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    Bend Oregon

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  1. Thanks - I will give that a shot.
  2. Has anyone (other than Tannin) successfully built Mod Organizer 2.07 from source? Any chance of tips or insights? There are a ton of undocumented prerequisites (including a specific version of Visual Studio), and the Python tracebacks on a missing prereq are worse than abysmal. In modorganizer-umbrella-master I have gotten to a failure in hg.py, where it is ready to fetch the source for NMM (???). This is task "retrieve codehgdev45". Any pointers or a write-up on the build process would be really appreciated. This is needed at this point because Mod Organizer is effectively abandoned. Thanks! (and I am really starting to hate Python) I have to post this specific error message I am getting. One for the records: "Task retrieve codehgdev45 failed: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable"
  3. Thanks - that helps. Makes a lot more sense now. Makes it a lot less likely that I could do anything useful too.
  4. Well I can download it and look at it. For the life of me, I can't even see why ModOrganizer would have to change to launch a 64 bit executable, or be a 64 bit application itself. It is not like it is being linked with the target. ShellExec (for launching) does not care about the architecture.
  5. The ability to launch a 64 bit executable looks like the first hurdle, and the one I would expect to come first. If anyone needs testers / reviewers, etc. - keep us in mind. There is an awful lot of programming experience floating around out here.
  6. Fallout 4 launches in 3 days. Even though there are no mods available - I would like to get started the right way - which means running under Mod Manager. Any tips for running this new Fallout under the latest Mod Manager - or are the paths and executables hard coded? Any schedule for official support? Lets keep this topic specific to FO4. General MO2 discussion can be found here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9377-mod-organizer-2-discussion-and-feedback/
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