NoMansSky:Reference Guides/Global Files/GCSpaceshipGlobals
Handles many settings regarding spaceships.
General Property Notes
Amongst the full list of properties in this file, here are a few that are known:
- MaximumDistanceFromShipWhenExiting
- Default=10 - maximum distance the player will spawn from the ship when exiting
- MaximumHeightWhenExitingShip
- Default=5 - maximum height the player will spawn when exiting the ship
- HoverTakeoffHeight
- Sets the height the ship will hover at when first taking off from a planet. Lower values=lower height.
- LandingPushNoseUpFactor
- The upwards angle the nose of the ship is pushed during landing.
- AutoEjectOnLanding
- If enabled, this parameter will automatically exit the player from the ship upon landing. Use with caution as this may not always be desired for hazardous environments.
- LandedCockpitFreeLook
- Enables/disables the ability to switch to the "free look" view from within the cockpit when landed.
- NoBoostStationDistance
- Sets the distance from space stations that Boost is disabled.
- NoBoostAnomalyDistance
- Sets the distance from a planet anomaly that Boost is disabled.
- NoBoostSpaceAnomalyDistance
- Sets the distance from a space anomaly that Boost is disabled.
- NoBoostFreighterDistance
- Sets the distance from freighters that Boost is disabled.
- NoBoostShipDistance
- Sets the distance from ships that Boost is disabled.
- NormalModeTakeOffCostMultiplier
- The multiplier used to adjust the fuel cost of taking off from a planet for Normal mode. 0=no cost, 0.5=half the regular cost, 1=normal cost, 2=double cost
- TakeOffCost
- Amount of fuel used for taking off a planet.
- LandingCost
- Amount of fuel used for landing on a planet.
- SurvivalTakeOffCostMultiplier
- The multiplier used to adjust the fuel cost of taking off from a planet for Survival mode.
- MiniWarpSpeed
- Sets the maximum speed for the Pulse warp.
- MiniWarpTopSpeedTime
- The length of time it takes to reach MiniWarpSpeed.
- MiniWarpStoppingMarginPlanet
- The distance Pulse will exit when warping to planets.
- MiniWarpStoppingMarginStation
- The distance Pulse will exit when warping to space stations.
- MiniWarpNoAsteroidRadius
- The distance from the ship that asteroids will not appear during Pulse. This is to prevent asteroid collisions during Pulse. High enough values will cause asteroids to never appear during Pulse.
- BoostNoAsteroidRadius
- The distance from the ship that asteroids will not appear during Boost. This is to prevent asteroid collisions during Boost. High enough values will cause asteroids to never appear during Boost.
- AnomalyStationMaxApproachSpeed
- Sets the maximum speed for approaching the Anomaly Station.
Spaceship Controls
There are currently three different spaceship "control types" called within the global file and each one has its own section to control that specific type. These control types are currently: Control, ControlLight, and ControlHeavy. Each type calls the GcPlayerSpaceshipControlData.xml template.
- Control is assumed to be for normal class ships.
- ControlLight is assumed to be for light-weight class ships.
- ControlHeavy is assumed to be for heavy-weight class ships.
Within each of the three control types, there are three "engines" for setting different control properties within each scenario. The three engines are currently: SpaceEngine, PlanetEngine, and CombatEngine.
- SpaceEngine deals with the ship control while in space.
- PlanetEngine deals with the ship control while on a planet.
- CombatEngine is assumed to deal with the ship control while in combat.
Engine Properties
Within each of the three Engine sections for each of the Control types, there are the same set of properties used for ship controls. These are defined as well as possible below.
- ThrustForce
- The force applied when using the standard thrusters.
- MaxSpeed
- The maximum speed the standard thrusters will reach.
- MinSpeed
- The minimum speed the standard thrusters will reach. Setting to 0 for space will allow full-stops and reversing; for planets it allows hovering.
- Falloff
- Determines how fast the speed from the standard thrusters will fall over time when not in use.
- MinSpeedForce
- The force applied when at the set minSpeed.
- BoostThrustForce
- The force applied when using the Boost.
- BoostMaxSpeed
- The maximum speed the Boost will reach.
- BoostFalloff
- Determines how fast the Boost speed will fall over time when not in use.
- BoostingTurnDamp
- Determines how fast the speed will fall from turning during Boost.
- DirectionBrakeMin
- Not entirely known. Some minimum amount applied for directional brakes.
- DirectionBrake
- Not entirely known. Some default amount applied for directional brakes.
- ReverseBrake
- Determines how fast the speed will fall when Reversing during forward movement.
- OverspeedBrake
- Not entirely known. Possibly the brake applied when exceeding the MaxSpeed setting.
- LowSpeedTurnDamper
- Determines how fast the speed will fall when turning during low speeds.
- TurnBrakeMin
- Determines the minimum of how fast the speed will fall when turning.
- TurnBrakeMax
- Determines the maximum of how fast the speed will fall when turning.
- TurnStrength
- Determines how fast ship will turn.
- RollAmount
- Unknown.
- RollForce
- The force applied when performing a roll. Determines how fast or slow the ship rolls.
- RollAutoTime
- Determines the time it takes for the game to initiate an auto-correct out of a rolled position. It's unknown, however, the length of time for the auto-roll may be determined by BalanceTimeMin and BalanceTimeMax settings.
- BalanceTimeMin
- Unknown. Possibly the minimum amount of time it takes to complete an auto-roll.
- BalanceTimeMax
- Unknown. Possibly the maximum amount of time it takes to complete an auto-roll.
Control Bonuses
Each of the Control Bonus sections deals with the upgrade bonuses for the ship's engine.
- ControlBonusC, ControlBonusB, ControlBonusA, ControlBonusS
- Each of these sections call the GcPlayerSpaceshipClassBonuses.xml template. Their properties are the same properties reflected within each of the "Engines". The difference is the property values within these sections are added to the values from the Engines.