbidden when you hit the "Download" link, try going to "Files" instead and hitting the "DarNified UI F3" link instead.
  2. Oh no, I just removed FCO. It probably could be fixed with some edits, but I didn't, I just took out FCO and decided to deal with the slightly-more-potato-ey Fallout Redesigned faces.
  3. It's just that I have used it before without incident, and the 5 or so conflicts xEdit turned up for it appear to be minor and overwriting happily. Very odd, but it's working now.
  4. I have figured it out. It was Fallout Character Overhaul, of all things. Going to root around in xEdit, see if I can figure out what was conflicting so hard.
  5. Hello everyone, having some trouble getting a light-ish mod setup working. I have been following the "Clear and Present Danger" modlist for the most part, cutting out some of the mods due to Windows 10 Fallout 3 suddenly developing a plugin maximum of ~140 as other users have noticed. It appears to all be running, except it CTDs when trying to sleep in the bed for FWE alternate start. I know that this is usually a load order problem, since FWE + MMM + EVE + Project Beauty/FO3Redesigned + WMK are very finnicky. LOOT is currently spitting out the following, which just seems extremely wrong: https://pastebin.com/4s3TYPJq Since this is super-duper wrong compared to the load order posted on the FWE description page, I tried my hand at manual ordering according to the order on the FWE description: https://pastebin.com/xZE08QjV Unfortunately it has the same crash. I know there's something wrong in here and I am a giant danghus, but the guide gets a tad muddled near the end. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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