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Random crash when casting a magic spell


Posted (edited)

So i've been using STEP Extended with 2k textures where possible. After that i began using Vividian ENB with COT, ESS ELFX and RCRN.
Then when i started playing at random times my game crashes when starting to cast a magic spell.
I am not sure if i had this issue before using Vividian becuase i only started playing after installing Vividian.
This is my load order list:

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Edited by Eagleman

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instead of putting the mod list as a block of code can you use spoilers


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First, lets check the memory stuff

Download and install Memory Blocks Log then cause your game to crash (however you want) and then go to the overwrite folder/skse/plugins and share the text that is in the memoryblockslog.log


I doubt Im going to see anything on that one but I might as well make sure.


You dont need the following plugins because of the STEP patch


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I think I can also see that you are missing various Meta rules for loot. Did you check to see if you got all of them.

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Posted (edited)

I removed the plugins you suggested to remove.




I did add all those meta rules to loot, also meta rules with this notice:


Notice: STEP:Extended users: Please DISREGARD the following LOOT Meta Rules at this time. They pertain to interactions between this mod other mods installed downstream in STEP:Extended, so these rules cannot be implemented until those mods are installed. Those mod pages also contain similar LOOT Meta Rule instructions that can be applied later on.


I am now going to test the Memory Blocks Log.


I first ran LOOT to order the plugins then i rebuild the Bash patch becuase i installed the Memory Blocks Log plugin and ran LOOT. Should i re run loot after making the bash patch?

Edited by Eagleman
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Posted (edited)

It just crashed when i was fighting the snow troll at the thousand steps, after switching over to fire destruction (i didnt caste it yet) and after leveling up my game crashed, forcing me to end it with task manager.


Windows did complain a few times in the background that i was running low on RAM but on max usage i only had 6.1GB of ram in use of the 8GB.



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One of the last crashed also had this error about running low on RAM with windows, the windows error came at the same time as the game crash itself.

Edited by Eagleman
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well, found the problem... the skse memory tweaks are not working or are not existing in the skse.ini.

The memory blocks log should be like the following

logging of blocks enabled
logging max values only
Timer disabled
Block1 Block2
512MB    256MB

replace your skse.ini with the following 



If it looks like what is posted above then in the Mo executable arguments

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the memory block log that you shared showed that Block1 size is 256 which shouldn't be the case because the memory patch increases it to 512 which reduces crashes almost completely. 


In other words, you are not using the memory patch because it isn't working. One way that is known to fix it for some people it to add the -forcesteamloader argument. 

Why? I don't know but it works.


Just do what I suggested and try to cause it to crash. I will be surprised if you succeed in causing it to crash 

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Posted (edited)

It crashed after 2 hours of playing:



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This is my in S:\Utilities\Mod Organizer\mods\SKSE\skse.ini file



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Looks like it is still not using the 512mb memory blocks.


Also when trying to load any of my save game it is stuck on the loading screen and after a few seconds task manager says Skyrim is not responding. The game never loads.


A new game seems to work, but i want to be able to play with my save games, I am not going to start over becuase of some silly crash.


EDIT, recovered with the quicksave.ess.bak. However it still crashes when I am in riften, it has something to do with the vampires attacking, when I get near my game crashes.

Edited by Eagleman
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Did you add the argument that I said to add?


Actually place your skse.INI file into the data\skse folder


I don't know why STEP has people do it in MO, it just seems silly to me

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