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S.T.E.P. Fresh Installation Guidance





If anyone has followed my previous posts... I had been experiencing some odd CTD and display issues, so I am going with a full fresh re-install and following every little step I can.


That being said, I have at least 1 question so far:


It says here:

7. Next, package the contents of the four directories containing the optimized vanilla STD textures and HRDLC textures into either ... Repackaging Resources into BSAs


To move the optimized textures back into BSA(s), use DDSopt by setting [ignore]' > [Don't process any of the know file types] and pointing the output to YourOutputPath\YourFileName.bsa. This is not recommended for the four vanilla BSAs that contain only textures, as then BSA(s) will need to be registered in Skyrim.ini, and load time is slightly increased (and this option is more complicated). This is, however, the recommended approach for the addon DLC BSAs.


... four archive files (or optionally a single "complex BAIN archive" file if using Wrye Bash) as discussed in the Archiving the textures sidebar, or


... three BSA files if using plugins or INI registration to load (not recommended) as discussed in the Repackaging Resources into BSAs sidebar

then in the sidebar is says:


Archiving the textures


Use 7z, WinZip, WinRar or any compression application to package into a *.7z, *.zip or *.rar archive. The archive package can then be dropped into the Bash Installers directory and installed, if using Wrye Bash. If 7z compression is used to archive textures (or other files for Skyrim) the non-solid option should always be chosen and LZMA2 compression chosen which allows multiple cores to be used. Non-solid compression may slightly increase the size of the archive file, but the benefit is huge when (un)installing upstream packages, which can include re-unpacking from the huge vanilla archive; the result is the extraction goes much faster. In order to use these options in 7zip, when using the 7zip right click context menu select the Open Archive option and the options will be shown in the GUI. Note that if textures are optimized the UHRP files, and many other BSAs as discussed in the BSAs vs. loose files sidebar, also need to be extracted from the BSA and used as archived set of loose files (vs. leaving the UHRP and the other files as BSAs).

I would like to compile the 4 archives into a single "complex BAIN archive" file, but I am not clear on how to do this as I don't quite see where it says to do it in the sidebar note. Is this particular sidebar note suggesting that I just take HRDLC1, 2, and 3, along with STD folders and just make 1 .rar archive?


I am using WINRAR and I have all 7 "folders", not "archives" in the "Bash Installers" folder currently. I would like to follow the suggested route and NOT use .bsas when I don't have to. 


The tutorial I found here seems to be for creating .bsa files.


I assume I can follow the previously mentioned tutorial or just load/process the DLC folders in DDsopt to complete the DLC.bsa files since they seem to need to remain .bsas.


Additionally, and unfortunately, it may appear that my issues might be coming from something mentioned here (3GB RAM Issue) rather than a mod conflict, but I will address that later once I have a full fresh installation. I simply assumed there was no way possible that Skyrim could hit my cap and I was fine on hardware.

When posting for support, please including the following:

System Specs - Xeon X3430, Nvidia Quadro  6000 SLI (disabled outside of 3ds Max), 32 GBs RAM, SATA 6gb (no SSD)

Graphics driver version and settings - Version: 13.00.04

Skyrim launcher settings - (Recommended settings via here)

STEP version and any additional mods used - S.T.E.P. 2.2.5 (Incomplete)

Texture/quality resolution options - Variable, depends on mod 1k-4k (no point in 4k maps on a plaque imo)

Installation method - Wrye Bash

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If anyone has followed my previous posts... I had been experiencing some odd CTD and display issues, so I am going with a full fresh re-install and following every little step I can.


That being said, I have at least 1 question so far:


I would like to compile the 4 archives into a single "complex BAIN archive" file, but I am not clear on how to do this as I don't quite see where it says to do it in the sidebar note. Is this particular sidebar note suggesting that I just take HRDLC1, 2, and 3, along with STD folders and just make 1 .rar archive?

We haven't provided an example of how to create this complex BAIN file; if you want to do there are some discussions of complex BAIN archives in the STEP Wrye Bash guide and the Readme/Advanced Readme accessible from inside Wrye Bash. I find it easier to create 4 separate archive files, one for the standard textures and one for each of the 3 HRDLC texture files.



I am using WINRAR and I have all 7 "folders", not "archives" in the "Bash Installers" folder currently. I would like to follow the suggested route and NOT use .bsas when I don't have to. 

Wrye Bash can handle either folders or archives; currently WB can't directly handle BSAs. Advantage of archives include features like preserving dates, smaller file size in the Bash Installers folder, faster loading in Wrye Bash, and protection against changes (typically inadvertent) in any of the files.



The tutorial I found here seems to be for creating .bsa files.

That tutorial is for packaging mods that can be loaded onto Steam Workshop as well as Nexus; Steam Workshop expects all mods to use BSAs vs. archives.


I assume I can follow the previously mentioned tutorial or just load/process the DLC folders in DDsopt to complete the DLC.bsa files since they seem to need to remain .bsas.


They can but don't have to be BSAs, and there are even some potential problems (see some recent posts on this) with repackaging as BSAs. I plan to edit the DDSopt guide to mention the problems that were recently discovered. The problems depend on some selections made in-game so they do not affect all users. You can use DDSopt or BSAopt to package resources as BSAs.


When posting for support, please including the following:

System Specs - Xeon X3430, Nvidia Quadro  6000 SLI (disabled outside of 3ds Max), 32 GBs RAM, SATA 6gb (no SSD)

Graphics driver version and settings - Version: 13.00.04

Skyrim launcher settings - (Recommended settings via here)

STEP version and any additional mods used - S.T.E.P. 2.2.5 (Incomplete)

Texture/quality resolution options - Variable, depends on mod 1k-4k (no point in 4k maps on a plaque imo)

Installation method - Wrye Bash

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So in the mean time, I can just make 3 DLC1, 2, and 3 "archives" with a Vanilla_Textures "archive"? Then just pull those up in the "Installers" tab?


This confuses me because of the .esp files; I dont understand how they are addressing the texture files inside these folders without the original path/names or bsa files. Totally sure I am way off-base here, but I am imagining that the .esp files call to the .bsa files to load textures for that specific DLC, or maybe the textures ALL load regardless then the .esp calls? Holy crap, idc lol, just as long as I do it right! :D


If you are suggesting I avoid using .bsas for Dragonborn.bsa, HearthFires.bsa, and Dawnguard.bsa, what would you suggest? I assume I need to keep RAM and VRAM usage low, so whatever you think is best is far better than what I'd try I am sure.


I have 6GBs of VRAM and prob more with SLI enabled (12 I guess), but I dont know how all that works. After reading the 3GB thread though I re-converted everthing to max of 2k textures, which is depressing :( lol.


This is what I am looking at:

Posted Image


This is how I organized the archives:

Posted Image

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Think I got everything working. During this install process I found a problem with a few mods requiring some less than easy setups that went unnoticed due to use of NNM the first time (was also missing the Dawnguard compatibility mod for Lanterns, I was running MCM and I dont think that one works for Dawnguard).


I have been running the game through skse at each benchmark and all is fine, not even the slightest stutter yet either. I am also running RLO + COT + SkyRealism(Cinematic), which i placed in varying locations in the "Landscape and Environment" sections save the ENB obviously. Although, I am only just now getting to "Characters and Creatures".

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SLI doesn't change your VRAM since the memory is replicated in the two cards. SLI provides 2X GPU speed.


You don't need the esp file any more for some BSAs, like the HRDLC, when you make an archive of loose files from the resources. The esp for these was only being used to register the BSAs.


You can use a BSA or archive of loose files for the DLC BSAs. If you have extracted all the resources from other mods like STEP mods then you might want to also extract these and use them as an archive to prevent any potential problems. I happen to have problems in my game with the Dawnguard BSA if it is optimized and stored back as a BSA, so I use it as an archive.

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Ok, I just noticed an issue with Skyrim Redesigned; the BCF that is available doesn't work with Conversions -> Apply, did I miss something?




General Notes from Manually Edited Archive - hope I did it correct


== Overview

Type: Archive

Structure: Simple

Size: 13,283 KB (Non-solid)

Modified: 4/25/2013 12:26:20 AM

Data CRC: EF3B25BA

Files: 25

Configured: 25 (27,395 KB)

  Matched: 25

  Missing: 0

  Conflicts: 0


== Configured Files





























Additionally, the Trees_HD BCFs seem to load as a whole new package, right now I have:

Active - Trees_HD_(Ultra)_v1.6.7z <--- from BCF

Active -TressHD_Skyrim_variation_ULTRA_NEW-3812-1-6.rar

Disabled - Trees_HD_(Ultra)_v1.6.7z <--- from BCF

Disabled -TressHD_Skyrim_variation_ULTRA_NEW-3812-1-6.rar

Obviously, so I can toggle as needed if VRAM poses an issue (I did this for all HD 4k variants)


I am getting this in Wrye Bash for Better Quest Objectives:

Posted Image

The main file appears to have recently been updated to 1.2, because my backup from NMM I installed the other day is 1.1, could that be causing this? 


I do have a lot of dirty edits in the BOSS report as well, that means I need to read and use TES5EDIT for another 5-8+ hours right? :(


Lastly (for technical issues), the Skyrim Project Optimization... I have no idea what to install for this. I downloaded Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version, but I assume I need 2 packages for this particular mod?








Also, I personally think (for new pplz like me), the guide should have a note somewhere in about a 255 size font + bold red + "Don't use NMM", Wrye and or MO works so much more efficiently! :D


There is no freakin way I could keep up with all these conflicts in NMM or even hope to clear it up. Installing in the packages tab is SO convenient.

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If you have 6Gb of VRAM on one card I would assume you have an AMD card not an Nvidia card since they almost only have 4Gb on their top models.

Then it would be Crossfire and not SLI... yes they are similar but also worlds apart if you run into issues and need help! :)


Also like Kelmych says then sadly you do not get double the memory with more cards... which is why multicard setups are such a bad deal for gamers.

You pay for everything but do not even get close to double the performance. You get to use both GPU´s but gamewise you only get about half to roughly two thirds the first cards performance on top... depending on how optimized the driver is for the game you are playing.

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I'm not running a Geforce card, but I do stay with Nvidia :) . I only run SLI in 3ds Max if I need more power for highly complex scenes with many millions of polys or complex animations working for people that dont know how to use proxies and/or using an active shade renderer etc... Sadly, doesn't do **** for rendering. I will pull one of my render nodes sometime this month and use it for a gaming rig; those have cheap GTX 2GB cards in them, one of the 500 series cards is all i know. I can say that this thing runs skyrim pretty crappy as designed, but gets the job done. The stuttters I get last a few seconds, but I highly assume it has to do with loading mip-maps, idk; it isn't that big a deal atm, just installing this properly and decreasing the CTDs is nice.


I have only had 1 CTD even while min/maxing ini settings just to push a little after this installation. 


I am not sure why anyone uses SLI for gaming honestly (unless someone is attempting to run on 4+ monitors or something like that, no?), I don't use SLI for anything other than the line above. 


My workstation isn't for gaming, but I gotta have some fun sometimes :D


I don't know much about hardware, but know my setup was as much as my truck.


However, could I get some comments on my previous post? I am getting an error in my skyrim.ini file referencing a master mismatch and I get no such warning in wrye or boss (aside from the previous issue with the "Better Quest Objectives" mod).

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Dirty edits are fairly simple to remove. If in doubt just watch the video on youtube by Gopher, shows you how to do it in detail.

As for the wrye bash "issue"... as long as it is not red then it is most likely not something that is game breaking.

Another reason to use MO instead... you do not get confused by the overload of technical information that WB throws at you.


For Skyrim Project optimization you just need the full version with the .esm in it. Activate it and let BOSS sort it in.

The optional .esp´s are only if you are using one of the mods listed as optimized. Some people think they can just use the .esp without the .esm.

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If in doubt just watch the video on youtube by Gopher, shows you how to do it in detail.

Took me a bit to realize that this can resolve a lot of CTD issues, so I had been watching this vid and many others for a few hours now (no exaggeration... lol). Sharlikran seems to know what he is talking about, but I can't follow much of anything he says, he tends to go off on tangents or seems to.


I am looking into all the dirty edits now and have successfully cleaned each mod "that has had dirty edit reports AND is verified safe to clean on nexus forums", but on the RLO sticky it says:


Long story short: You can clean it up yourself if you know how, but other than that, it's 100% harmless.

Hmm, I know how to procedurally "clean the ITM records", but I have no clue as to what I am actually doing, can I just use the same process in Gopher's video? This is only pressing because of some confusing things he was mentioning about daggers and swords in that sticky and THIS needs to be updated for ... well, just me I guess :(  


Gopher actually states not to clean other people's mods and to inform the author, so I try to research which ones are safe for me to fix. Nowhere have I seen a statement that implicitly states that it is safe for a user to clean the mods they are using - so I read the Nexus mod's specific forum and find out if I can.


Full Sticky:



Hello, Nexus community


People report that this mod has dirty edits, and they're correct. However:


On release, we were using an older version of TES5Edit, which didn't pick up on these dirty edits. On next release / update, all files will be cleaned using the latest version of TES5Edit.


Those Identical To Master edits, in specific, are items that we may have accidentally grabbed or changed and used CTRL + Z to undo them. That edit was previously unidentified by TES5Edit, and as such, they are now showing in the newer versions.


ITM's are completely harmless anyway, and will only have some sort of conflict if another mod uses those specific objects that have the ITM edit. For example: You have an ITM on a knife. Another mod changes that knife into a sword. If the mod with the ITM is loaded last, then it will stay as a dagger. If the mod that changes the dagger into a sword is loaded last, then the dagger will become a sword, without issues.


(I assume BOSS sorts that properly for S.T.E.P. users?)


Long story short: You can clean it up yourself if you know how, but other than that, it's 100% harmless.




I am only down to RLO atm, but still have dirty edits in UFO and Dance of Death that I need to research. 


Lastly, how do you guys determine load order? I am taking the additional mods I want and installing them in the appropriate S.T.E.P. category I have defined with markers in WB, but a few are not recognized by BOSS for the load order itself.





MVABasic.esp Active (I assume these could conflict with settlements and/or the creature mods, its in STEP, but unrecognized by BOSS for load order)

MVAIvarstead.esp Active

MVARorikstead.esp Active

Immersive Darkwater crossing.esp Active (Immersive settlements WIP, not sure where to put these)

Immersive Dawnstar.esp Active

Immersive Dragon Bridge.esp Active

Immersive Falkreath.esp Active

Immersive Ivarstead.esp Active

Immersive Karthwasten.esp Active

Immersive Kynesgrove.esp Active

Immersive Morthal.esp Active

Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp Active

Immersive Riverwood.esp Active

Immersive Rorikstead.esp Active

Immersive Shors stone.esp Active

Immersive Stonehills.esp Active

SPTConsistentOlderPeopleCompatability.esp Active (I try to keep this directly under the mod it references)

Hunterborn.esp Active (I honestly dont think it matter where I place this, it hasnt seemed to cause any problems)

Hunterborn_Dawnguard-Patch.esp Active




Sorry, I am trying to learn here, but man is there a lot to all this. I still need to merge patches in TES5Edit as well, and that video was 30 minutes of nothing but "wtf are you talking about?".

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If BOSS hasn't gotten to a mod to determine load order and you can't find discussion of this in the Nexus thread on the mod or here on STEP forums, then you have to use TES5Edit to look at conflicts. Start up TES5Edit, say OK to all mods, then open the mod of interest and look at each line (record) with a red background. You can see which mods have conflicts and where the conflicts are. You then have to decide where the mod should load based on the conflicts.

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Thank you!


Have you seen a good tutorial showing this process? The little bit of experience I have had with TES5Edit is demoralizing and there is a lot of technical stuff in there i don't understand (IE: Form IDs, from Sharlikran's videos <--- he totally and utterly confused me).

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I ran into some technical issues so I decided to do a complete reinstall/redownload of everything.


I will try to do the TES5edits a little more cautiously this time (WB had a corrupted file somewhere i couldnt find). I am also restructuring naming conventions and directories during this install.


Posted Image


Special Notes:


HD Baskets does not include the 512x1024 version that S.T.E.P. baseline suggests, despite what the author's description states (unless I did something wrong).


Moss Rocks doesn't have a baseline suggestion in S.T.E.P. guide, but does have HQ available (the 1_31 installer is the 2kx2k and the 4kx4k is in it's title - not a big deal, just had to think about it for a minute)


Realistic Mushrooms w/Stew has 2 main options in it's download and a baseline isn't suggested. He said he reduced file size and VRAM consumption in his description for the optional low res version, but didn't reduce resolution - ok, that's for yall to decipher, I don't see how that works... but ok.

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