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TexGen keeps halting completely when I have RealisticWaterTwo v5 mod installed.

It fails due to this reason:


[09:20]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treeaspen02_0006c9d5 with Meshes\landscape\trees\treeaspen02.nif Skyrim.esm TreeAspen02 [TREE:0006C9D5]
[09:21]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\volcanicgrassobj01_000713d8 with Meshes\landscape\grass\volcanicgrassobj01.nif Skyrim.esm VolcanicGrass01 [GRAS:000713D8]
[09:22]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\dlc1treewinteraspensnow01_0000ce13 with Meshes\dlc01\landscape\trees\dlc1treewinteraspensnow01.nif Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreeWinterAspenSnow01 [STAT:0200CE13]
[09:23]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest03_0004b016 with Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforest03.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForest03 [TREE:0004B016]
[09:24]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow05_000ef5a1 with Meshes\landscape\trees\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow05.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow05Dead [TREE:000EF5A1]
[09:27]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\srg_treepineforestsnowl02_0005d2da with Meshes\landscape\trees\srg_treepineforestsnowl02.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL02 [TREE:0005D2DA]
[09:30]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachtree02_000b8a74 with Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree02.nif Skyrim.esm TreeReachTree02 [TREE:000B8A74]
[09:34]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow04_000ef5a2 with Meshes\landscape\trees\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow04.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow04Dead [TREE:000EF5A2]
[09:36]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\treepineforestash01_00017f72 with Meshes\dlc02\landscape\trees\treepineforestash01.nif Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAsh01 [TREE:04017F72]
[09:37]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow03_0005c070 with Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnow03.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow03 [TREE:0005C070]
[10:03] Creating temporary files
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_skyrimesm.txt with 27
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_dawnguardesm.txt with 3
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_dragonbornesm.txt with 2
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_majesticmountains_landscapeesm.txt with 3
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_skyrimesm.txt with 991
[10:31]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_alpha_skyrimesm.txt with 11
[10:31]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_dawnguardesm.txt with 163
[10:31]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_dragonbornesm.txt with 90
[10:32]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_majesticmountains_landscapeesm.txt with 6
[10:32]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_alpha_blendedroadsesp.txt with 23
[10:32]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_realisticwatertwoesp.txt with 5
[10:32] Error: File not found textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds.
[16:33] User says "Exit TexGen"
[16:33] Removing temporary files
[16:34] Created a summary of log messages D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Summary\TexGen_Index.html.



Looking through the edit scripts file DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_realisticwatertwoesp.txt


// These do not need to keep alpha, LOD alpha is on/off only
// See 'data file format' in DynDOLOD TexGen.pas
// See 'How to add LOD textures creation rules to TexGen' in DynDOLOD_Mod_Authors.html

0    1    1    1    textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds    x    7    0    0    textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_fallsnoalpha.dds    0    x



It seems that the script is expecting this file: textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds

Looking at textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_fallsnoalpha.dds it is included in the DynDOLOD Resources SE 3.00 mod but the textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds file is missing. 

Can anyone confirm if I am doing something wrong or whether this is truly a missing texture in the Resources mod.

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  On 2/28/2025 at 8:19 PM, edgerunn3r said:

ive now ran into issue with texgen erroring on florafields ... https://ufile.io/f/wye60

the process finished and zipped up ... but why are these bringing up errors?


See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures lits several reasons:
This can happen in case not all required *.BSA files are not loaded for whatever reason. The log prints a list of every *.BSA file that is loaded. Check that none of the required *.BSA files are missing by comparing the log messages to the load order.
This can happen if a mod is installed that requires the textures from another mod that is not installed. Verify the requirements of the reported models, plugins and their related mods.

This can happen if not all required textures where included in the download archive of a mod or there are typos in the *.NIF files.
In case a texture is not found while running TexGen, it will be substituted with the default diffuse (full red color) for *.DDS or the default normal map (flat surface) for *_n.DDS automatically. The first should be very obvious in case the generated object LOD texture or LOD billboard is used in the game and typically needs to be fixed. The flat normal map substitute means the surface of the object will be flat, which might not be a very visible problem if at all. If a model and reference is reported, use the preview buttons for the tree/grass LOD billboards to check the render result.

I believe Freak's Flora Fields does not provide textures for all grasses because not all grass are used in the game yet. If you do not notice red LOD for grass / flora in the game, then those file not found messages are benign.

  • 0
  On 3/1/2025 at 12:33 AM, MichaelMCG97 said:

Textgen is returning a file not founds error for Lux Via, can anyone provide some clarity? I have all patches for Lux Via installed.

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\pineatlas.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happytreepineforestdead05.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_TreePineForestSkinny [TREE:110CC17C]

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\pineatlas_n.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happytreepineforestdead05.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_TreePineForestSkinny [TREE:110CC17C]

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\pinebark.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happytreepineforestdead05.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_TreePineForestSkinny [TREE:110CC17C]

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\pinebark_n.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happytreepineforestdead05.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_TreePineForestSkinny [TREE:110CC17C]

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\reachbark.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happyreachtree01.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_ReachTree [TREE:11000B40]

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\reachbark_n.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happyreachtree01.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_ReachTree [TREE:11000B40]

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\reachtree.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happyreachtree01.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_ReachTree [TREE:11000B40]

Error: File not found textures\landscape\trees\northern hemispheres\reachtree_n.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\happyreachtree01.nif Lux Via.esp LuxVia_ReachTree [TREE:11000B40]


Textgen is returning a file not founds error for Nature of the Wildlands, can anyone provide some clarity? I have all patches for NOTW and SOS

Error: File not found textures\nature_of_the_wild_lands\spruce\bark06_n.dds. Used by dyndolod\render\billboards\dyndolod\lod\trees\nature of the wild lands\spruce_common_bigest02_winter_c40d0944_trunk.nif

Error: File not found textures\nature_of_the_wild_lands\spruce\bark06_winter.dds. Used by dyndolod\render\billboards\dyndolod\lod\trees\nature of the wild lands\spruce_common_bigest02_winter_c40d0944_trunk.nif


Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire TexGen log and debug log to upload when making posts.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures
This can happen in case not all required *.BSA files are not loaded for whatever reason. The log prints a list of every *.BSA file that is loaded. Check that none of the required *.BSA files are missing by comparing the log messages to the load order.

Lux Via has its textures in the Lux Via - Textures.bsa.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures
This can happen if not all required textures where included in the download archive of a mod or there are typos in the *.NIF files. Check the mod for updates or additional install options.

There is an entry Error in TexGen at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63604?tab=bugs
You haven't installed the 3.0.5 update.

  • 0


While running TextGenx64 following an install guide of Dyndolod, I ran into an issue. Error: File not found textures/effects/FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds

I am not sure what to do about that. Looks like it is unable to find some sort of texture file that might be in one of my mods. 

Help is appreciated. 


This is the Message:


[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: File not found textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds.


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

For qualified help and advice or to report a problem make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum.

[Exit TexGen]

Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard

  • 0
  On 3/20/2025 at 5:19 AM, Tommyboy said:


While running TextGenx64 following an install guide of Dyndolod, I ran into an issue. Error: File not found textures/effects/FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds

I am not sure what to do about that. Looks like it is unable to find some sort of texture file that might be in one of my mods. 

Help is appreciated. 


This is the Message:


[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: File not found textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds.


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

For qualified help and advice or to report a problem make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum.

[Exit TexGen]

Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard


Moved to the appropriate thread for the message. See posts above for the discussion about the same texture. See https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Use-Search

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which TexGen log and debug log to upload when making posts.

The texture ships with RWT and is required by TexGen if the RealisticWaterTwo.esp plugin is in the load order.

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