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  1. You should carefully read the BAIN repackaging chapter of the guide. Something tells me that you have not done so, as I went through painstaking measures to make the verbiage very clear and added many explanatory figures on top of that. Check out the sidebar. just read the guide start to finish. Lots more reading to do I am afraid... I know that this is an activity that many do not enjoy ....Yeah I have read it 6 or 7 times for me it's not clear, at least not that part of the guide. I know my grammar does not reflect it but I was reading before I even started kindergarten and still read 2 or 3 books a week to this day. But I think I know why I am confused. For some reason the check box for that mod bethesda hi res optimized is red for me and even when I try and install it I don't get any kind of options menu or anything that would allow me to configure the installation at all. Which led me to believe I needed to alter the structure of the folders inside the 7zip. Which I did and still have the same issue. Oh well I will figure this out.
  2. Ok so I am kind of an idiot when it comes to the obvious. I am trying to redo my mods off of the WB Wiki and when it comes to BAIN package restructure and Complex-package repack I am pretty much clueless as to how to do it. What exactly am I trying to accomplish? I am just restructuring the layout of the contents correct? I am currently trying to redo (1-(CORE!-FPS!)Bethesda Hi-Res Optimized --FOR EVERY VERSION---9080-1-1) and I am not sure how I am supposed to restructure it to be recognized as a BAIN ready installer. lol can I get a better description in lay-man's terms?
  3. Ah cool ok I kind of figured there where some issues but I am going to check it out and see whats useful and what isn't useful to me. Thanks for the reply.
  4. Not sure if this goes here but it is a website to tweak your Skyrim prefs.ini and your skyrim.ini https://donotargue.com/cfg-makers/skyrim/ Has anyone used it yet? I am going to check it out in a little while.
  5. Yeah I am using NMM and I have already reinstalled Skyrim 2 or 3 times making sure it is absolutely perfect. I finally got it installed and its unplayable for me so I am going through and installing just the core mods and see what that does. Thanks for all the help! Btw I have just as much fun trying new mods as I do playing the game. So many talented modders out there, so little time!
  6. Now as I am going through the .PDF and installing all the mods something just occurred to me. I am installing every single graphic/texture mode but some of them over write previous mods. Is that what is supposed to happen? Or do I install only the core mods and then go through and install the optional mods after?
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