I beg your pardon if this was answered somewhere already, but I haven't found anything about it.
In SR:LE we have Wet and Cold, as well as Extensible Follower Framework. Of the 3 Patches from Extensible Follower Framework Compatibility Collection only the one for Convenient Horses and the one for Auto-Unequip Ammo are used.
Why not the Wet and Cold Patch? Is it redundant to install even if not installing every mod from SR:LE?
I beg your pardon if this was answered somewhere already, but I haven't found anything about it.
In SR:LE we have Wet and Cold, as well as Extensible Follower Framework. Of the 3 Patches from Extensible Follower Framework Compatibility Collection only the one for Convenient Horses and the one for Auto-Unequip Ammo are used.
Why not the Wet and Cold Patch? Is it redundant to install even if not installing every mod from SR:LE?
Thanks in advance :)
Edited by Griwildor2 answers to this question
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