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  1. Anyone? Did I place this in the wrong location? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Hello Step team. Over the last month I have been following the Step guides using SR:LE as a launching point to mod skyrim. I have 3 different profiles with 3 characters I am trying out. One with the old Vividian 7.35 before vivid weathers, one with vivid weathers 1.14 and one that I just made yesterday with vivid weathers 1.31. I loaded up outside Lakeview manor using alt start and made my way to the lake on my new character (I installed most of step modular packs - I wanted a requiem like play through) and this is what I saw. https://www.dropbox.com/s/a0stopk4rfs8ke5/Elder%20Scrolls%20V%20%20Skyrim%2004.10.2016%20-%2018.15.17.06.mp4?dl=0 This video is with vivid weathers and vivid ENB with ENB 305. It also occured with Vivid 1.14 and ENB 305 and Vividian 7.35 with ENB 292 ( I haven't tried vividian 7.46 yet) I tried a few things: turned off ELFX exteriors, disabled Dyndolod, tested all 3 profiles, turned off UseDefferedRendering and nothing helped. Anyone got any ideas? I am betting there is a simple fix somewhere, I just don't know what it is. Thanks for looking. (You might also notice the vertical lines scrolling for the fog effects, I posted about this a while back as well and am not sure if it is related) Edit: I also have my monitor refresh rate set to 60 with vsync on. It is a gsync monitor
  3. Kcinlober, I loaded game without end and they are still present. I have just learned to deal with it. I did some more searching and the ninroot thing is a known issue and there are even mods on nexus to fix it by removing the light glow. Seems like a engine limitation but I only know what I read online (no computer background) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Hello, thanks for all the hard work. I noticed a slight inconsistency in the dovahkiin reborn guide. the SLRE guide says not to install the CACO immersive creatures patch because the DL2 version is being used instead. Your guide uses the CACO_Immersive Creatures patch.esp, so I am not sure if I should get ride of the patch used for SRLE and use this one or not? Edit: Never mind, I misunderstood the instructions when I installed the CACO instructions on the SRLE guide. I was supposed to install the CACO_Immersive Creatures patch.esp for DL2 version, which is CACO_Immersive Creatures patch+DL2.esp correct?
  5. Just an update: apparently when I downloaded ELFX it was still on version 2.something. The updated ELFX has a SMIM patch that fixed my problem.
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ifxw270ah0vxm9/enb%202016_03_15%2008_47_22_25.bmp?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3c6u39a8l4xr95f/enb%202016_03_15%2008_48_11_55.bmp?dl=0 As the pictures show, I have some horizontal lines on the water in fog or lighting. So, i've been trying to trouble shoot this on my own without success. I'm sorry to keep asking questions on here. I've tried running both ENB 292 and ENB 305. I've also tried Vividian ENB 7.35 and Vivid weathers and I keep getting these strange horizontal lines that I only notice on fog and the water. I can also see it on the light emitted by ninroot on the water. Seems like it is a water issue?
  7. OK. So basically, If I want Realistic room rental enhanced and ELFX I just have to live with it, correct?
  8. So, do others not have this issue? It seems like I have everything installed correctly and the ELFX and RRR enhanced are just not all that compatible.
  9. Sm0kem, when I disable the SR conflict resolution patch, Dyndolod and ASIS list it as masters. Sorry to confuse you. Yes, My problem is similar to the Static pictures. Like sm0kem said, it is exactly like the ASLAL glitch near mara stature. If you move, the lights switch on/off depending on your angle. here is a short clip of the issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kfpzyavdyh0p50t/Elder%20Scrolls%20V%20%20Skyrim%2003.09.2016%20-%2022.37.34.02.mp4?dl=0 As you can see, its really distracting and immersion breaking :(
  10. I can't, Master's rely on it. edit: So I disabled it as a test, then disabled DynDOLOD and ASIS that needed it as masters. Loaded game. Same issue. According to the REDDIT post, its a game engine issue.
  11. OK, I tried both options moving the ESPs around, neither one fixed my problem. It appears there may not be a fix, others have had the same issue. May want to consider making a change or at least a note to SR:LE so people know about it? https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2buaoe/elfx_and_realistic_room_rental_help/
  12. I found this on the RRR enhanced forum from someone having other RRR enhanced issues: My load order has EnhancedLightingandFX.esp near the top at 20 (ELFX exterior at 21), and realistcroomrental.esp 72. the RRR_ELFX.esp patch is at 118. So, can I just move the ELFX esps down below Realistic room rental or would I be better off moving RRR up to position 20? Loot apparently doesn't sort these correctly..
  13. Anyone think I could fix this issue by adding to the Conflict resolution ESP? I'm not sure which part is the actual issue. I image there will be other issues similar to this in my play through. I went to several other Inns, same type of issue in these inns. Seems like an Issue with the Inns only.....
  14. sm0kem. I really don't want to disable ELFX, thanks for the tip on how to do it though. If it becomes to much of a problem I will follow your guide. I'm going to keep searching and waiting for a solution. ELFX is way up in my load order, #20 and #21 for the exterior.esp after running loot. I checked conflicts using TES5edit. There are several conflicts. There was a red conflict with the Riverwood Inn, although I couldn't find exactly what the issue was.
  15. Updating the replacement esp for the RRR ELFX Patch did not fix the problem (I'm fairly certain I did this on my first install anyway). The lighting looks really good when it works, I hope someone can figure out a fix for this. I would have to redo my whole install if I was to not use ELFX - which isn't really an option, I think my wife would kill me if I spent another 2 days doing a complete install. Haha. the ASLAL issue isn't a big deal to me. I only mentioned it because I did not know if they were related or not. Edit: StoneWallace17: I disabled ENB using the ENB manager and problem persists.
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