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Can't generate lods with DynDOLOD 3 after having moved my modded Skyrim SE onto another drive



A few days ago, I decided to move my modded Skyrim SE onto another drive, so I uninstalled the game, reinstalled it on another drive and moved my mod organizer instance/mods data folder onto the other drive. All seemed to work fine at first (and still does), so I installed a few new mods (some magic mods and weapon mods). Then, I decided to change Realistic Water Two to Water for ENB, which required me to redo the whole DynDOLOD process. But I haven't been able to finish it since, because for some reason (some missing mesh files from skyrim.esm it seems) DynDOLOD never generates lods because LODGen encounters a missing file error (194). However, I have never encountered a problem with TexGen.

Since I wasn't really feeling like reinstalling all my mods, I'm wondering if there's any other way to salvage this. I have reinstalled the game several times, so it doesn't seem like an issue with the game itself (by the way, I'm using the 1.6.353.0 version of the game, so I always run the downgrade patcher after downloading the game).

Here is my load order: https://paste.ee/p/kYn6W

Here are my DynDOLOD 3 logs: https://paste.ee/d/WM9Bj

Here is the log file for LODGen on the Tamriel world: https://paste.ee/p/H3uHw

Here are all the log files themselves: https://ufile.io/jbr6a3fo

Tell me if I need to provide more information.

4 answers to this question

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I've managed to locate the problematic mod, it was an outdated version of COTN mods (I just pressed ctrl+f and looked up the name or the reference number at the end of the warnings, and some of them were the same for skyrim.esm and the COTN mods). Thanks for the help.

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What does this have to do with moving Skyrim to another drive?

The log tells you which data folder is used. Is it not correct?  https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Windows-Registry-Key

Read the explanations for log messages and the summary, for example




Remove whatever mod contains the outdated LOD assets mentioned in the LODGen log file not found messages. Those filenames shouldn't exist in the load order anymore.

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Posted (edited)

Yes, it's the correct data path used.

The outdated LOD assets (those mentioned in the LODGen log) are from Skyrim.esm as suggested by the following logs,

[03:19] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\coast\rockcliff05coast_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05CoastBeach01 [STAT:00033C0E]>
[03:19] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\yellow\rockcliff05yellow_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05FieldGrass01 [STAT:0006E0AD]>
[03:19] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\tundra\reach\rocktundraland01reach_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockTundraLand01ReachMoss01 [STAT:000930BF]>
[03:19] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundra\rockcliff07tundra_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff07Tundra01 [STAT:0006E18A]>
[03:19] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff02green_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02FieldGrass02 [STAT:000614A3]>
[03:19] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\tundra\fall\tundrapond01fall_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm TundraPond01FallForestGrass01 [STAT:000AF8FA]>
[03:20] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\volcanic\rockcliff01volcanic_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff01VolcanicDirt01 [STAT:000713C2]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff02rocks_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02RockTile01 [STAT:0007E5F6]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\tundra\fall\tundrastreamend01fall_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm TundraStreamEnd01FallForestGrass01 [STAT:000B27B5]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\reach\rockcliff02reach_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02ReachMoss01 [STAT:0007E5FC]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\fall\rockcliff07fall_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff07FallForestDirt01 [STAT:000C691B]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliff02brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02PineForest01 [STAT:0004094A]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundrarocks\rockanimalden01tundrarocks_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm RockAnimalDenTundraRocks01 [STAT:000C3953]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliffmineentrance02brown_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliffMineEntrance02ReachMoss01 [STAT:000744CA]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliffmineentrance02brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliffMineEntrance02ReachMoss01 [STAT:000744CA]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundrarocks\rockcliff08tundrarocks_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff08TundraRocks01 [STAT:000D97E9]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliff05brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05ReachDirt01 [STAT:0007E626]>
[03:21] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\fall\rockcliff02fall_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02FallForestDirt01 [STAT:0005EA7E]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\fall\rockcliff05fall_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05FallForestDirt01 [STAT:000BC537]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\volcanic\rockcliff05volcanic_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05VolcanicDirt01 [STAT:0008976B]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff05rocks_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05RiverbedEdge01 [STAT:00022460]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\tundra\green\tundrastreamend01green_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm TundraStreamEnd01PineForest02 [STAT:0005F2B4]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\fall\rockcaveentrance02fall_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm RockCaveEntrance02FallForestDirt01 [STAT:000843F3]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliff07brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff07Dirt01 [STAT:000D1A0C]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff08rocks_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff08RiverBedEdge01 [STAT:0002F321]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\tundra\green\tundrastreambend01green_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm TundraStreamBend01PineForest02 [STAT:0004D721]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliffmineentrance02brown_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliffMineEntrance02Dirt02 [STAT:000B2DA6]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff05green_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05RiverBottom01 [STAT:000614CC]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliff07brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff07Dirt02 [STAT:0001EF5A]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundra\rockcliff02tundra_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02Tundra01 [STAT:000A94DA]>
[03:22] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliff05brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05PineForest01 [STAT:00062954]>
[03:22] Creating D:\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\textures\lod\welshbarklod.dds
[03:23] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockanimalden01brown_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm RockAnimalDenReachDirt01 [STAT:00039C7F]>
[03:34] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff02green_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02RiverBottom01 [STAT:0005A0DC]>
[03:34] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff05rocks_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff05RockTile01 [STAT:0007E5F9]>
[04:00] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\tundra\reach\tundrapond01reach_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm TundraPond01ReachMoss01 [STAT:00055B0B]>
[04:01] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\tundra\fall\tundrastreambend01fall_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm TundraStreamBend01FallForestGrass01 [STAT:000AF8FD]>
[04:01] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundrarocks\rockcliff01tundrarocks_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff01TundraRocks01 [STAT:00095F83]>
[04:01] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\fall\rockcliff01fall_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff01FallForestGrass01 [STAT:000BC556]>
[04:01] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff08green_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff08FieldGrass02 [STAT:00039B64]>
[04:01] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundrarocks\rockcaveentrance01tundrarocks_lod_0.nif Skyrim.esm RockCaveEntrance01TundraRocks01 [STAT:000A92A1]>
[04:01] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliff02brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02Dirt01 [STAT:0004938D]>
[04:01] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\fall\rockcliff01fall_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff01FallForestDirt01 [STAT:0010B138]>
[04:02] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff01green_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff01FieldGrass02 [STAT:00066742]>
[04:02] <Warning: File not found meshes\lod\rocks\brown\rockcliff02brown_lod_1.nif Skyrim.esm RockCliff02ReachDirt01MossyRocks01 [STAT:000A688A]>

so I can't really remove the mod. Maybe I am mistaken and these are added by another mod, but I don't know which one it is.

As far as I can tell, the assets in the DynDOLOD log snippet above are the same as the ones in this LODGen log,

file not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff05green_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff01green_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\reach\rockcliff08reach_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\snow\rocktundraland01snow_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff05rocks_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff01green_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\fall\rockcliff07fall_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\tundrarocks\rocktundraland01tundrarocks_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\tundrarocks\rocktundraland01tundrarocks_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundra\rockcliff07tundra_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\reach\rockcliff02reach_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\reach\rockcliff07reach_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\fall\tundrapond01fall_lod_0.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\tundra\tundrastreambend01tundra_lod_0.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\coast\tundrapond01coast_lod_0.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff02green_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\green\tundrapond01green_lod_0.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff02rocks_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\tundra\tundra\rocktundraland01tundra_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\green\rockcliff07green_lod_1.nif
file not found meshes\lod\rocks\tundra\rockcliff07tundra_lod_1.nif

so I don't really understand if the problem is coming from the game skyrim.esm or another mod. If something about this is mentioned in the documentation, sorry about this.

Edited by Delkry
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NIF files are either in BSA files or exist as loose files in the data folder.

Use the MO2 right window data tab to find them and which mod supplies them. Enable archives parsing in the MO2 Settings/Workarounds.

If no such files exist in the load order, check with xEdit which plugin is the last to overwrite the mentioned base records.

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