Hi all, to start I hope this is the proper forum for this thread~
I recently completed an SR:LE install, briefly tested, and went on to install REGS. As of now I am at the SR:LE - REGS conflict resolution step and in the process of making my REGS - SRLE Patch.
I will admit, I learned how to make the patch through TES5Edit initially via following SR:LE, and then a bit of laziness hit me and I simply downloaded the pre-made patch.
However, I encountered an odd error within the SR Conflict Resolution.esp patch.
Here is the TES5Edit bug report. (Probably redundant, details below)
date/time : 2014-07-02, 19:34:24, 226ms
computer name : MKGDY-DESK
user name : Mkgdy
registered owner : Mkgdy
operating system : Windows 8 x64 build 9200
system language : English
system up time : 16 days 22 hours
program up time : 27 minutes 53 seconds
processors : 8x Intel® Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz
physical memory : 7591/12286 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 16.27 GB (D:) 413.93 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $1270
allocated memory : 1.63 GB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2013-10-05 04:14
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $b421e453, $2859942f, $3a67e996
exception number : 1
exception class : Exception
exception message : Found a LGTM reference, expected: IMGS.
I'm not sure if that's helpful, so here is basically what I have found:
SR Conflict Resolution Patch.esp a "LGTM" reference in Cell Block 3 Sub-Block 5 000CAB91 WinterholdCollegeHallofAttainment under "XCIM - Image Space". The error I received when following the REGS - SRLE conflict resolution patch (Referenced below) stated TES5Edit expected an "IMGS" reference but received an "LGTM" reference.
Every .esp record contains "FarmInteriorIS [imgS:00059B60]" up until Ele-Interior Lighting Merged.esp, which contains "JZWinterholdInt_IS [imgS:AF02D651]". Followed by the downloaded SR Conflict Resolution.esp which contains "JZDB_DefaultDun_LT [LGTM:AF02D5F1]".
When I cross-referenced the SRLE conflict resolution wiki page, it doesn't reference the XCIM header, rather simply copy the ELE - Interior Lighting Merged.esp record, followed by a DATA record from the USKP.
Could I have perhaps done something wrong, or is the SR Conflict Resolution patch outdated and/or referencing the wrong image space?
This has been a great learning experience so far, going through both SR:LE and REGS. Thank you all who are involved!
Conflict Resolution: Use record from ELE-Interior Lighting Merged.esp then move the DATA - Flags records from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp. Remove the XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region record. Problem Resolved: Fix from unofficial patches were not properly forwarded.
Hi all, to start I hope this is the proper forum for this thread~
I recently completed an SR:LE install, briefly tested, and went on to install REGS. As of now I am at the SR:LE - REGS conflict resolution step and in the process of making my REGS - SRLE Patch.
I will admit, I learned how to make the patch through TES5Edit initially via following SR:LE, and then a bit of laziness hit me and I simply downloaded the pre-made patch.
However, I encountered an odd error within the SR Conflict Resolution.esp patch.
Here is the TES5Edit bug report. (Probably redundant, details below)
date/time : 2014-07-02, 19:34:24, 226ms
Conflict Resolution: Use record from ELE-Interior Lighting Merged.esp then move the DATA - Flags records from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp. Remove the XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region record.
Problem Resolved: Fix from unofficial patches were not properly forwarded.
REGS Conflict Reference (per wiki)
Cell Block 3 Sub-Block 5 000CAB91 WinterholdCollegeHallofAttainment
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