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  1. Wow; tremendous effort. Nicely done and documented!
  2. Typically this behavior is caused by the amount of detail in certain areas of the game. I get the same thing around areas like Riften where that area has a dense amount of foliage and high building detail. This causes the game engine to work harder, thus dropping FPS. This can be observed by moving around outside of Riften, and then simply moving you view to point to an area of minimal detail, like the sky.
  3. Hi folks. Yes, SPM currently only works consistently with the injector version of ENB. Please note that this is a limitation of SPM, and not with the excellent ENB software.
  4. pStyl3, always nice to hear from you, and thanks for the kind feedback!
  5. I think what you have looks great; nice work and thanks! EDIT: Oops I forgot to mention; the posted screenshot of the SPM Example Setup is still outdated...
  6. Outstanding! Thank you! I will write up notes on the Misc Settings this weekend and post them.
  7. Could someone pass on to DY that I have another update, please? (A couple of posts up ^). Thanks!
  8. Here's an updated version; please feel free to tweak any grammar as needed: Installing Skyrim Performance Monitor: 1. Make sure you have the latest version of .NET for your system: Windows XP users should install Microsoft .NET Framework v4.0 Windows Vista or later should install Microsoft .NET Framework v4.5 2. Download the mod from the mod page and extract the zip archive. 3. Install the SlimDX Runtime .NET 2.0 (January 2012).msi included in the archive. (If you're upgrading to a new version of SPM and already have SlimDX installed, there's no need to uninstall/reinstall SlimDX. You can simply skip this step). 4. Install Skyrim Performance Monitor by running the setup.exe included in the archive. The default install location is in Documents. You may change this according to your preference. IMPORTANT NOTE! Please remember to completely uninstall any previous versions of SPM first. Initial Setup of Skyrim Performance Monitor: 1. Launch Skyrim Performance Monitor and click the "Setup..." button at bottom right. 2. Select your Primary Gaming Video Card from the drop-down in the Primary Video Card tab. 3. Click Save. Configuring Skyrim Performance Monitor for use with Mod Organizer: 1. Launch Skyrim Performance Monitor and click the "Setup..." button at bottom right. 2. Go to the "File Paths" tab and point the Skyrim Launcher File Path to your ModOrganizer.exe: Example for Mod Organizer, and other launchers: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/49619 3. Click Save. 4. Click the "Launch Skyrim" button at bottom right which will now start Mod Organizer. From there, you can select your desired profile and launch SKSE to run Skyrim and monitor its performance.
  9. Thanks for making the update. Based on the current content, what is there is describing two distinct categories: 1) Installation and Basic Setup. 2) Configuring for use with MO. Also, the screenshot of the setup is from an old version of SPM, and is no longer representative. I'll write something up tonight and post it here for review.
  10. Thanks for the feedback. There are two INI files, and for SPM, they are only used in the two tabs called "INI Changes" and "INI Settings". SPM does set a default, however either file can be used, and this does not effect performance at all. In fact, any .ini file could entered here, and it would have not any impact other than to show non-Bethesda settings. The SkyrimPrefs.ini shown in the screenshot you mention is probably from my own personal settings, but to your point can lead to questions, so I will add a note to the documentation.
  11. I like the idea of having some detail around this on STEP. Since it's an ongoing issue though, I feel like I need to provide more information. For example, step by step screenshots with explanation, etc. Maybe something like this to replace what is currently in the Recommendations section, and please feel free to apply any content edits as needed: "When using an alternate launcher for Skyrim like Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE), Mod Organizer (MO), or perhaps something else, please see this article on the SPM Nexus site for details: Using SPM with SKSE, Mod Organizer, and other Launchers"
  12. Yes, that's correct. And this is an area where a lot of SPM users run into trouble; there are two paths in SPM that must be setup correctly. One for TESV, and one for the launcher app (in this case MO).
  13. It looks like it may be protected. It's the Recommendations blurb here: https://wiki.step-project.com/Skyrim_Performance_Monitor It basically contains some incorrect information that I would like to get updated. If a PM or one of the Staff can update it for me, that's fine. I'm not sure if it's preferred to have those details hosted here on STEP, or instead hosted on Nexus where I can maintain the details; maybe a simple link from STEP to an article on Nexus? I could use some advice on what is typical for the community. Please let me know, thanks!
  14. Thanks; I'll give it a try this evening.
  15. I'm the author of Skyrim Performance Monitor, and noticed some information that needs to be updated. Can someone walk me through the process of getting some content updated? Thanks!
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