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Everything posted by Selfishmonkey

  1. No, I think that's a mistake (I was probably trying several things to fix the Item Not Found error but forgot to reset it). I read through the ini several times - there are quite a few more options than in Dyndolod v.2.x I'll run it with that. And also the new Majestic Mountains LODs.
  2. So Alpha 35 solved my Item not Found error, but now I'm getting a Duplicates not Allowed error. Bug report and Dyndolod SSE log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LgWt2JWPmce0FiPIBsF3IgoYOru-BXzw/view?usp=sharing
  3. I've looked through the log now - it seems to me most of the errors are missing nifs from Beyond Skyrim Bruma. Opening the bsa I can't the ones missing either. So, either the esp makes reference to nifs never included, or something else is going on. Weird, though, this has never been an issue before.
  4. I'm also getting the Item not found error. Wasn't present in Alpha 33. I can't revert to the previous version as I deleted it. Can't figure out what's causing it.
  5. Sheson, any chance you could tell me what code 194 means - just so I can figure out my problem is with Dyndolod 3.0?
  6. So, Texgen works now, didn't on Alpha 13. But Dyndolod doesn't complete. it says "LODGenx64.exe returned 194" for all of the worlds and stops. (I'll add the logs in a moment) Well, it seems both debug log and log are too big for pastebin. No bugreport was created
  7. I saw that - I'll give that a try instead. Bugsmashing!
  8. I tried to upload those for you - but Chrome gives up the ghost whenever I try, too many characters I guess. So I'll have to put some links for the map files. I'll try renaming the map.txt just to try it out.
  9. I finally just used 1.49 instead - running it once for the mods that included dynamic objects and creating the dyndolod esp at the end, and then a second time for all the other mods, for statics and trees, without making a new esp. If I remember correctly the esp and json files for the dynamics need to match?
  10. It would seem that it is the fact that the files are merged that is the issue. I'm currently having DynDOLOD (2.06) create LODs for at slew of separate files - no complications, but when those files are merged it can't read them - just hanging at loading TES5.ini. Interestingly - CPU usage is the same 9-9.5% Of course - LODgen is run as well in the first case (using roughly 50% CPU)
  11. But does this apply if we are talking about the same world space - or even the same cell? Would you not need to include all the previous mods once you update. I'm assuming, and correct me if I'm wrong, because I hope I am, but if you run Dyndolod with one mod, can you then disable it and run Dyndolod with a second mod, and the lods while be merged? So ever so slowly building up the lods, mod by mod?
  12. It uses approx. 9% of CPU when it hangs (and roughly 900mb of memory). Maybe it is just taking a while, but I tried waiting 20 minutes without success. You could probably replicate the merges... but that's probably a bit of a hassle as there are A LOT of different mods in there :-) Although I'm using common sense a prescribed by Gamerpoets. I'll continue to mess around with it. 1.49 made me aware that I'm also missing a mesh in one of the merges - but I think that's an unrelated issue.
  13. Okay so my Dyndolod just hangs when saying loading Xx\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5.ini What might be the issue? I installed it in the Skyrim folder as per your instructions for MO users, and Is running it through MO. Running it outside of MO works just fine (except of course it cannot see my mods)... Edit: Hmm, it would seem it is simply the amount of stuff I ask it to do. I have a lot of merged mods - when the formIDs go above 10k or so, it just hangs. Edit2: Seems DynDOLOD 1.49 doesn't have that problem Can I run 2.06 in stages - updating the lods, or do I need to run all of them because lod files will be overwritten?
  14. I don't usually, but Sheson asked me to, so of course I'll do it in order to get his help.
  15. It continues to happen in spite of sorting with the newest version of loot [spoiler=Tes5edit log]https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2zxakazg01eht0/TES5Edit_log.txt?dl=0
  16. Getting this error fromTes5edit when running Dyndolod worlds script: Error: Load order messed up! Tried to find a file id higher than files loaded. 85 > 76. Try generating tree LOD for this load order. Not entirely sure what it means - obviously some are out of order, but then again Tes5edit completes loading my mods just fine.
  17. Okay - should have done that then, but since I'm considering changing Realistic Water Two for W.A.T.E.R I'll have to run it again anyway. The mod in question was the Dragonborn Gallery - a huge mod - that I havn't actually played much with since I've been working a good few months trying to get a stable load order.
  18. That did it! Thanks Sheson! Now I'll just have to run the whole thing again so the jsons belong to the same run (that's important - right?). One single nif missing derails the whole thing. Something to keep in mind.
  19. I'll try reinstalling the mod in question then rerun dyndolod for Tamriel world space, see if this was the message that makes it quit prematurely.
  20. Well having watched for the last hour, I can now say with certainty that LODgen is not run for/or crashes immediately when running for Tamriel world space. It is run normally for all other world spaces. Why might this be? I didn't manage to see an error message - it was only open for at fraction of a second. The other had all this LOD 16/8/4 reducing triangles stuff + end of log. Might it be a matter of too many esps changing the Tamriel world space? Okay - will try again with only the Tamriel worldspace Edit - was I supposed to run Dyndolod and TES5edit once more with the window open? Because just pressing execute give me the following error message: file not found d:\grid\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\meshes\dbm resources\architecture\roofgable1.nif
  21. I'll try - but those command windows open and close rather quickly... which of course might be part of the problem. The sad part is - right now vanilla Skyrim has more distant LODs than I've been getting with Dyndolod these last couple of tries. I know what your program is capable of - and I want it back :-)
  22. I can't find any errors in the LODGen_Tamriel.txt. I've tried again with a fresh install of Dyndolod and TES5Edit - no joy. Everything else is created just fine, but the meskes/terrain/tamriel/objects is still empty. I'll share the text via google - putting in a spoiler tag kills this page. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XVpD3yqaamek0xSzRYdjRYVDQ/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XVpD3yqaambkkxX3EwNjdZS0k/view?usp=sharing And the second is the Tes5edit log
  23. Apparently it doesn't save tamriel objects. I have tried twice more only running Tamriel world space - no success. Now I've downloaded the official TES5edit from the nexus, and replaced the experimental edition Sheson has linked to in his update. Reinstalled Dyndolod and running the whole process again,
  24. I've had that error for the past couple of days. You need to update Tes5edit 3.1.2, newest Dyndolod and use the scripts Sheson links to, and replaces them in the dyndolod mod folder after you have installed it. Made it go away for me. However, can't make create objects for Tamriel world - so I have other issues now. But I fix'ed the error you're getting.
  25. Well that explains that - that folder is completely empty. Weird... so, so weird. It seems none were generated. How can that be? I should mention I haven't had this problem with version 1.33 that I used before this (been away from Skyrim awhile). Also there is no LODgen.log generated for some reason. Any idea what went wrong? Edit: I should mention it is ONLY Tamriel world that hasn't had objects generated - all other (and there are quite a few) have had them generated.
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