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Dotted lines in my and question about Vampire skintone



My new install is working out great so far, hammering out a few kinks right now.


For one, all the screenshots I take have little lines like this in them. Resolution is 2560 if that matters.

I'd be curious if anyone can pinpoint a cause and a fix.


Posted Image Posted Image


Also bonus question; the reason I was taking these in the first place is because I was testing Vampire face/eye fixes (better eye texture and face fix); these worked out good, but I'm puzzled why this Redguard becomes darker in undeath, I was expecting the opposite if anything. Is this WAD? Thanks!

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6 answers to this question

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Are you using a dual card setup ?  An ENB.... etc


In all cases try to reduce the resolution and see if the problem persists. It is almost certainly an issue with the resolution being too high for the card to handle...



Also going to rename the thread since the name is just too long!

Edit: Well I thought I could do that... hope an admin comes by and fixes it then! :)

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Oh sorry about the long title.


Single card, ATI 6950. I'm using CoT+ULO Ultra, no real ENB. I have great performance in game though, despite cranking settings pretty high.


Just tried @ 1920, still get the little dots in the screenies. Hmm. Doesnt happen on my 'old' install so I'm guessing related to a mod rather than hardware.

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Also going to rename the thread since the name is just too long!

Edit: Well I thought I could do that... hope an admin comes by and fixes it then! :)


You can do, just Full Edit the first post in the thread :)


Oh sorry about the long title.


Single card, ATI 6950. I'm using CoT+ULO Ultra, no real ENB. I have great performance in game though, despite cranking settings pretty high.


Just tried @ 1920, still get the little dots in the screenies. Hmm. Doesnt happen on my 'old' install so I'm guessing related to a mod rather than hardware.


Please refer to this thread and provide us with some more info... Thanks

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I solved my issues. The screenshots with the little dotted lines are duplicates, though I dont know why. I actually get two screenshots whenever I take one now.. one's good, and one's got the dots, as odd as it sounds. Dunno how I missed that yesterday.


For my vampire going black, I used this mod; https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34711/?

It keeps the color even before and after transformation. The other one on Nexus didnt work.

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