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No stamina regeneration wearing heavy armor TTRSO



Hello everyone, 


I have a new problem... after playing few hours with a rogue, I have launch a new game with an orc berserker-type.

But just starting the game here is the problem : wearing 4 pieces of heavy armor, my stamina don't regenerate at all. I use TTRSO, wich make a 10% malus for each piece of heavy armor weared.

But 0 is a bug for sure....if I remove 1 piece, stamina regenerate well (slowly)...

nothing on the internet about this....any clues ?

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Well, after some test :

-unticking combat evolved and / or deadly combat doesn't change anything

-wearing 2 pieces of heavy armor restore stamine is ok, but no more regeneration after the third one.

-changing birthsign (complete character overhaul) don't help.....

-[complaining mod on] I'm bored sometimes like skyrim is never playable again when you start to mod it too much [complaining mod off]

-I love skyrim too much, otherwise I won't spend so much time too mod it....

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