NoMansSky:Reference Guides/Global Files
From Step Mods | Change The Game
Globals File List
These files are the "spinal column" of No Man's Sky. They include each and every setting for the game that is not related to meshes, textures, or game databases. With them users can modify things like wind speed, movement, ship controls, asteroid loot probability, and so much more.
This is the list of the GLOBAL files present directly at the root of the unpacked game files:
- GCAISPACESHIPGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Settings for NPC ships, either pirates, traders for combat or landing operations
- GCATLASGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Some Network Settings (is this still in use ?)
- GCAUDIOGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Audio settings, including Bytebeat ones
- GCBUILDINGGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Base building global settings
- GCCAMERAGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Settings and behaviors of the different game cameras.
- GCCHARACTERGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Player character and NPC movements settings
- GCCREATUREGLOBALS - Creatures related settings
- GCDEBUGOPTIONS.GLOBAL - Very global game settings with a lot of impact on every game aspect
- GCENVIRONMENTGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Planet atmosphere settings, Sun, wind and terrain LODs
- GCFLEETGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Everything about frigates and expeditions
- GCGALAXYGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Every settings related to the Galactic Map
- GCGAMEPLAYGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Settings related to player and NPC interactions with everything
- GCGRAPHICSGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Display settings like light, shadows, DOF blur, vignette effects...
- GCMULTIPLAYERGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Multiplayer and connection settings
- GCPLACEMENTGLOBALS - To be determined
- GCPLAYERGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Lots and lots of settings, more or less related to the player or player objects
- GCROBOTGLOBALS - Everything related to sentinels, drones, quads and walker behaviors
- GCSCENEOPTIONS.GLOBAL - Settings related to old E3 / trailers demo scenes ?
- GCSCRATCHPADGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Some terrain and textures settings
- GCSIMULATIONGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Calls to some files and textures
- GCSKYGLOBALS.GLOBALS - Clouds, Storm and Skies settings, as seen from planets
- GCSMOKETESTOPTIONS.GLOBAL - Planet probes settings used by Hello Games for development ?
- GCSOLARGENERATIONGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Space settings, mostly asteroids ones
- GCSPACESHIPGLOBALS.GLOBAL - All the player ship and some NPC ship settings
- GCTERRAINGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Terrain generation settings
- GCUIGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Everything related to HUD and inventory pages
- GCVEHICLEGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Settings for all the ground vehicles
- GCWATERGLOBALS.GLOBAL - Water specific settings
Descriptions in this color aren't confirmed to be accurate, but are best guesses.