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DynDOLOD.esm, DynDOLOD.esp and Occlusion.esp not found



Ran DyndoLod about 3 weeks ago, after getting all versions right, was able to complete and install. Ver 3.0... installed and removed a few mods so wanted to run it again. Everything seemed to go well, Installed TexGen output the the same folder, enabled in MO2. Same with DyndoLod, same folder, verified the files were the newer from 3 weeks ago. I have 253 active plugins.. when I load my saved game, it says "DyndoLod.esm, DyndoLod.esp, Occlusion.ESP and Synthesis.ESP not found"... They are there, and active, ran loot... load order has not changed. Is there anything I need to reset? I tried a clean save.. did not work. I started a new game and DyndoLod never loads. It is like MO2 just does not see the new files.

Any ideas are appreciated

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7 hours ago, gath88 said:

But I don't have too many full plug-ins? I'm at exactly 255. Turning the DynDOLOD.esp plug-in off drops that down to 254. I just checked.

Why would it be counted as an .esl in the mod index if its still being, simultaneously, counted as a .esp by MO2?

I've already "eslified" pretty much everything I can. How much more below 255 am I going to have to get to make this work??


Looking more closely, it appears that Occulsion.esp is an .esl. I'm guessing Eslifier did this a while back and I missed it. Would changing this back to a .esp help things (assuming I dropped another full plug-in to keep below 255, ofc)?

The crash log shows [FE] DynDOLOD.esp

That is one full plugin too many.

Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Anniversary Edition and Enderal SE have a total limit of 254 (0x00 to 0xFD) full plugins (ESM + ESP) and 4096 light plugins (ESL), which use 0xFE as the load order form ID.

Since Occlusion.esp only contains overwrites it is always flagged a light plugin by xLODGen/DynDOLOD.

5 hours ago, z929669 said:

I believe 253 is the effective max (probably including the DynDOLOD-related plugins). I forget what is reserved for the 254th.

MO2 shows you the mods that don't count toward the limit. You cannot judge by the file type.

Sort by Flags and count them to be sure.


Use mouse hover to see the icon definitions.

0x00 to 0xFF is 256 plugin slots.

0x00 to 0x0FD is 254 slots
0xFE is the 255th slot
0xFF is the 256th slot.

The game engine uses the first byte (the load order form ID) of the 4 byte form ID to determine the plugin load order. A byte goes from 0 to 256, 0x00 to 0xFF hexadecimal. The game uses the load order form ID 0xFF for save game and temporary data. Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Anniversary Edition and Enderal SE have a total limit of 254 (0x00 to 0xFD) full plugins (ESM + ESP) and 4096 light plugins (ESL), which use 0xFE as the load order form ID.
Mod managers like MO2 (hover over the number of total active plugins top right on the Plugins tab) or Vortex (top right on the Plugins tab) can show the total number of ESM+ESP and ESL plugins.

4 hours ago, gath88 said:

Okay. That sucks, but it's definitely good to know. 

249 seems to be the "sweet spot" for getting DynDOLOD generation to actually run. Good thing too. There really isn't much else I can turn off without completely destroying my load order.

We'll see where things wind up once I actually get everything recreated, I guess. lol

The sweet spot is 254 total full plugins. DynDOLOD.esm and DynDOLOD.esp require two slots, so 252 when starting DynDOLOD the first time to generate the plugins. Total full plugins means all ESM+ESP as explained. That includes all full game plugins, starting with Skyrim.esm at load order ID 0x00, Update.esm at 0x01 etc.

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39 minutes ago, Iam74Gibson said:

Ran DyndoLod about 3 weeks ago, after getting all versions right, was able to complete and install. Ver 3.0... installed and removed a few mods so wanted to run it again. Everything seemed to go well, Installed TexGen output the the same folder, enabled in MO2. Same with DyndoLod, same folder, verified the files were the newer from 3 weeks ago. I have 253 active plugins.. when I load my saved game, it says "DyndoLod.esm, DyndoLod.esp, Occlusion.ESP and Synthesis.ESP not found"... They are there, and active, ran loot... load order has not changed. Is there anything I need to reset? I tried a clean save.. did not work. I started a new game and DyndoLod never loads. It is like MO2 just does not see the new files.

Any ideas are appreciated

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Updating
When you create a new LOD patch from scratch, create a clean save as explained.

If the game can not find a plugins, it typically means the plugin does not exist in the data folder, is not listed in plugins.txt or is of a newer version that is not supported by older runtime versions. The last case can be addressed by installing Backported Extended ESL Support (BEES). The fact that BEES needs to be installed may be suggested by a log message.

Also see https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/19336-dyndolod-not-initializing-and-not-showing-up-in-mcm

Make sure all patches are generated and the load is "final" before generating LOD as explained in https://dyndolod.info/Generation-Instructions#Prerequisites

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9 hours ago, gath88 said:

I can't seem to get my game to recognize that DynDOLOD is installed and running. I'm running Skyrim AE Steam version 1.6.640, and DynDOLOD version 2.45, Scripts v2.82.9, and Resources v3.00.

I've seen other places online that having different versions of the different DynDOLOD files can cause this issue... But I don't see older versions of the Scripts or Resources files available for download anywhere.

Does anyone have a link to where I can download them?



Moved to thread with the same problem. See above about BEES.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.
Also enable and upload the papyrus log as explained.
Also upload the DynDOLDO.log as explained https://dyndolod.info/Help/DynDOLOD-DLL#Troubleshooting

Do not post screenshots of MO2, instead use https://modwat.ch/ if you believe that is the load order matters.
The screenshot does not show the other 1400 plugins and 1600 mods.

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6 hours ago, gath88 said:

Okay, here goes.


Papyrus.0.log 590.7 kB · 0 downloads DynDOLOD.log

Please let me know if I need to upload anything else!

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

The papyrus log reports: DynDOLOD.esp not found or too high in the load order
This message should have shown in the game, too.

Make sure DynDOLOD.esp is at load order ID 0xFD or lower. Load order ID 0xFE is reserved for light plugins only. 0xFF is for save data.
See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Plugin-Limit

Also sort DynDOLOD.esm to be the last master plugin to load just before the first non-ESM.
Also sort Occlusion.esp to load after DynDOLOD.esp.

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1 hour ago, gath88 said:


How do I change a plug-in from FE or FF to FD? I'm not familiar with that function in MO2.

The DynDOLOD.esm plug-in has been moved to be the last .esm before my .esp plug-ins start (excluding CC content, which is locked from changes).

I moved the Occlusion.esp plug-in to be after DynDOLOD.esp.


Since making these changes, my save is now crashing every time I try to load it.

crash-2024-05-15-17-11-11.log 75.9 kB · 1 download

Disable, merge or in case of Skyrim Special Edition convert full plugins to light plugins if possible to reduce the number of full plugins.

The game will start with too many plugins without any error messages and it might even work for a while before crashing or exhibiting severe errors.

The crash log shows that DynDOLOD.esp is still at 0xFE, which is reserved for light plugins. A record in DynDOLOD.esp is being replaced by a record from an other light plugin also loading at 0xFE, causing an unresolved form ID error in the game, which causes the reported CTD.

Fix the load order having too many full plugins.

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Posted (edited)

Thank You, I forgot to mention, I am running the Nolvus 5 mod pack. It does not use the normal folder structure that a regular install does. it "does" however come with Dyndolod already installed.. So I tried to just use that as an example one where things should go.  Not sure if it matters, but Nolvus downgrades Skyrim to 15.97... (I used 3.00 to run Dyndolod.. maybe too new for this version? ) they basically mirror your steam installation, downgrade it, and install mods into that mirror copy. That is what is actaully used through MO2 to run the game,  instead of the Steam install. Their folder structures are more of a "parallel" install instead of a "serial" install.. that is the best I can describe it... each mod has it's own path, and doesn't funnel down through something like Data\Meshes\Actor\Character... 

I recently restarted Skyrim, so it will be no issue to start from a new game. Will be less complicated. I am going to test a couple things and will reply back... thanks for your help

EDIT: I thought I had BEES installed, but apparently not... I will try that, and report back

Edited by Iam74Gibson
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I can't seem to get my game to recognize that DynDOLOD is installed and running. I'm running Skyrim AE Steam version 1.6.640, and DynDOLOD version 2.45, Scripts v2.82.9, and Resources v3.00.

I've seen other places online that having different versions of the different DynDOLOD files can cause this issue... But I don't see older versions of the Scripts or Resources files available for download anywhere.

Does anyone have a link to where I can download them?



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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, sheson said:

The papyrus log reports: DynDOLOD.esp not found or too high in the load order
This message should have shown in the game, too.


11 hours ago, sheson said:

Make sure DynDOLOD.esp is at load order ID 0xFD or lower. Load order ID 0xFE is reserved for light plugins only. 0xFF is for save data.
See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Plugin-Limit

Also sort DynDOLOD.esm to be the last master plugin to load just before the first non-ESM.
Also sort Occlusion.esp to load after DynDOLOD.esp.

How do I change a plug-in from FE or FF to FD? I'm not familiar with that function in MO2.

The DynDOLOD.esm plug-in has been moved to be the last .esm before my .esp plug-ins start (excluding CC content, which is locked from changes).

I moved the Occlusion.esp plug-in to be after DynDOLOD.esp.


Since making these changes, my save is now crashing every time I try to load it.



Edited by gath88
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, sheson said:

Disable, merge or in case of Skyrim Special Edition convert full plugins to light plugins if possible to reduce the number of full plugins.

The game will start with too many plugins without any error messages and it might even work for a while before crashing or exhibiting severe errors.

The crash log shows that DynDOLOD.esp is still at 0xFE, which is reserved for light plugins. A record in DynDOLOD.esp is being replaced by a record from an other light plugin also loading at 0xFE, causing an unresolved form ID error in the game, which causes the reported CTD.

Fix the load order having too many full plugins.

But I don't have too many full plug-ins? I'm at exactly 255. Turning the DynDOLOD.esp plug-in off drops that down to 254. I just checked.

Why would it be counted as an .esl in the mod index if its still being, simultaneously, counted as a .esp by MO2?

I've already "eslified" pretty much everything I can. How much more below 255 am I going to have to get to make this work??


Looking more closely, it appears that Occulsion.esp is an .esl. I'm guessing Eslifier did this a while back and I missed it. Would changing this back to a .esp help things (assuming I dropped another full plug-in to keep below 255, ofc)?

Edited by gath88
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Posted (edited)

Like... Yeah, seriously. This doesn't make any damn sense. 

I'm trying to re-generate my DynDOLOD now (to fix the Occ being .esl issue), and it's telling me "too many full modules."

Freaking, HOW??? After turning a few things off, MO2 says I'm down to 250 .esps and .esms now. That IS below the limit. It should be WELL BELOW what DynDOLOD needs to generate, because - last time I checked - DynDOLOD only generates 3 plug-ins.

Where is the disconnect here???

Does DynDOLOD not recognize what Eslifier does, or something?

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40 minutes ago, gath88 said:

Like... Yeah, seriously. This doesn't make any damn sense. 

I'm trying to re-generate my DynDOLOD now (to fix the Occ being .esl issue), and it's telling me "too many full modules."

Freaking, HOW??? After turning a few things off, MO2 says I'm down to 250 .esps and .esms now. That IS below the limit. It should be WELL BELOW what DynDOLOD needs to generate, because - last time I checked - DynDOLOD only generates 3 plug-ins.

Where is the disconnect here???

Does DynDOLOD not recognize what Eslifier does, or something?

I believe 253 is the effective max (probably including the DynDOLOD-related plugins). I forget what is reserved for the 254th.

MO2 shows you the mods that don't count toward the limit. You cannot judge by the file type.

Sort by Flags and count them to be sure.


Use mouse hover to see the icon definitions.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, z929669 said:

I believe 253 is the effective max (probably including the DynDOLOD-related plugins). I forget what is reserved for the 254th.

MO2 shows you the mods that don't count toward the limit. You cannot judge by the file type.

Sort by Flags and count them to be sure.


Use mouse hover to see the icon definitions.

Okay. That sucks, but it's definitely good to know. 

249 seems to be the "sweet spot" for getting DynDOLOD generation to actually run. Good thing too. There really isn't much else I can turn off without completely destroying my load order.

We'll see where things wind up once I actually get everything recreated, I guess. lol

Edited by gath88
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11 hours ago, gath88 said:

Okay. That sucks, but it's definitely good to know. 

249 seems to be the "sweet spot" for getting DynDOLOD generation to actually run. Good thing too. There really isn't much else I can turn off without completely destroying my load order.

We'll see where things wind up once I actually get everything recreated, I guess. lol

Yeah, I was close-ish, but that only works with horseshoes and hand grenades. Always best to reference the doc as sheson points out. :whistling:

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