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Upgrading to GTX 970 but CPU from an i5 to an i7? Is it worth it?


Posted (edited)

Hey guys,

I'm purchasing the GTX 970 4GB for my PC but unfortunately my motherboard is only a tiny bit outdated. I can't put an i7 Haswell in my rig due to the socket. I would have to buy a completely new motherboard. So is it worth it to upgrade my CPU to an Intel i7-3770 @ 3.5 GHz Ivy Bridge? Right now I have the Intel Core i5 3570k CPU @ 3.40 GHz (pretty sure it's the Sandy Bridge). A lot of new games are recommending the i7 Haswell.  :>:(: Can't afford a new motherboard at this point so it's either stick with my i5 or upgrade to the the i7? Is it worth it for future games, or heavily scripted, textured, modded Skyrim? Everyone on Tom's Hardware is telling me to just buy the GTX 970 and be done with it.

And Ram? Currently have 8GB. Upgrade to 16GB?


What do you think?

Edited by acindron

5 answers to this question

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Just the GPU should be fine for now. It's a quick, easy upgrade with immediate benefits for gaming. I just upgraded to a GTX 980 and still have the same i5-3570K as you (Ivy Bridge; Sandy Bridge was the previous generation). Skyrim runs great at 1920x1080 with S.T.E.P., and I've got the quality version of the Vividian ENB on top. Recommendations for the i7 are popping up for some games, but I wouldn't worry about it for games that aren't out yet. If you see reviews for a game you want that's confirmed (by gamers, not just official recommended specs) to be crippled by an older CPU, then you can consider upgrading your CPU/mobo.

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I wouldn't waste your money on an i7 at this point you could wind up spending more for it than a new CPU. i5 is plenty for just about everything I can think of unless you're doing some video editing. 8GB is plenty as well unless you're doing RAM intensive works such as Maya. Most games don't really use much in the way of CPU but mostly use GPU and the majority still only use 2 cores.

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Depends on your timeframes 


1 year until next upgrade 

Only GPU 

2 years 

GPU and CPU Assuming the next gen CPU is actually out by then. At that point the i5 will probably begin to really show its age. 

3 years 



RAM is only vital if you actually do something where it makes sense. This involves multimedia editing, heavy duty CGI working etc. Also just if you like to swap around different programs constantly without any startup time to speak off. 

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The 3570k is just fine, its what I have and no issues. I have mine over clocked of course, so if anything if your running stock invest in a good cooler and pump up your existing.


P.S. 3570k is Ivy Bridge.

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