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Skyrim SE missing Trees





I use Dyndolop 2.32 and sources 2.30 for skyrim SE and the Test.Exe (because I had the "no esp" error at the end)


ugridtoload = 7

largeugrids = 21



Mods I want to use:


Autumn of Whiterun

Whiterun Forest Borealis

Simply bigger Trees with additional lod for realistic Aspen from Nexus


Enhanced Vanilla Trees with additional lods from Nexus

Realistic Aspen Trees



I have the Dyndolop sources for SE


I run texgen and installed output


I run Dyndolope and installed output


At the end when I stand on the tower near whitrun and look at whiterun ther are only a few trees but not all like when I used SSELODgen. I would use SSELodgen further If it would not place 2D Trees inside of Whiterun (Autumn of Whiterun)


So I think I need addional Lod or billboards for Dyndolop to get the results I would aspect.


But what Files do I need and what is the right ModOrder. Do I have to change some settings?



Can you help me, maybe with a short step by step, maybe a link for the right files. I followed the Ultimate Trees Guide on Youtube before, 2 times but that doesnt work either.



Thanks !!

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Posted (edited)

ok now that you are saying this... at the first run dyndolop sayd several times waiting for lodgen exe to finish until it finaly poped the exit window. The last times with higher settings it doesnt do that. But while I was waiting and watching the messages of dyndolop I had the taskmanager open and saw that all these processes did not cause any Prozessor-load , just 1MB of RamLoad. I think they where inactiv at that moment. Could it be that the higher setting are too much load for my processor? Its an older proc wich runs always stable at 4,2 Ghz at less than 70* ( Standart 3,6 or so)

Edited by Zapp1980
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Posted (edited)

If a program stops without having any CPU load it is usually because it is waiting for something. That could be either user input or some thread just died internally. Just bring the command prompt windows to the foreground and check what it is doing or what the last message(s) are / check the the log, however if it has problems not all error messages printed to the command prompt window will also make it the log.


DynDOLOD will eventually stop waiting for LODGen.exe processes if they take a long time to run, regardless of their state.


To generate LOD for the load order, you do not have to check all worlds to start all this work at the same time. Just select one big or a couple small worlds then after everything completed successfully, save and install output like normal. Then with that DynDOLOD.esp in the load order start DynDOLOD.exe and select the next group if worldspaces. Then install the new output overwriting the old output including the old DynDOLOD.esp with the new DynDOLOD.esp. That way you can work around resource problems if there are any.

Edited by sheson
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Ok I'll do that so. I have to smile about that Quote of Elionora. If that little Witch only knew about my jouney this week. Hope she will bring her Mages Tower to Nexus SE.

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Posted (edited)

So finally, it did the work. This Time I tried it again with highest Settings and let it totally alone. Backgroundloader-Windows where only about 3 this time and the last one took very long.


The Log said:


[00:21:30.264]    Checking D:\SkyWork\DynDOLOD-Standalone.2.32\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt
[00:21:30.283]    Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ...
[00:21:35.310]    Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ...


[00:31:27.186]    Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ...
[00:31:32.199]    Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ...
[00:31:37.211]    Gave up waiting for D:\SkyWork\DynDOLOD-Standalone.2.32\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt to become available.
[00:31:37.224]        Wait for LODGenx64.exe to finish before closing DynDOLOD.exe
[00:31:37.235]    Checking D:\SkyWork\DynDOLOD-Standalone.2.32\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_DLC2SolstheimWorld_log.txt
[00:31:37.246]    LODGenx64.exe completed succesfully D:\SkyWork\Dy........


[00:31:37.544]    LODGenx64.exe completed succesfully D:\SkyWork\DynDOLOD-Standalone.2.32\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_LabyrinthianMazeWorld_log.txt
[00:31:37.568]    DynDOLOD Worlds completed successfully.
[00:53:15.891]    [54:11] Saving: DynDOLOD.esp
[00:53:15.961]    [54:11] Done saving.
[00:53:15.973]    Saving: Settings
[00:53:15.988]    Saving: Logs



I've waitet another 40 minutes or longer, while Backgroundloader finished. Output was then about 5 GB now and works / looks fine.


So I think everything is good now. Bit it really takes a long time and I had only the Wazalang-Mod-Suggestions, not one further Texturemod. I'm curious how long it will take with my full load or how how often I then have to split the work.


Do you expect that it willl will be faster when further developed?




Final Tipps for everyone that will have same Problems like me.


Make sure you run the latest Versions of MO2 and Dyndolod
Make sure Alternate Start is at the very end of the loadorder while starting dyndolod.exe
Dont hit EXIT before Backgroundloader-Windows have finished, anyway how long it takes, could at least take up to 90 minutes. Best to start Taskmaneger Window before you start dyndolod.exe, so you dont need to click anything while Dyndolod is working. Dyndolod is a real Stresstest for your CPU, no game or other Utility lets my CPU go up to 99 % workload like it did.


Donate Sheson or the STEP-Guys and any other professional Mod-Autors that makes us spend hours and hours with that game since 2011 and dont forget to hug your Girlfriend between your moddingsessions. If you dont have a Girlfriend, delete Skyrim and shut down your PC. ^^

Edited by Zapp1980

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