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Redoran Guards missing heads


Posted (edited)

So as the topic says all the guards in HighRock are missing their heads, I think it has something to do with the Improved Closefaced Helmets mod, I found the installation quite confusing (telling me to install it then telling me that I only needed the folders so it shouldn't be installed).


After reinstalling the mod the helms are back but theres no heads behind them, if anyone could assist me in fixing this it would be much appreciated.


My load order is:

     Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
     Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
     Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
     Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
     Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
     Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
     Cutting Room Floor.esp
     When Vampires Attack.esp
     UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp
     Soul Gems Differ - NW.esp
     Traps Make Noise.esp
     Moss Rocks.esp
     Dual Sheath Redux.esp
     Moss Rocks_DB.esp
     Elemental Staves.esp
     WetandCold - Ashes.esp
     Nausicaa's Tweaker.esp
     Convenient Horses.esp
     UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp
     Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
     Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
     Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
     Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons.esp
     Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
     Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp
     Distant DetailHF.esp
     SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp
     Bring Out Your Dead.esp
     Footprints - Ash.esp
     Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp
     Thieves Guild Requirements.esp
     Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
     Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.esp
     Animated Weapon Enchants.esp
     Lock Overhaul.esp
     Oblivion Gates v3 without Markers - Skyrim + Dawnguard DLC.esp
     SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp
     Run For Your Lives.esp
     UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
     UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp
     Point The Way.esp
     SDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Trundra Creeks.esp
     Dead Body Collision.esp
     RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
     RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp
     SFO - Dragonborn.esp
     Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
     SBF All In One + DLC.esp
     RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp
     The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
     RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp
     RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp
     dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
     Gildergreen Regrown.esp
     SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp
     dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
     Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
     Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp
     STEP Extended Patch.esp
     Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
     Bashed Patch, 0.esp
     Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
Edited by Lazerah
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Posted (edited)

Well It appears I fixed it, I'm not even 100% sure how but I'll edit this in a minute with roughly what I did in case someone in future hits the same issue. Thanks everyone especially hishutup for your support, really pushed me in the right direction to help me figure this out.


Edit: So as I found on a sticky on the Skyre compatability patch mod page I attempted to edit all the files with TES5Edit to make it work and I think I did it wrong, so i completely uninstalled the patcher and any reproccer files, then I reinstalled the original reproccer file from Skyre, then installed the reproccer again and ran it all through.


Then on a wim before adding the other compatability patches I went back and reinstalled weapons and armor fixes making sure I did it correctly to work with closefaced helmets. Then I realised I forgot to change the esps for ICFH to optional so I did that, rebuilt everything and it worked.


Now all that is left for me to do is install the patches anyway as I think their pretty important, hopefully they won't undo the fix or I'll have to uninstall them again I guess.


Tried adding the patches back and it's broken again so guess I'm running without them.


Final Edit: Tried a few times to put the reproccer/skyre patches in but it only broke the helmets again and again so finally I've given up on it. I wasn't using them before and only noticed the helmet issue, so now I've fixed that part I hope I should be ok.


Again thanks for the help guys.

Edited by Lazerah
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Posted (edited)

I just noticed one thing quick. You dont need Realistic Water Two dragonborn.esp and dawngaurd.esp because you have the legendary one (Dawnguard + Dragonborn) which includes the DLC. You can remove RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp, RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp and RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp




Notice:The following can be safely deactivated or moved to Optional ESPs if using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch and the STEP Patches.

remove all your SMIM .esp since you are using the STEP extended patch.




I am curious why UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp is loading before UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp.


This is what is in the STEP extended patch: https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP_Extended_Patch_Changelog


so you can also remove - From Even Better Quest Objectives (because its all in the STEP extended patch also

  • BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp
  • BetterQuestObjective-CuttingRoomFloor.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-NECPatch.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp

this how LOOT sorts my setup.


Active Mod Files:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by D1Z4STR
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Posted (edited)


Nothing that you said above wouldn't actually fix the issue... But I guess it is informing him.



I guess lets start here


Are you using the correct Improved Closefaced Helmets for WAF



Oh, I see a few mods that you need to patch (not download)... I hope you know how to do that because you are going to have to research that yourself.

One example:


Edited by hishutup
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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the responses, D1Z4STR just fixed those issues, was pretty stressed following STEP so I missed those somehow, for some reason even after running loot the ufo load order was still wrong so I added load after instructions on the dlc variants.



Just working on patching COT with AOS now, if you spot any more that I'd need comparability patches for feel free to say it'd be a big help.


And I assume i'm using the correct ICH for WAF, I followed this page https://wiki.step-project.com/Improved_Closefaced_Helmets#Recommendations although the bit about installing but then not installing and just having the meshes confused me so I may have done that bit wrong.

Edited by Lazerah
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Posted (edited)

Can you show the new load order

Can you provided pics


And if you can with the console open and select an npc with a missing head

Edited by hishutup
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Posted (edited)

Probably a silly question but is there an easy way to post a load order from Mod Organizer or loot easily or do I have to write it all out? And do you want pics of the load order or the guys with missing heads? 


And I can use the console to select the guys with missing heads, anything you want me to do with that or?

Edited by Lazerah
  • 0
  On 10/8/2014 at 10:35 PM, Lazerah said:

Probably a silly question but is there an easy way to post a load order from Mod Organizer or loot easily or do I have to write it all out? And do you want pics of the load order or the guys with missing heads? ...

The loadorder is saved in MO as a *.txt file called loadorder.txt in your Mod OrganizerprofilesDefaultloadorder.txt or if you have set up a profile, substitute 'Default' with the profile name. e.g. Mod OrganizerprofilesGrognak the Barabarianloadorder.txt.

Actually there are more useful saved options in each of those files in your 'Profiles' folders.


Another useful tool that is being developed now is Modwat.ch. It uploads your loadorder, plugins list and your ini files so you can just post a link.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/8/2014 at 11:01 PM, GrantSP said:

The loadorder is saved in MO as a *.txt file called loadorder.txt in your Mod OrganizerprofilesDefaultloadorder.txt or if you have set up a profile, substitute 'Default' with the profile name. e.g. Mod OrganizerprofilesGrognak the Barabarianloadorder.txt.

Actually there are more useful saved options in each of those files in your 'Profiles' folders.


Another useful tool that is being developed now is Modwat.ch. It uploads your loadorder, plugins list and your ini files so you can just post a link.

Looked into that file, it seems to be wrong as I turned off the SMIM.esps and a few other ones that D1Z4STR suggested but here you go. (Or I'm just really dumb and am doing wrong)


This is my newest load order, went back to check how I installed the amidian content addon and the improved closefaced mods and I did mess them up somewhat, after fixing them loaded the game (surprised my save is still loading properly) and everything seems fine, but the heads are still invisible inside the helmets.

  Reveal hidden contents

Edited by Lazerah
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Posted (edited)

You know I'm learning more and more about MO as I do this.


De/activating esps/esms in the right-hand pane modifies the plugins.txt, AND the loadorder.txt, and the files listed in it, plugins.txt, are a more accurate depiction of what is actually loaded. Have a look at a stripped down profile I have to see what I mean. The 'Plugins' button shows the data from the plugins.txt.


Loadorder.txt seems to be a bit of a misnomer as it doesn't actually display the 'load order'. This is a list of files that the engine sees, I think, as it lists esms/esps that aren't 'loaded', according to MO, but ordinarily they would be. Things like esps that load the Hi-Res Textures.

The LOOT results also include those files as 'loaded' and sorted.


The plugins.txt shows what is actually checked in the right-hand pane.


The 'ModList' button shows the modlist.txt which is a list of the "installed" mods, even if they aren't activated. As you can see they are a few there that I am experimenting with as they do much the same thing. Night-eye being the current experiment.


Perhaps the two lists are needed to sync how MO and outside tools, LOOT, Wrye Bash, etc., see those files?

Edited by GrantSP
  • 0

no D1Z4STR was correct on removing those


In the main menu (Continue, New Game, Load , etc.)

open the console

type "coc whiterunorigin" without quotes

and tell me if you still see missing heads

If they are still missing continue reading....



I think your guess is wrong but try it

just disable that esp and all dependencies 

test it


If that doesn't work try disabling skyre, the mods that are related to skyre and any dependencies




I still kinda want those screenshots with the console up and the busted NPC selected.

report back




As for the pic you can use flickr, imgur, if you know how you can upload directly to STEP(pretty easy).

To do this... right next to the reply button there is one called [More Reply Options]

Click it then choose the files then just attach the files.



As for the patching

You should probably take a look at that yourself...

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/8/2014 at 11:43 PM, hishutup said:

no D1Z4STR was correct on removing those


In the main menu (Continue, New Game, Load , etc.)

open the console

type "coc whiterunorigin" without quotes

and tell me if you still see missing heads

If they are still missing continue reading....



I think your guess is wrong but try it

just disable that esp and all dependencies 

test it


If that doesn't work try disabling skyre, the mods that are related to skyre and any dependencies




I still kinda want those screenshots with the console up and the busted NPC selected.

report back




As for the pic you can use flickr, imgur, if you know how you can upload directly to STEP(pretty easy).

To do this... right next to the reply button there is one called [More Reply Options]

Click it then choose the files then just attach the files.



As for the patching

You should probably take a look at that yourself...

Didn't say he was wrong I followed what he said.


Did what you said and teleported to Whiterunorigin on a fresh save and the guards seemed fine, teleporting to Ravenrock the heads are still invisible inside the helmets. Here's a screenshot https://gyazo.com/3abf5473a8f5dfaa28498211ff6a2db7


Already patched some of the mods that i've noticed conflicts with, loot hasn't told me of any others and after looking around there aren't any that stick out for me.


Now I'm going to try disabling skyre esps but I'm not sure that it would make a difference, disabling the esps for the content addon did nothing, but i fixed that install now anyway.


Heres my latest loadorder thanks to GrantSP helping me find it:P


  Reveal hidden contents

Edited by Lazerah
  • 0
Posted (edited)

oh... Thats what you mean...


Do you have anything that modify Raven rock...



OR better yet... for the AMidianBorn Content addon are you using the other version that is in the mod folder


aMidianBorn - Content AddonImproved Closefaced Helmets versionaMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp


replace that one with the one in the root(or main) folder

Edited by hishutup
  • 0
  On 10/8/2014 at 11:59 PM, hishutup said:

oh... Thats what you mean...


Do you have anything that modify Raven rock...



OR better yet... for the AMidianBorn Content addon are you using the other version that is in the mod folder

I've not actually played the Dragonborn dlc before so to my knowledge I haven't downloaded anything that changes it more than fixes suggested by STEP or a mod that has a dawnguard plugin. I don't know what you mean by using the other version in my folder?

  • 0
Posted (edited)

I edited the post but on the AMidianBorn Book of Silence mod page


WAYYYYY at the bottom(not rock bottom)

The first MO note reads:




MO Users: To install the Content Addon:
  • Choose "Manual" at the installation prompt
  • Untick aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp
  • Click the arrow next to Improved Closefaced Helmets Version
  • Click and drag the aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp file found under Improved Closefaced Helmets Version up to the <data> folder at the top of the pane
  • Now click "Ok" to install Content Addon
  • Place this mod directly under the aMidianBorn Book of Silence mod/s in the left pane of Mod Organizer (Priority Column)
Edited by hishutup

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