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step 2.2.7 and Interesting NPCs



Hello step-community,


I bought Skyrim L.E. some days ago and wanted to give it a first try. However, not without modding the game reasonably, i.e. close to Vanilla in the sense of no content-add-ons. Unoff. Patches, etc. drew my attention and I came across step 2.2.7. which has me attemtping now to outfit skyrim with all the core-mods indicated there ACCORDING To PROCEDURE. For as I understand, STEP aims at refining the vanilla skyrim mostly.

Now, there's one content-mod that I decided to integrate into the game and that is 'Interesting NPCs'. As the step installation procedure is rather diligent and rigorous I shy but as of now to proceed with that. Thus I wonder whether some of you could give good advice on how and WHEN to integrate the mod into a 2.2.7 core-mod installation.

As I am using MO I am aware that there might be options to minimize the risk of screwing up the install - so if noone indeed has experience with integrating the mod, a word on how to safely test it, would be much appreciated.


Thank you, last but not least for your effort here

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12 answers to this question

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I could be wrong here but, as far as I know Interesting NPCs is one of those mods that, while quite large, does not modify any vanilla content and should not interfere with anything here in STEP (though something tells me there's probably some sort of patch for it, everything has a patch nowadays it seems lol)


I would say to go ahead and get STEP core set up and running, test for stability in game, and then throw Interesting NPCs in there. You are using MO, which means that if any files do conflict you will see them more than likely. If you do see a conflict arise then most of the time you can handle the conflict by setting the mod priority in mod organizer.

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Thank you for your advice, deathneko11. In a thread about half a year ago https://forum.step-project.com/showthread.php?tid=2389 the advice was to put it in load order before lighting mods.

I didn't find the descriptions of those mods indicated in step 2.2.7. so i am a bit at odds whether the headers might have changed - or in general which are the mods that fall under the heading from back then 'lighting mods' - can you tell?

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i wanted to take the opportunity to say thanks to the people responsible for the step built-up. i followed procedure - as Skyrim-first-timer - and it works very fine so far. (a flying mammoth.... well, blame it on Magicka...). installing the basic setup:Configurations/Ini, then Boss, BUM, MO, SkSE and Tes5Edit, then installing all core-mods and cleaning up afterwards took some time and required attention but worked smoothly in the end. Thanks deathneko for the helpful intros to be found on youtube.

- the most laboursome part of the installation was perhaps related to one or the other mod:

Skyrim redesigned had this oddly packed format so what I did was to first unpack it and then manually copy the step-recommended texture files to a new folder with the structure: data-textures- and two subfolders thereafter: clutter and objects to which I attributed the textures. Then repacked and installation via MO worked but I know e.g. to 'clutter' and 'objects' there were in the original package still some more subfolders. Should replacement via MO have worked that way? (i upload it here, but it's 10.000kb, so pm.)

- harkening back to the installation of further mods: like the 'interesting npcs' in the thread title:

does it work to install such a mod last in order under the given profile, enable - start Skse and then continue an old session? Or does that require to launch a new game? (Would one be even safer off to copy the existing profile and install the mod under this new/copied profile with one savega exported from the old one?)

Thanks for remarks. Best



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Yeah you can use the copy function with MO profiles then check the local savegames. Make a copy of the save from the first profile and move it into the new one, this is done in windows explorer. Then activate Interesting NPCs or any other mods you want to test.


I do this quite often. I make a STEP Core, STEP Extended, STEP CORE Test, ... that way I can switch back and forth quick quickly. Remember to get everything out of your Overwrite directory first before making a new profile. You can right-click on the Overwrite and check 'make a mod' which will move the files in Overwrite to a mod folder that must be checked like your other installed mods, so rename it something that is connected to that profile. This prevents having to do things like rerunning your SkyProc or Bashed Patches again every time you switch a profile.

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Hmm.. I find it difficult to understand what's up with my overwrite folder in MO. I waded through guides and threads and here's the question:


1. I did as you said, EssArrBee, and went to the original profile that has the step 2.2.7 core mod applied and before copying this I selected the overwrite folder, right-clicked, create mod, {enter name} --- Result: the overwrite folder is now empty. However, the 'mod' which I created from its previous content is flagged: (white cross in red square:) no valid game data.


If that's alright and the proper base for copying the profile.... forget I wrote another line.


//2. I took a look at the stuff in the overwrite folder and then I glanced at the MO-wiki-guide: overwrite section. There it basically says: 'overwrite' is a temporary working folder in MO and it is working correctly if it is eventually empty. - It's working not correctly, if data resides there permanently/after the mod-setup process. Further: Reason for MO not working correctly can be third party programs which hinder MO to redirect the data it processes out of the overwrite folder.


3. I find that the residual data in the overwrite folder is related to third party program: tes5edit. in the overwrite folder are 'backups' (example: 'Dawnguard.esm.backup.2013_11_21_23_04_35') of all files that were cleaned by tes5edit.


4. I assume that MO does not work correctly by containing these files in the overwrite folder. From what I saw the step 2.2.7 guide, the step tes5edit mod cleaning guide (https://wiki.step-project.com/TES5Edit#Mod_Cleaning) and the TES5Edit Mod Cleaning Tutorial (https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/TES5Edit_Mod_Cleaning_Tutorial) do not provide an answer as how to correct this issue with Mo and TEs5edit.


5. I stumbled upon two other guides that particularly adress this situation however:

https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited ------------ under: Clean The Bethesda ESMs

https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition -- under: Clean The Bethesda ESMs

Problem here: The two guides differ in description of the problem and on how to proceed to solve it. (That might be due to particular subject and intent they are dealing with and that I'm not aware of: Skyrim Revisited - SR Legendary Edition). However, in a thread where a user tried to apply the instructions from 'Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited' confusion amassed and I'm not sure it got settled: https://forum.step-project.com/showthread.php?tid=961&page=2


6. In case Neovalen's instructions can be read as to supplement instructions on TES5Edit Mod-Cleaning using MO - do they also apply to the step core setup?


I'll leave it here, because if they don't, adressing these instructions won't make much sense. Can you or anyone tell?

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1) No valid game data means that you didn't have anything in there that mattered. It was just probably text files and stuff that isn't going to be used by the game. Usually if you make a Bashed Patch or some SkyProc patches it will put those in Overwirte and then you can make the mod and it will look like all the rest.


2,3&4) There is no conflict, the files you moved were copies of the cleaned plugins incase you want to revert back to them, but they are not technically game data, that would be plugins, textures, meshes,... You don't really need the backup plugins unless you are super anal about that stuff, but I doubt you will ever want to revert to the old Dawnguard.esm with dirty edits.


5&6) Again you do not need to worry about those files. I was mentioning the process to remove things from the Overwrite directory because many users use Wrye Bash through MO to generate a Bashed Patch, and also, STEP Extended uses a SkyProc patch for Dual Sheath Redux. Both of those plugins end up in the Overwrite directory, but if you want to make a new profile then you will need a Bashed Patch and SkyProc patch for that profile. The Overwrite directory carries over from profile to profile, so it is best to clear it out before switch profiles. If you only have a few backup plugins which you will probably never use or some text files then ignore the procedure. What you are trying to do with the Overwrite directory is remove game assets like plugins, textures, meshes, animations if you run FNIS

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Thank you. That is making things so much easier. ( I got really side-tracked by https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neoval...ry_Edition - was a perfect fit with the scenario-description under 

'Clean the Bethesda Esms' - but at least when reading it isolated from the overall SR-setup: it no make no sense .)


When you write: quote: - but if you want to make a new profile then you will need a Bashed Patch and SkyProc patch for that profile - ... I understand: anything that goes beyond step-core setup (when using MO) requires those patches. I don't think you mean it quite that strict but speak from experience (regarding popular extensions such as 'Dual sheathe Redux' for example.) (1: in the new profile will I have to move Dual Sheath Redux (on MO-load-order list) to the position indicated in the step 2.2.7 guide, then enable?)


In a previous post in this thread deathneko wrote:  - I could be wrong here but, as far as I know Interesting NPCs is one of those mods that, while quite large, does not modify any vanilla content and should not interfere with anything here in STEP (though something tells me there's probably some sort of patch for it, everything has a patch nowadays it seems lol) - Here he speaks of a bashed patch or a skyproc patch I assume. To sort things out: using such a patch implies that the respective programmes are installed in MO? - Well at least with Wyre Bash for Skyproc is in each case just the title of the respective Java library-type used (if I got it) and thus just requires an up to date java.

(2: So, first step going beyond step core: install wyre bash and insert it as executable in MO? - The rest then can be found in Wyre-bash-, bashed patch guides and exp. threads, I take it.

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Thanks for telling me. I was trying to reconcile the advice in your post with that of EssArrBee. Simply: While you initially mentioned no further prerequisites to adding 'Interesting NPCs' to a core setup, EssArrBee did ('if you want to make a new profile then you will need a Bashed Patch and SkyProc patch for that profile')

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