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FNIS and Magic Casting Animation Overhaul T-pose problem



Hello! Still new with modding games. I got problems with installing a Magic casting animation (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58418) into my Skyrim SE. I've downloaded FNIS and the creature and spell packs already as well as the requirements for the other mod. When I launch the game and use any spells the character switches to T-posing during the magic casting animation and then stays like that. Could anyone help? My FNIS behavior update states this but how do I remedy this? Thanks for the help! I'm still new to modding so I know almost nothing about the complex stuff that going on.


FNIS Behavior Generator:


FNIS Behavior V7.5.1   12/21/2019 11:08:01 PM

Skyrim SE 64bit: - D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)
Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones)   male: Default (99 bones)
FNIS.ini InstantExecute=1
FNIS.ini RedirectFiles=D:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FNIS Data (Default)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"  
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"  
Patch: "HKX File Compatibility Check Skyrim/SSE"  
Reading FNISBase V7.5.1 ... 
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V7.0 ... 
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1 ... 
All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
No GENDER directory male
 11 GENDER modifications for Animations\female
>>Warning: \character\animations\1hm_boundswordequip.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_runforward.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_runforwardleft.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_runfrwrdright.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_runleft.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_runright.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_turnleft180.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_turnleft60.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_turnright180.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magcast_turnright60.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\magic_sprintforward.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_runforward.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_runforwardleft.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_runforwardright.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_runleft.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_runright.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_turnleft180.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_turnleft60.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_turnright180.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mag_turnright60.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_aimedconcentration.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_chargeloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_equip.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_idle.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_preaimedcon.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_precharge.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_preready.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_preselfcon.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_pretelekinesis.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_readyloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_release.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_selfchargeloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_selfconcentration.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_selfprecharge.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_selfreadyloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_selfrelease.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mlh_unequip.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_aimedconcentration.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_and_mlh_equip.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_and_mlh_forceequip.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_and_mlh_unequip.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_chargeloop.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_equip.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_idle.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_preaimedcon.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_precharge.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_preselfcon.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_readyloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_release.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_selfchargeloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_selfconcentration.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_selfprecharge.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_selfreadyloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_selfrelease.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\mrh_unequip.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\staffmagiccast_turnleft180.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\staffmagiccast_turnleft60.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\staffmagiccast_turnright180.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\staffmagiccast_turnright60.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\staffright_idle.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\staff_idle.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagicright_aimconloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagicright_chargeloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagicright_preaimcon.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagicright_precharge.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagicright_preready.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagicright_readyloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagicright_release.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagic_aimconloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagic_chargeloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagic_preaimcon.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagic_precharge.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagic_preready.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagic_readyloop.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
>>Warning: \character\animations\stfmagic_release.HKX not Skyrim SE compatible<<
Create Creature Behaviors ...
 94 animations for 3 mods successfully included (character).
 75 Warning(s).
Generated files redirected to D:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FNIS Data (Default)

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