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[CTD] fresh 2.2.9 installation


Posted (edited)


I just finished installing STEP 2.2.9 Core with MO, but now I get a CTD right after the Skyrim logo of the main menu appears.

I need help from you to understand what may be the problem and how to fix it, because I don't have the necessary know-how to do it myself, so thanks for your attention.


Here's the loadorder.txt:


  Reveal hidden contents



Here's the modlist.txt:


  Reveal hidden contents



Here's my system specs (this should be more than OK for the baseline):


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I followed the guide's instructions, installed all the mod listed except for "The Choice is Yours", did the Bashed Patch (2.N) and installed Dual Sheath Redux, Better Shaped Weapons and Forse New Idles in Skyrim (also from 2.N). The game was running fine up to step 2.C (I tested it after finished installing ENBoost), then I didn't tested again until I completed step 2.N.


If you need any other information, just ask.

Edited by OniNoSeishin

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Bring Out Your Dead is an Extended mod if you are aiming at strictly Core. Either way, make sure you have Cutting Room Floor and Bring Out Your Dead installed and active for the version you mentioned. Meaning after you activate Consistent Older People, you'll also have to activate Bring Out Your Dead or you'll CTD.


If you don't want BOYD in your Core profile you'll need to install the Consistent Older People All NPCs CRF Compatible main file as well. I have both installed in MO...one for Core and the other is for Extended.

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I forgot to re-enable CRF and BOYD, that's why Consistent Older People crashed the game.


I got no more crashes until "Soul Gems Differ", at which point the game crashed again. During the installation of SGD, i chose "No" to "Are you using Requiem?", "sort-friendly and weighted" to "Mod Version Options" and "STEP Installation Options" to "Choose your install option". After that, it shows another page which lists all the options selected. I compared that list to this one and they're the same.


Stucked again :


ps: anyway, thanks for the help so far!

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Interesting...Soul Gems Differ should not crash your game. As long as you don't install the Requiem version, it's not reliant on any other mods. It's simply a standalone mod with one ESP and some meshes and textures. Are you using a language specific version of Skyrim (german, chinese, etc)?


I redownloaded that mod and reinstalled it in the manner you described without issue. The game loaded fine. Will you redownload the mod just incase it is corrupted. Also, if you are using MO v1.2.10 update it to version 1.2.11 because there is a bug with the FOMOD Installer in version 1.2.10.

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Redownloaded & installed, same issue. MO is version 1.2.11


Yes, actually I'm using the Italian version of Skyrim. I noticed this in SGD's file description: "[...] Localized version (English, French, Japanese, German) [...]", so maybe the language settings of the mod causes problems with other languages? If so, how do I properly change Skyrim's language? And more: any way to fix this without having to translate the mod?

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Okay, this is the second time this issue and cropped up. The first using fixed like this:


I was starting up Skyrim after a fresh install + STEP Core and some of the Extended mods, but alas I had an instant CTD. So I checked at Wrye Bash, and it wasn't happy with the mod in topic (Soul Gems Differ): Wrye reported "String Localization Files missing". So I checked the mod folder and noticed that it missed STRING files for my language (to be specific, Italian). As a quick fix I just copied the English files and slammed an "Italian" in front of them instead of "English". CTD Solved and Wrye Bash is happy.


I'm going to send this one to the staff as a priority fix since I have no idea how to create the needed files.

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