I've been using Merge Plugins successfully for the last few years. Yesterday, I started receiving an error. Running Mod Organizer, I open Merge Plugins, select the mods to be merged (all contiguous), select the Masters, select <OK> and get this error: "Access violation at address 00091A730 in module 'MergePlugins.exe', Read of address 00000000."
I have double-checked. Skyrim and Merge Plugins folders (and files) are not set to "read only". I am running as Administrator. There are no log files in Merge Plugins. There are log files for Mod Organizer. The last four entries show:
Can anyone help me understand this? I am neither a programmer, nor a modder, just a fairly advanced PC user. This is on Win10, screamin' machine, plenty o' disk space and memory, if that has any bearing?
Thank you!
P.S. Rosentia is currently the last mod in the list. I did have Ambre as the last, but thought the mod might be the problem so excluded it this time. However, I got the same error without Ambre in the list to be merged.
I've been using Merge Plugins successfully for the last few years. Yesterday, I started receiving an error. Running Mod Organizer, I open Merge Plugins, select the mods to be merged (all contiguous), select the Masters, select <OK> and get this error: "Access violation at address 00091A730 in module 'MergePlugins.exe', Read of address 00000000."
I have double-checked. Skyrim and Merge Plugins folders (and files) are not set to "read only". I am running as Administrator. There are no log files in Merge Plugins. There are log files for Mod Organizer. The last four entries show:
"D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Mod Organizer\mods\Rosentia Mateus - Standalone UNP, Added HDT\RosentiaFollower.esp: 20
DEBUG (08:56:30.0214): createfile w: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\RosentiaFollower.esp -> D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Mod Organizer\mods\Rosentia Mateus - Standalone UNP, Added HDT\RosentiaFollower.esp (80000000 - 3) = 00001130 (0)
INFO (08:56:30.0230): Windows Exception (c0000005). Origin: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Merge Mods\MergePlugins.exe" (69f365). Last hooked call: void *__stdcall CreateFileW_rep(const wchar_t *,unsigned long,unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *,unsigned long,unsigned long,void *)
INFO (08:56:30.0245): Windows Exception (c0000005). Origin: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Merge Mods\MergePlugins.exe" (91a730). Last hooked call: unsigned long __stdcall GetModuleFileNameW_rep(struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,unsigned long)"
Can anyone help me understand this? I am neither a programmer, nor a modder, just a fairly advanced PC user. This is on Win10, screamin' machine, plenty o' disk space and memory, if that has any bearing?
Thank you!
P.S. Rosentia is currently the last mod in the list. I did have Ambre as the last, but thought the mod might be the problem so excluded it this time. However, I got the same error without Ambre in the list to be merged.
Edited by aba4214 answers to this question
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