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Thane (4/12)



  1. Think I dropped in just before a big patch and wanted to bump this for an answer from the team here... auto undress/dress at the tub for followers/npc? Also.. after combing the guide.. two tech questions: if a mod is optional... like one of the survival options, and it shows on the "merge" page... action would be - just disregard that esp in the merging as I would not have it installed? (example: ineed for Falskaar). Additionally, is there a "line item" CR page like in the LE version?... say I only want some of the followers... Toccata and M'Rissa... and want to do my own CR from the expert guidance here and would like to copy that, then add my followers and do the rest myself....? THanks much for the input!!
  2. Been a few days since the oldrim legacy pack... seriously looking at loading up SSE, and dropped by.. NICE Work on the compartmentalization of the SSE pack! I do like very much! I am scrubbing the list of mods and will likely have a few questions in the coming days... first one to pop up is : Does the LOTD hot springs in the personal quarters have a auto un-equip/equip for follower armor? Many thanks, and again.. very nice work!!!
  3. Noz, did you copy/paste the DL folder or actually install them on the TB drive?
  4. Woot! Congrats!
  5. Wow, lots of updates! Been crazy busy at work, so not much time playing.... however, build is pretty much complete, just checking out the last couple armor mods to add then will merge them. This said... while checking crafting menus for armors and such.... is there any way to turn off the first person migraine inducing camera spin animations (especially at the forge) when the crafting menu is open? I know in previous lives the there was no animation... but cannot remember for the life of me how to turn this off. Thanks much! Darth and Lexy, glad you had an enjoyable holiday (yeah, bit late, lol)
  6. *** joke incoming*** yep, player.setlevel ## always works for me.... ;p seriously, not sure how your setup is, some crafting and refining add to skill points in the MCM and you can adjust how much skill you recieve... CACO and CCOR if I recall correctly.
  7. Finalizing my loadout, will let you know what I get. I purged DYNdolod, (decided to live without it for good FPS during fights and in heavily populated towns) so may be a tad different.
  8. Oh my goodness... figured out my Seranaholic problem... I had unticked Eyes of Beauty, but NOT EOB Dawnguard fix.... unticked the fix and bingo.... sexy Serana...
  9. DarkLadyLexy, left you a pm re: CR patch.
  10. Thanks Nozz. Finished cleaning up my load order... now the CR process.... probably going to take me a month since I have actually never fully completed one. Looked at the video in Neo's guide last night. Going to open DarkLady's guide and Neos on separate screen to attempt and NOT screw stuff up too badly.. hahahahahah. WHAT could go wrong???
  11. Enjoying my weekend finally playing ingame some instead of just looking at the MO screen and open explorer boxes... Here is a pre-look at "Whisper" my relic hunter with a penchant for cat burglary and loose morals. https://imgur.com/PFZa5p9
  12. This is pretty much why I froze my build order on the 13 Mar CR... just didnt' have time to keep up with changes and constant updates... I froze my assets and have been weeding script mods/tweaking since. I am down to 48k scripts for a base start. I have been messing with Bodyslide the last week... have a nice custom body I have copied the nif files into the Ningheim directory, and am having fun with some armors now. I need to do a final CR with my current mods, but looking good thus far. This weekend is my 4 day, so am working armors tonight... going to play a bit tomorrow ... yay!
  13. I dropped those previously in my "survival mod" purge... kept bathing bc I liked it, but dropped the rest of the survival mods... interestingly.. was getting a significant amount of lag still across the board so decided to take drastic action... I unticked SFO, then DYNDOLOD and suddenly I have a high res playable game in all areas tested... dungeon, outside, even whiterun. No issues with added patrols or NPCs. More testing to follow, but I believe I am doing to leave the LOD and SFO out. (by the way, my setup includes Legacy of DragonBorn)... sorry I can't add much more atm... work pretty busy, but have a 4 day in a couple weeks, should be able to post more details then.
  14. Yep... I started play testing my build of that last night.... still need to do a CR though. Would be interested in seeing what you come up with as that is a learning point for me. From my post awhile back, you will see what I pared out of the load order. I loaded it up last night, and thus far, stability seems good. I do have Dawn of Skyrim added for the cities, and it makes a noticeable FPS hit... how much, don't know bc the fps meter is dorked atm, but i do have to slow down in town. playable, but slightly annoying. Just my take on about 1.5 hr of playing. More to follow. Interesting in my quest to reduce scripts that Alternate Start clocks in at a whopping 609.... might have to re look that one... seems a pretty heavy whack for something done once in a game.
  15. Probably going to DL both and see which I prefer. On a separate note... still having issue with Seranaholic for some reason and could use some input. She loads with a proper body, but funky head. If I move the esp higher in the load order, sometimes she has long hair and proper eyes as depicted in the 1.6 ver but with grey-ish skin and dorked features, while at other spots in load order sometimes the vanilla hair/eyes. If I load a base vanilla profile, with alternate start and seranaholic alone... she loads in beautiful. Any idea what I might be missing? PS. just thinking a couple pics might be helpful, but its late, and work tomorrow.. will return later, for now....
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