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  1. "request failed: Host nmmnexusmods.com not found" It's been like this for 2 days now and I can visit Nexus through my browser just fine. What's the issue?
  2. That's strange then. Before I edited the ini I got the yellow patches of grass from far away and only when I got closer the game loaded the right texture.
  3. I added the line "iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6" which is required by SFO and that's what fixed the grass. I checked the tree billboard I downloaded for Summer Edition(linked in DynDolod) and it looks just as crappy as in the screenshot. Would it look better if I let Tes5Edit do it via splitting? I presumed the content of the billboard download was a result of that.
  4. I found out that there was a separate ini file in MO that I had to edit and that took care of the mismatched grass. To fix the low quality tree LOD (or billboard?) I increased uGrids and CellBuffer, which pushed away the ugly LOD models enough for my liking. I'm not sure if that's the best solution but it takes very little fps so I'm going to stick with it.
  5. I'm trying to get get the LOD working with Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Summer Edition, but I get patches of yellow grass around Whiterun and it's only on the cliffs. The LOD Maples also has a very ugly 2d model that shouldn't be seen from the distance I see it. It looks wrong. Everything is shown in this screenshot: Note that this is taken with ultra settings. Hard to believe right? Have I missed something in the LOD generation process? What can I do to fix it? Here is my MO Load order(the last part that concerns DynDolod): Following the manual I gave highest priority to Summer Edition but it doesn't seem to help.
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