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TexGen keeps halting completely when I have RealisticWaterTwo v5 mod installed.

It fails due to this reason:


[09:20]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treeaspen02_0006c9d5 with Meshes\landscape\trees\treeaspen02.nif Skyrim.esm TreeAspen02 [TREE:0006C9D5]
[09:21]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\volcanicgrassobj01_000713d8 with Meshes\landscape\grass\volcanicgrassobj01.nif Skyrim.esm VolcanicGrass01 [GRAS:000713D8]
[09:22]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\dlc1treewinteraspensnow01_0000ce13 with Meshes\dlc01\landscape\trees\dlc1treewinteraspensnow01.nif Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreeWinterAspenSnow01 [STAT:0200CE13]
[09:23]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforest03_0004b016 with Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforest03.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForest03 [TREE:0004B016]
[09:24]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow05_000ef5a1 with Meshes\landscape\trees\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow05.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow05Dead [TREE:000EF5A1]
[09:27]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\srg_treepineforestsnowl02_0005d2da with Meshes\landscape\trees\srg_treepineforestsnowl02.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL02 [TREE:0005D2DA]
[09:30]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\reachtree02_000b8a74 with Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree02.nif Skyrim.esm TreeReachTree02 [TREE:000B8A74]
[09:34]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow04_000ef5a2 with Meshes\landscape\trees\srg_treepineforestdeadsnow04.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow04Dead [TREE:000EF5A2]
[09:36]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\treepineforestash01_00017f72 with Meshes\dlc02\landscape\trees\treepineforestash01.nif Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAsh01 [TREE:04017F72]
[09:37]     Creating billboard D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treepineforestsnow03_0005c070 with Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestsnow03.nif Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow03 [TREE:0005C070]
[10:03] Creating temporary files
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_skyrimesm.txt with 27
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_dawnguardesm.txt with 3
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_dragonbornesm.txt with 2
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_majesticmountains_landscapeesm.txt with 3
[10:03]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_skyrimesm.txt with 991
[10:31]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_alpha_skyrimesm.txt with 11
[10:31]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_dawnguardesm.txt with 163
[10:31]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_dragonbornesm.txt with 90
[10:32]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_majesticmountains_landscapeesm.txt with 6
[10:32]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_alpha_blendedroadsesp.txt with 23
[10:32]     Processing D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_realisticwatertwoesp.txt with 5
[10:32] Error: File not found textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds.
[16:33] User says "Exit TexGen"
[16:33] Removing temporary files
[16:34] Created a summary of log messages D:\Games\Vortex\DynDOLOD\Summary\TexGen_Index.html.



Looking through the edit scripts file DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_realisticwatertwoesp.txt


// These do not need to keep alpha, LOD alpha is on/off only
// See 'data file format' in DynDOLOD TexGen.pas
// See 'How to add LOD textures creation rules to TexGen' in DynDOLOD_Mod_Authors.html

0    1    1    1    textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds    x    7    0    0    textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_fallsnoalpha.dds    0    x



It seems that the script is expecting this file: textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds

Looking at textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_fallsnoalpha.dds it is included in the DynDOLOD Resources SE 3.00 mod but the textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds file is missing. 

Can anyone confirm if I am doing something wrong or whether this is truly a missing texture in the Resources mod.

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  On 3/23/2022 at 4:04 PM, Mousetick said:

Success with Resources SE α23 and the newly added waterfall lod meshes. Thanks as always for your help and kudos for your dedication and quick turnaround.

I haven't checked the results in game yet. Will report back if I find any that could be traced back to DynDOLOD [Resources].

Out of curiosity, would you mind shedding some light on what exactly caused DynDOLOD to become schizophrenic and not to find a texture that was right under its nose, so to speak? It's fine if you don't want to elaborate, no grudges will be held against you :)

I'm probably going off assumptions that are completely wrong, so for the sake of understanding, is the CRC-less waterfall lod model (e.g. fxwaterfallbodytall_passthru_lod.nif) a fallback to vanilla lod when no matching CRC is available for the full model? Or is it something else?

If it's not designed as a fallback mechanism, and waterfall lods are only designed to work by CRC-matching them with their full models counterparts, I'd like to offer a suggestion for possible improvement that you didn't ask for and may not care about. Here it is anyway:

If a waterfall lod model (or other similar object lod model if applicable) cannot be found by matching the CRC32 of the full model, DynDOLOD should fail and issue an error message reporting the reason, such as: "Unsupported mod or unsupported version of mod for <insert full model name here>. Requires matching lod from DynDOLOD Resources. Refer to https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Waterfalls".



If no CRC32 match is found, the process always falls back to the default/vanilla static object LOD model, for example fxwaterfallbodytall_passthru_lod.nif in this case.
As is typical, it uses a diffuse and a normal map texture.

The full model has different diffuse texture assigned compared to the vanilla full model, either directly in the NIF or via texture sets.
Because of that, the process tries to automatically switch the object LOD textures to the different texture as well.
Since the new stitched object LOD texture does not exist, it tries to generate it on the fly.
Since the replaced full model NIF has no normal map texture defined, the first file not found with nothing was shown, the filename is empty.
Then it tries to assume the filename as [diffuse filename]_n.dds, which is then also not found.

It is an edge case that a full model has the shader changed for a shape that also has object LOD. I would say it only ever happens with the 3 main waterfalls anyways.

Anyways, now with dedicated LOD models none of this happens anymore.

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  On 3/23/2022 at 4:28 PM, sheson said:

It is an edge case that a full model has the shader changed for a shape that also has object LOD. I would say it only ever happens with the 3 main waterfalls anyways.


Thanks for the detailed and clear explanation. I understand it's a corner case that's not worth worrying too much about or working too hard to resolve.

  On 3/23/2022 at 4:28 PM, sheson said:

Anyways, now with dedicated LOD models none of this happens anymore.


Right. But I'm still a bit worried, perhaps overly so, about the following scenario.

Let's say you're on vacation or unavailable for whatever reason for a couple of weeks (sometimes I wonder if you ever sleep or take a break off DynDOLOD). It happens that some new mod with the latest and greatest waterfalls has been released and users are trying it out with DynDOLOD 3. These users will be faced with the missing CRC-matched lods and the weird DynDOLOD behavior. They probably won't notice the 'file not found' error message but they may see the missing texture warning in the Summary report, and become utterly confused as to what's going on and what could be the root cause. They may also wonder why the waterfall lods are missing in game.

So, what can users do in this case where you're not available for support?

This is why I think a clearer diagnostic from DynDOLOD in this particular case could be helpful.

  • 0
  On 3/23/2022 at 6:13 PM, Mousetick said:

Thanks for the detailed and clear explanation. I understand it's a corner case that's not worth worrying too much about or working too hard to resolve.

Right. But I'm still a bit worried, perhaps overly so, about the following scenario.

Let's say you're on vacation or unavailable for whatever reason for a couple of weeks (sometimes I wonder if you ever sleep or take a break off DynDOLOD). It happens that some new mod with the latest and greatest waterfalls has been released and users are trying it out with DynDOLOD 3. These users will be faced with the missing CRC-matched lods and the weird DynDOLOD behavior. They probably won't notice the 'file not found' error message but they may see the missing texture warning in the Summary report, and become utterly confused as to what's going on and what could be the root cause. They may also wonder why the waterfall lods are missing in game.

So, what can users do in this case where you're not available for support?

This is why I think a clearer diagnostic from DynDOLOD in this particular case could be helpful.


There won't be missing LOD in the game. If there is no CRC32 match it will fall back to the default file convention.

Obviously the code will be updated to handle the edge case and just create the missing stitched texture with the default_n.dds.

Users and mod authors could read the documentation and create their own LOD models and textures in case there are mismatches.

Lots of these things are already explained at https://dyndolod.info/Mod-Authors for example.


  • Thanks 1
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Posted (edited)

TexGen is warning me it cant find FXWhiteWater02_Falls.dss . AFAIK this file should be in DynDOLOD Resources ?  I found this one: FXWhiteWater02_Fallsnoalpha.dss , and renaming it for FXWhiteWater02_Falls.dss  the error does not occur and TexGen process can be finished, but I cant run DynDOLODx64 .... Am I missing something ?

Edited by phoenixfabricio
  • 0
  On 7/13/2022 at 6:14 PM, phoenixfabricio said:

TexGen is warning me it cant find FXWhiteWater02_Falls.dss . AFAIK this file should be in DynDOLOD Resources ?  I found this one: FXWhiteWater02_Fallsnoalpha.dss , and renaming it for FXWhiteWater02_Falls.dss  the error does not occur and TexGen process can be finished, but I cant run DynDOLODx64 .... Am I missing something ?


Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which log and debug log to upload when making posts.


FXWhiteWater02_Falls.dds is a texture that ships with Realistic Water Two. Either that mod is not installed correctly or maybe you are using an older version.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

When running TexGen and creating textures I'm getting the following error with Skyrim VR:

Error: File not found textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds.

Could be that period on the end of the filename

Edited by benhollio
  • 0
  On 10/2/2022 at 9:20 AM, benhollio said:

When running TexGen and creating textures I'm getting the following error with Skyrim VR:

Error: File not found textures\effects\FXWhiteWater02_falls.dds.

Could be that period on the end of the filename


Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

As explained, read https://dyndolod.info/Messages -> https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures for explanations of log messages and/or read the https://dyndolod.info/Help/Summary-Of-Messages.

It is not the period that is added at the end of a sentence. The texture is part of the core files of Realistic Water Two and is missing while the RealisticWaterTwo.esp is installed.

  • 0

Hello, I have recently installed DynDOLOD Alpha 3 and its resources and am getting this error message:

Warning: File not found textures\architecture\windhelm\whstoneflattrim.dds_n.dds. Used by Meshes\architecture\windhelm\whwallwulfharth.nif Skyrim.esm Whwallwulfharth [STAT:00078A9A]

TexGen loads everything fine, but DynDOLOD can't continue. According to some posts on forums, this texture might be related to Static Mesh Improvement mod. I tried reinstalling that to no avail. The recommended TexGen Fixes mod on the Summary of Messages page does not help, either. I also tried deleting these files in the meshes folder, but instead of generating an error report, Dyn would just completely crash. I would appreciate your help with this problem. 





bugreport.txtFetching info... DynDOLOD_SSE_Dynamic_LOD.txtFetching info... DynDOLOD_SSE_Object_LOD.txtFetching info...

  • 0

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

The texture filename whstoneflattrim.dds_n.dds is obviously a typo and should either be whstoneflattrim.dds or whstoneflattrim_n.dds which are the vanilla texture filenames used in the vanila NIF.

This can happen if not all required textures where included in the download archive of a mod or there are typos in the *.NIF files.

Fix the typo in the whwallwulfharth.nif mentioned in the error message using NifSkope.

  • 0

Thanks for your reply, and sorry for submitting the wrong files. I downloaded it, but have never used NifSkope before. I am very amateur when it comes to modding/editing scripts. Would you kindly give me some instructions on how to fix the typo? 

  • 0
  On 11/5/2023 at 9:00 PM, hannahkap said:

Thanks for your reply, and sorry for submitting the wrong files. I downloaded it, but have never used NifSkope before. I am very amateur when it comes to modding/editing scripts. Would you kindly give me some instructions on how to fix the typo? 


I do not really provide rudimentary/generic modding help or support for 3rd party tools. Typically refer to the manual/documentation for the 3rd party tool or the file format or just search for existing posts, guides, discussions, videos etc. https://www.google.com/search?q=nifskope+texture

Texture paths are defined on BSTextureSet blocks which are children of shaders, typically BSLightingShaderProperty blocks, which are children of NiTriShape or BSTriShape blocks. If you change the Block List view to "Show Blocks in List", you should have no problem going through all BSTextureSet blocks of a NIF. The texture paths are shown in the Block Details once you select a BSTextureSet block.

The typo should be reported to the mod author so they can fix the assets in their mod for everyone.

  • 0

New here, I usually try and find information regarding my issues on my own but I haven't found anything helpful. I can generate texgen output fine, be that as it may, I do see like 4 or 5 missing texture errors while its running. Even with those errors I still get a texgen output. The problem is with dyndolod, when running for a few seconds it stops with

Warning: File not found textures\architecture\windhelm\whicedecal01.dds. Used by Meshes\architecture\windhelm\whclancruelsea.nif Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp WHclancruelsea [STAT:000C0C2F].

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • 0
  On 11/8/2023 at 2:14 AM, Uori said:

The problem is with dyndolod, when running for a few seconds it stops with Warning: File not found textures\architecture\windhelm\whicedecal01.dds. Used by Meshes\architecture\windhelm\whclancruelsea.nif Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp WHclancruelsea [STAT:000C0C2F]. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures
This can happen if not all required textures where included in the download archive of a mod or there are typos in the *.NIF files.

A mod replaces whclancruelsea.nif and it defines to use whicedecal01.dds, which is not found in the load order. Make sure to properly install the mod and all its requirements.

  • 0

Hi, I am not computer savy and i used to be able to easily create LOD's with texgen and dyndolod, but now the textures never load properly (like i will have the tree lod locations loaded, but horrible vanilla texture files)  How do i stop this error? 

Error Log:

Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\mangrovereachtree0gkb2.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAMango02 [TREE:0B0AE31F]
Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\mangrovereachtree0gkb2.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAMango02 [TREE:0B0AE31F]
Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree0gkb1.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAReach01 [TREE:0B0AE31B]
Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree0gkb1.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAReach01 [TREE:0B0AE31B]
  • 0
  On 5/20/2024 at 9:35 AM, SolomonStone said:

Hi, I am not computer savy and i used to be able to easily create LOD's with texgen and dyndolod, but now the textures never load properly (like i will have the tree lod locations loaded, but horrible vanilla texture files)  How do i stop this error? 

Error Log:

Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\mangrovereachtree0gkb2.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAMango02 [TREE:0B0AE31F]
Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\mangrovereachtree0gkb2.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAMango02 [TREE:0B0AE31F]
Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree0gkb1.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAReach01 [TREE:0B0AE31B]
Error: File not found textures\landscape\gkbbranch1.dds.dds. Used by Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree0gkb1.nif ShumerWorld.esm AAReach01 [TREE:0B0AE31B]

Moved to the proper forum.

Please provide actual logs as described in the posting guidelines

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