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IceWraithParticle Effect on Player - Glitch



Hey Fellas,

I got this weird glitch and supposedly it is from Vanilla Skyrim. Since it was kinda hard to find anything about it, here is a reference I found. https://www.gameskyrim.com/ice-wraith-particle-effect-stuck-the-feet-character-t223585.html



Anybody who encounters this issue will probably be thankful to find out about it :D


OK, sry, I need help. I posted this thread before I actually tried the "fixes". None of those commands worked for me. Anybody any other suggestions? I tried everything I could think of...



For fixing this issue it is necessary to open the console and type in

player.addspell 000CAF8A

Close the console and reopen it again. Type in

player.removespell 000CAF8A

Close the console and the ice effect should be gone.

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