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[CTD] fresh 2.2.9 installation


Posted (edited)


I just finished installing STEP 2.2.9 Core with MO, but now I get a CTD right after the Skyrim logo of the main menu appears.

I need help from you to understand what may be the problem and how to fix it, because I don't have the necessary know-how to do it myself, so thanks for your attention.


Here's the loadorder.txt:


  Reveal hidden contents



Here's the modlist.txt:


  Reveal hidden contents



Here's my system specs (this should be more than OK for the baseline):


  Reveal hidden contents



I followed the guide's instructions, installed all the mod listed except for "The Choice is Yours", did the Bashed Patch (2.N) and installed Dual Sheath Redux, Better Shaped Weapons and Forse New Idles in Skyrim (also from 2.N). The game was running fine up to step 2.C (I tested it after finished installing ENBoost), then I didn't tested again until I completed step 2.N.


If you need any other information, just ask.

Edited by OniNoSeishin

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I'm happy to report a new version of Soul Gems Differ will be uploaded shortly with properly translated Italian string files curiosity of TheCompiler, the guy who started STEP! Thank you TC!



Please update when it is available.

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Posted (edited)

No red warnings on the Plugin tab, but here's the situation:

- the HR texture pack's esps from bethesda are unchecked (i unchecked them and checked the corresponding bsa in Archives tab, as stated at some point in the guide; is this right?)

- BWS.esp (Better Weapon Swing Sound) is checked but has a brush icon next to it (MO says it's a dummy, and suggest to uncheck it and let him manage the archives)

- Traps Make Noise.esp is unchecked

- all the other are checked


Also, MO addresses a "Potential Mod order Problem", but i didn't let him fix it because I wanted to keep the order as installed. Some mod-specific instructions say to move the order of the mod, so i though to leave them as they are when not mentioned. May this be the problem?

Edited by OniNoSeishin
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Posted (edited)

Have you added all the LOOT meta rules and run LOOT? I can see you haven't disabled the SMIM esps either, but then again you also don't seem to have the STEP: Core patch installed. I don't think that would cause CTD's though.

Edited by AUT2M
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  On 8/27/2014 at 2:52 PM, OniNoSeishin said:

Yes I have. No STEP:Core Patch, I wanted to use only STEP:Core.

You should still install the Core Patch if you're using STEP: Core.

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  On 8/27/2014 at 3:06 PM, TechAngel85 said:

None of that sounds like the problem. Do you have SKSE and ENBoost installed and set up correctly?

Yes, I tested it right after installing ENBoost and it started without problems (top left corner showed ENBoost text; no text for skse, but I don't know if it's supposed to show anything).

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I followed this guide to install SKSE, and the skse.ini is in the "skse 1 07 01" mod that the guide made me do. I am launching the game through SKSE's executable in MO (which automatically detected and added SKSE to the dropdown list).

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Posted (edited)



I have a vanilla profile. Just tried launching it through SKSE in MO and no CTD, although I can't find any text about SKSE (the ENBoost's text still displays on vanilla profile, this should be because ENBoost is installed in the REAL skyrim folder so MO can't manage it, right?).



Edited by OniNoSeishin
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Stable uGridToLoad should just after SKSE and Distant Decal Fix should be before Unofficial Skyrim Patch in your load order, but that's probably not causing this.


My suggestion at this point is the deactivate all the mods in the Core profile (right click>All mods>Disable all visible), then reactivate them section by section loading the game after each section until you CTD. This will narrow down the list to a set of mods that could be causing this.

Also, make sure you're running the right version of Consistent Older People. One version has to be used with Core and another with Extended, so if you're running the wrong one it could CTD.

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Posted (edited)

I deactivated all the mod in reverse order, and activated 1 by 1 again. I get a CTD as soon as i enable Consistent Older People (I downloaded and installed "Consistent Older People 22 All NPCs CRF BOYD Compatible", as I had also BOYD).


What now?

Edited by OniNoSeishin

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