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'archive list limit removed at 00AFEE53' ... huh?



So I've been getting this error along with seemingly random freezes:


INFO (05:41:47.0846): "acu" maps to "Dwemertech - Magic of the Dwarves.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): "acv" maps to "Elemental Destruction.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): "acw" maps to "AgentOfRighteousMight.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): "acx" maps to "MoonAndStar_ImmersionPatch.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): "acy" maps to "MoonAndStar_MAS.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): "acz" maps to "Gray Fox Cowl.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): "ada" maps to "WheelsOfLull.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): "adb" maps to "Alternate Start - Live Another Life.bsa"
INFO (05:41:47.0846): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,aca,acb,acc,acd,ace,acf,acg,ach,aci,acj,ack,acl,acm,acn,aco,acp,acq,acr,acs,act,acu,acv,acw,acx,acy,acz,ada,adb
INFO (05:41:47.0846): working directory: V:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
INFO (05:41:47.0847): injection done
INFO (05:41:48.0413): archive list limit removed at 00AFEE53


No idea why this is happening. Here is my load order: https://www.modwat.ch/u/EniracY

Also cross posted this on the skyrimod's subreddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/4e8vv0/archive_list_limit_removed_at_00afee53_huh/

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These are not errors, they are simply pieces of information logged by MO, hence the "INFO" prefix. Any freezes you are experiencing will need to diagnosed further by examining your load order, INI settings and anything else that may be pertinent.

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