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TESV.exe hangs on load from MO



Hello all - I'm just coming back to Skyrim and have spent a week learning about MO and installing/configuring mods. Unfortunately, if I start SKSE or just Skyrim from MO the TESV.exe hangs in perpetuity and never reaches the bethesda logo. I think I've figured out what's happening via the ModOrganizer log (after trying hours of other possible fixes - always check the log first, doh!)


Here's a snippet - it appears that .ini files are being looked for that don't exist and hanging TESV, maybe? Does anyone know a fix?

Thank you for your time -


"DEBUG (14:09:33.0785): all hooks installed

INFO (14:09:33.0785): injection done

DEBUG (14:09:34.0363): create directory C:\Users\COSMOS\AppData\Local\Skyrim\ -> C:\Users\COSMOS\AppData\Local\Skyrim\

DEBUG (14:09:34.0378): create directory C:\Users\COSMOS\Documents\My Games\ -> C:\Users\COSMOS\Documents\My Games\

DEBUG (14:09:34.0394): create directory C:\Users\COSMOS\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ -> C:\Users\COSMOS\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\

DEBUG (14:09:34.0394): get file attributes: C:\Users\COSMOS\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.INI -> D:\GAMES\ModOrganizer\profiles\Default\Skyrim.INI: 20

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games: GAMES (10)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games\valve: VALVE (10)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games\valve\steam.dll: Steam.dll (20)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): get file version size d:\GAMES\VALVE\Steam.dll -> d:\GAMES\VALVE\Steam.dll -> 1612

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): get file version w d:\GAMES\VALVE\Steam.dll -> d:\GAMES\VALVE\Steam.dll: 1

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games: GAMES (10)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games\valve: VALVE (10)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games\valve\steam.dll: Steam.dll (20)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\GAMES\VALVE\steam.cfg: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex steam.cfg: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games: GAMES (10)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games\valve: VALVE (10)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\games\valve\steam.dll: Steam.dll (20)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\GAMES\VALVE\ClientRegistry.blob: ClientRegistry.blob (20)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0503): findfirstfileex d:\GAMES\VALVE\ClientRegistry.blob: ClientRegistry.blob (20)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0519): findfirstfileex d:\GAMES\VALVE\ClientRegistry.blob: ClientRegistry.blob (20)

DEBUG (14:09:34.0519): findfirstfileex d:\GAMES\VALVE\ClientRegistry.blob: ClientRegistry.blob (20)

INFO (14:09:34.0690): archive list limit removed at 00AFEE53

DEBUG (14:09:34.0784): createfile w: C:\Users\COSMOS\AppData\Local\Skyrim\.\Plugins.txt -> D:\GAMES\ModOrganizer\profiles\Default\Plugins.txt (80000000 - 3) = 000002B4 (0)

DEBUG (14:09:36.0656): findfirstfileex Data\Update.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:36.0671): Data\Update.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:38.0497): findfirstfileex Data\Unofficial Skyrim Patch.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:38.0497): Data\Unofficial Skyrim Patch.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:40.0400): findfirstfileex Data\Dawnguard.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:40.0400): Data\Dawnguard.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:42.0303): findfirstfileex Data\Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:42.0303): Data\Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:44.0253): findfirstfileex Data\HearthFires.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:44.0253): Data\HearthFires.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:46.0094): findfirstfileex Data\Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:46.0094): Data\Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:48.0091): findfirstfileex Data\Dragonborn.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:48.0091): Data\Dragonborn.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:49.0729): findfirstfileex Data\Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:49.0729): Data\Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:51.0398): findfirstfileex Data\ApachiiHair.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:51.0398): Data\ApachiiHair.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:53.0285): findfirstfileex Data\Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:53.0285): Data\Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:55.0267): findfirstfileex Data\ClimatesOfTamriel.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:55.0267): Data\ClimatesOfTamriel.INI doesn't exist, no further queries

DEBUG (14:09:56.0936): findfirstfileex Data\Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.INI: nothing found (2)

DEBUG (14:09:56.0936): Data\Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.INI doesn't exist, no further queries"

10 answers to this question

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Other, maybe, helpful notes: I've uninstalled all ENBs, I might have a few things lurking in my original Steam Data folder for Skyrim but I don't think so. Steam is on and I'm logged in (but I'm offline), I made sure TESV.exe is in administrator mode along with SKSE_loader.exe. My profile settings are set to Default and I do not have automatic archive invalidation checked. Thanks you all in advance for any help you can offer - I can't imagine going back to NMM or manually dropping mods into the Data folder after seeing the beauty of MO - even if, with my slow HDDs, it takes awhile to load 200 mods ;)

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Most likely a load order or mod problem.


I'm trying to put together basic troubleshooting guide for the MO wiki. If you are feeling brave you can try the following. Any feedback would be appreciated:




Please ignore some of my notes (note Needs to be expanded more). This is a rough draft and not complete.


The Game will not start.


Isolate Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini as a problem and check that the Virtual File System is working.


Create a clean profile:

The first thing to do is to create a clean profile without any mods other than Skyrim.esm and Update.esm enabled and vanilla Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini.


Go to the profile manager, the ID card button, and click on it to open the profile manager. Click the create button on the top right to create a new profile.


In the dialog that pops up give the profile a name and put a check in the box next to "Default Game Settings". Mod Organizer will create a default Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini independent from the ones in C:\Users\(User Name)\Documents\my games\skyrim.


Click OK to exit that dialog and since this is a test profile, put a check in the "Local Savegames" box and click close to exit the manage profiles dialog. This will isolate any save game files from the main save folder.


Disable mod check:

Switch to the new profile from the dropdown selector on the top of the left pane. There should not be any mods selected when switched to this profile in the left pane and only the default game files will show up in the right pane along with the DLC and anything that is in the overwrite folder.


If anything is selected in the left pane then right click in there and select "Disable All Visible" to deselect all mods. In the right pane, right click and select from the fly out menu "Disable All". All mods should now be disabled with only the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm selected, the default behavior of Mod Organizer, if the setting has not been changed in options. If the setting has been changed in options then enable both Skyrim.esm  and Update.esm now.


Verify that the Skyrim launcher works:

Go to the run dropdown and select from the options "Skyrim Launcher" and click the run button. Mod Organizer will close and run the Game launcher. This is the default behavior if the executable has not been modified in the Modify Executables dialog.


Does the launcher start?

No. Possible solutions:

Try to start the launcher outside of MO. The launcher should always be run once outside of Mod Organizer on a fresh install or when the game cache has been verified. This is to set up registry settings for other programs to find the game.


Does the launcher run now?

No. This is a Steam problem, verify the game cache from the Steam program.

(note; Needs to be expanded more. Collect information).

Yes. Continue below.


Setup the game INI files:

In the launcher window select "Options" and check that the information is correct for the system. Correct anything that is wrong. When finished click OK to exit the options dialog. This will set up the canned ini files that were created for the clean profile for your system.


Simple check to see if Mod Organizers Virtual File System (VFS) is working:

Click Data Files and check that the mods shown match what was displayed in Mod Organizers right pane, minus Skyrim.esm and update.esm, and that they are not enabled. Disable them if they are. This is a simple check of the Mod Organizer VFS. The only mods that should be there should be the files from the vanilla data directory, the DLC files, any ESPs in the MO overwrite folder. Click Ok and then exit to go back to MO.


Were there any files there?

No. Either you do not have any DLC or ESPs in the overwrite folder or the VFS is not working.

Enable a mod in the left pane and repeat the launcher and data files check.

Are the files there?

No. Mod Organizer may need to be reinstalled. Guide:Mod Organizer -Installation

Repeat the above check.

Did it work?

No. Submit a ticket on the Issue tracker.

Yes. Continue below.


Click Exit to close the Skyrim launcher.


Start Skyrim without SKSE:

In the run dialog select Skyrim as the program to launch and press the run button. Does the game start?

No. Possible solutions:

Run Tesv.exe from the game folder or Steam.  (note; Needs to be expanded more. No / yes solutions.)

Run the game from Steam.

Verify the Steam App ID in Mod Organizer settings, Workarounds. It should be 72850. (note; Needs to be expanded more. App ID for other games.)

Verify the game cache from Steam program.


Yes. Exit the game and continue below.


Run the game from SKSE and check the version:

Next try to launch the game from the SKSE entry. Select SKSE from the drop down and press Run.

Does the game run to the start menu?

Yes. Open the game console, the tilde key on most keyboards, and type the following without the quotes "GetSKSEVersion". The report back should display the SKSE version number and release number.


Did the information display?

No. Possible solutions:

Error in typing GetSKSEVersion. Try again.

Reinstall SKSE Guide:Mod Organizer - Third Party Programs.


Yes. Most likely a mod or load order problem.

Possible solutions:

Run boss to sort the load order.

Run WRYE Bash and check for any red ESPs. Take note of the information in the bottom left of the window.

Run TES5Edit on the complete load order. Fix any errors that are identified.

Disable all mods and re-enable them in small blocks and test until the problem mod is identified.



  • 0

Thanks for the help! That is a great troubleshooting guide post - it will take some time for me but I will try some of these suggestions. I am using SkyRe and so used the ReProccer, it seemed to work from within MO with no problems - I also used TES5edit to clean the main Skyrim, Update and DLC files. I have about 4 warnings from Wrye Bash and about 8 or 9 mods with dirty edits that need to be cleaned. I will start by disabling most of my mods and taking it from there...

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Now that you mention Skyre, you might have a problem with the SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp or SkyRe_Survivalism.esp, I can't remember which one, when using a merged patch. If you use a merged patch try removing one at a time and re-patching.

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What's amazing is how much one can learn from continuously reading the ModOrganizer log file as it fills up! If what's happening here is REALLY what I THINK it is ... well then y'all are gonna be laughing your freaking butts off for a long time! Aaaand, DeathNeko is going to have an epic log file to see (if he wants me to email it to him). Again - I'm waiting on it being done and doing what I think it's going to do but - hahaaaa - I'm such an idiot. Looking forward to having this problem solved and making one heck of a funny story for ya'...

I'll give you a hint... has anyone ever tried loading 200+ mods and organizing them in MO before ever even running TESV.exe?



  • 0

Aaaand' date=' DeathNeko is going to have an epic log file to see (if he wants me to email it to him). Again - I'm waiting on it being done and doing what I think it's going to do but - hahaaaa - I'm such an idiot. Looking forward to having this problem solved and making one heck of a funny story for ya'...[hr']

I'll give you a hint... has anyone ever tried loading 200+ mods and organizing them in MO before ever even running TESV.exe?



umm.......what? :o_O:
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Hahaaa! I know, right?!


Now, I am not a programmer - but if I'm reading these DEBUG lines correctly, MO has been "findfirstfileex"-ing and "getfileattributesex"-ing (not to mention all the other things it needs to do when it first runs Skyrim and makes that virtualizing connection...my bad guess at your programming magic) anyway, it's been doing these thing to my 200+ mod list for the last 1hour and 20mins!


I'm glad you built this thing like a boss, man!


I'll let you know what happens when it's done - it went through all the textures and meshes now it's working on the sound files from Audio Overhaul... whee!!


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whoah wait a minute here, back it up.


I did NOT create or program in any way Mod Organizer. I just simply created the tutorial videos for those that are new to the program, and to teach some old dogs new tricks (i've even taught some seasoned users a thing or two).


Tannin is the one that did all the code work.

  • 0

Oops! Sorry, my bad.

Much respect to Tannin - you've been the name in my mind because of all the great tutorial videos... which I evidently did not pay close attention to or I would have run SKSE and/or the TESV.exe much earlier on in the mod installation process.

  • 0



Apologies for my excitement but I'm THRILLED to be at the load screen listening to Malukah (Malukah and new title screen mod)!


After about 90 minutes everything loaded and worked perfectly! You guys are the best!

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