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Everything posted by Mr_Moal

  1. I am aware that there have been many changes to how xEdit works, and have not had a chance to change my mod pack for that. I will probably have to re-build the mod back from the ground up to take into account all the STEP changes, as well as replace missing mods.
  2. So far, playin... ahem, testing, has been progressing reasonably smoothly. I’ve had the usual crash every 2-5 hours of game play, but I’ve been unable to isolate any repeatable crashes. And as soon as I’ve turned on papyrus logging, I haven’t gotten any crashes over the last few hours, which makes no sense. In terms of game play, there is simply too much content to test out in a single play through. Bugs seem to be intermittent and non repeatable, which is (I guess?) a good sign? I’ve had a few fun encounters, such as finally defeating a bear with my new low leveled char, and thinking ha finally can kick some ass. Less than a minute later, I hear the sound effect of invisibility, and think ah, one of those darn invisible khjitt thieves. Well, nope, that was no khjitt, but a warrior in full steel plate with some kick ass sword that dropped my heavily armorred warrior in one hit. Sigh, requiem has this way of bringing me back down to earth again just as soon as I think I got this. "In unrelated news", Death Alternative Your Money or Your Life Mod seems to work just fine...
  3. Main Mod page has been updated (mostly) and should be usable again. All Merged patches have been removed, and I instead opted to disable mods to get under the 255 .esp limit. So far the game is working great. The only gripe I have is that I think the interriors of buildings are too bright to be "realistic". that said, those of you who like to be able to see inside buidlings rather than having a black screen with some candles flickering here and there will be happy. Guess function over realism in this case isn't so bad an idea. The Follower Mod's "Are you skilled" bug is slightly annoying, but I remember someone had a patch for that, so I'll add a link when I find it. in the mean time, its not game breaking or anything.
  4. I've finally had some time to re-visit this project again. I've basically updated a few mods that have new builds since I last was on the Nexus, and disabled a pile of stuff to avoid the need to make merged mods. Needless to say, this has avoided a whole tone of headakes. will see if this helps stabilize stuff. Hope to get back to playing Skyrim over the Christmas season.
  5. 2017 08 11 I have had a great work opportunity arise that will require lots of overtime, so I will be unable to give any time to work on this pack. This pack is on hold at least for the next month (August), and whenever I get time hobbies (or games of any kind) this will be the first thing I return to. I do not intend to abandon this project, but it will remain on hold until work stabilizes somewhat.
  6. (2017 07 20) Since these STEP Packs will be formally discontinued come STEP 3.0, I will be moving this pack to "Mod Picker", and continuing work on it there. REF: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/2979-building-packs-on-the-wiki/ Edit: I've spent a few hours looking into Mod picker, and I'm stumped right out of the gate. Primary issue is no custom instructions. Many many mods can be installed in a wide range of ways, giving you all kinds of choices and compatibility patches. I cant' find a way to include this information. On the pack page right now, you get a Nexus link on the left panel, and an area to list install notes. With out these install notes, I don't know how I"m going to set up this list. - I also need to un install several mods from STEP, because they conflict with stuff from Requiem. so how to list that? Next This tool assumes you have every single mod selected, which means I'll need to essentially build STEP myself (its built as a "test" version right now) along with my mods. the work load this looks like is, well, "lots".
  7. I've looked at that before, and it sounded truly interesting. I know the other mod, Spell crafting should work with my setup, as immersive collage of Winterhold actually has an open room set aside exactly for the spell crafting mod. The main problem I have is I've already bitten off more than I can chew at the moment. Work decided to act up just as I have a mid term coming up for a summer course I'm taking in collage, so this week will be, er, interesting. Once I get this mod pack hammered down (got to fix the sky lighting bug and Follower Mod's "are you skilled" dialogue bug to start with) I have time to look into it. If you are feeling adventurous to brave the harsh rapids of the vast Google river ;-), could you research for possible conflicts between Spell Research, Requiem (latest 1.9.4 version), and Requiem Minor arcana? Minor arcana is the wild card here, I have not played with it before so I don't fully know how it will effect the game, and since it touches spells, then the chances of some conflicts between it and Spell Research are likely.
  8. https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Everything_%2B_The_Kitchen_Sink items below each section can't be added to the table, as the mod can't be added and the mod name can't be left blank. Edit, basically, I can't use the system for the wiki where each mod gets its own row in the table. you can't add a mod to the drop down list (the editor won't let you leave the text field blank), and added mods don't show up in the drop down which is required to add a new row.
  9. wow, I might need to pair things down a little, got nearly 100 mods listed as part of this pack. Darn esp limit, you are my bane. Edit: Merge Plugins mod to the rescue (I hope). Edit 2017 07 11 Alpha 2.0.1 instructions are listed. to do list: play test each function from each modcustom compatibility patch, going through (ugg) nearly every mod that conflicts, and patching stuff. More testing.
  10. I've added a number of mods using the links from here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/2979-building-packs-on-the-wiki/ in the same way I did before, but none of these mods are avaliable for me to add to my mod pack. I've also found mods in the STEP build (which have a WIKI page) that are also not showing up at all. This can be seen when you go to a mod pack, click the "edit modlist" button. Then click the "add another" button. Even though the mod has been added, and has a wiki page, it will not show up, and can't be added. Therefore the mod pack can't be updated with new mods. Any ideas?
  11. Rebuild in progress. Just wanted to point out that some mods have not been added yet, and in its current condition this pack has not yet been actually tried out yet, and will probably be a week before its in a BETA stage that is ready for testing.
  12. Currently investigating Ultimate Skyrim pack (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82846/?) Ultimate Skyrim. So far, the majority of mods in this pack are already present in Skyrim STEP Extended. This pack is similar to this pack, but different enough (from my preference) that I've decided not to drop this set up and convert over (no open cities for instance). On the other hand Belmont Boy's pack is probably more stable than my pack set up, and he seems like a more experienced modder (with many people helping him too) so his patches will probably do their job better compared to mine. If you don't care for Open Cities like I do (or want a "lighter" mod pack) please check his setup out. And the name for his mod pack rocks too. Edit: on closer inspection, this is not quite true. He takes a different approach on a number of things, between textures, lighting, etc. I don't think his pack is bad, it looks quite awesome, but its not what I'm trying to build. It really comes down to flavour, so pick what you like really.
  13. Need replacements for Apollowsdown's mods. Important Information Overhaul (IIO) Civil War Overhaul (CWO)Dragon Combat Overhaul (DCO) These mods can be assumed to be gone for good (Along with their author). Which means I need to find replacements for them. Please post your thoughts about this on another forum or I'm liable to reply, and that conversation won't be good for anyone.... (and I'll start spewing all kinds of language and probably get banned off of STEP... sigh).
  14. Currently starting the rebuild process. (yay, que fireworks) First step will be wiping and reinstalling Skyrim and the STEP pack from scratch. There are too many things changed that I can't really support an upgrade of any kind from the previous pack build to the new one. SAVES ARE NOT SUPPORTED FOR THE NEW VERSION. Please finish your current game first, then rebuild for the new version. --- sorry 'bout that --- Reviewing Past posts, looking for people's suggestions.
  15. Looking at Follower mod, I was intrigued by the use of hot keys, particularly the ability to hot key a wait command. get followers to wait, move and scout (lay traps, etc), then pull enemy and retreat to followers. Or, have a mule follower, and just get them to wait a little way back. I also used a previous version some time back, and was quite impressed with the class system, healer followers would actually heal you (super powerful for melee fighters), rangers (i.e. non melee fighters) would actually keep range and run away from charging enemies, and mages would actually mage (i.e. shoot magic, and NOT run forward and punch the saber cat and getting mauled). Also opening multiple followers bags at once when you are looting so that you don't have to walk around redistributing stuff.
  16. Well what do you know, STEP has been updated. Looking through the change log, I notice that a fair number of things are changed, some mods are no longer available, etc. this is starting to look like a full pack rebuild to me rather than just a few tweaks. There have been a number of ideas posted earlier in this forum, and I know some things have bugs that new versions have since fixed. Soooo, how long? Wellllllll. This is a large pack, there is a huge amount of reading to do. Then there is making patches (which I need to learn properly). Maybe I'll make a proper Nexus account too. Ah, the possibilities. For now, this pack is not dead, just it's going to be a bit before I update, but within a month or so, I think... Just my luck I'll have it updated and then requiem 1.9.5 will come out. (Which means I need to update sooner?) Edit: found this mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78935/? Follower Mod. It looks awsome, will probably replace EFF.
  17. It's been a while since I got psyched up to do a rebuild of this pack. I was checking out the Ultimate Skyrim mod pack a little (have to read through the full mod list soon) and it looks rather cool, though has some differences between it and this pack (i still really like open cities, hunter born, etc). I was considering just installing that (smarter people involved in its set up) but open cities and riding my horse right up to the General store in whiterun is just too much to give up (: I also note that there is no death overhaul mod, which I find is mandatory if you are playing a dead is dead play through (Enable the option that keeps you from getting knocked out so long as you have a summon or follower up, it greatly improves things). I'll know more after I properly investigate the mod setup. I am thinking of poaching a few of the ideas from that mod pack, looking at the lighting set up, the notice board, names, etc. there are lots of bits and pieces that look interesting that could enhance and or replace stuff from this pack in general. However, one concern is that with mods like open cities and AI overhaul, adding some of the animal behavior AI could be a bit much. This whole process will probably take a month or two though. I really want to wait until the next major release of requiem comes out though, for which there has been no new news since December.
  18. Requiem will be coming out with a new version sometime soon. Will need to look up exactly when, but the beta is out being play tested so things are looking good. There are numerous changes occurring in this new update, and there may be a basic needs setup using food and regular sleep patterns. Depending on how that works out, I may drop iNeeds from my mod list. Due to the numerous numbers of changes, updating this pack will take some time, though I guess when I get the itch, it will be done rather quickly. In the mean time, I'd like to get a character to have survived Skyrim for at least 30-40 hours, and maybe even be able to do the first ESF-Companions quest line, heck I might even survive long enough to kill my first dragon in don't know how many months. Let me know your experiences in Skyrim, all those fun stories of hidden saber cats, and randomly wandering wizards who like to fry strangers. There is a note worthy bug in honed metal, relating to enchanting. The last update fixed a bunch of bugs, but introduced a new one. You can not both use the mod to pay for enchanting, and also be an enchanter yourself. The first time you click on the menu option to have something enchanted, a script runs to set up the enchanter's selection of available enchants. This has the side effect of removing all of your available enchants. To get your enchants back, YOU MUST RELOAD an earlier save. You can not relearn the enchants, and you can't console them back. (author says he will have a fix for this next update in the MCM menu). Short version, if you want to enchant yourself, you can never use the enchanting services. I was trying to use it to learn a specific enchant for my noob enchanter by getting Farengar to enchant an iron dagger for me.
  19. There was a reason I picked iNeed over RND...umm, Vagly, I recall I was a matter of compatibility patches. RND needs a patch with hunterborn, frostfall, requiem, and a pile of others, and then I needed patches for my patches. I loved RND, it's one of those core immersive mods that brought life to Skyrim for me again, but the patches... iNeed didn't have the same performance cost or patch requirements, and this pack has absolutely no room for any more performance hungry mods. That's what I recall off the top of my head. If you want RND (and I have not looked into it for a year or 2), you will need to be very careful with your patches. There are patches used/referenced in this pack that will need to be swapped out for the appropriate combo patch related to RND. Otherwise if you patch correctly it's probably ok. I think. Oh ya, the cooking system in RND don't work right without the patches (problem with recipies or something)
  20. Sometimes there are draugr lords and other high level draugr mixed in (think the same mentality as the purpose of creepers in minecraft). If the draugr is able to shout, you either kill it fast (flame atronach really helps) or you can be in for a rough time. Are you talking about complete immunity, or just really hard to kill? BFB (last room for sure) has a pile of draugr that can shout, it really sucks, and a pure warrior who rushes in there is going to have a very rough time. You need to take them as few as possible at a time. I know requiem for sure mixes in some stronger NPC with the regular guys, so you never know.
  21. Hi and welcome. Good to know you have done ok so far getting things set up. The last fellow before you was less than encouraging. I need a little more information to know what's going on with the real shelter. First check is what's the date on the download, have not checked the mod for a while. What do you mean by "transitions not working well". The rain will look different. Lots of progress has been made to get things looking decent and close, but with this script heavy pack, there will be a noticeable hesitation (100~200 ms) for transitions. The mod author has worked wonders getting things optimized, comparing to how it was before. There are a bunch of settings that can be toggled in game, and several in the setup of the mod, to work out "most" major bugs. I remember seeing an experimental rain texture patch somewhere that can be enabled if you are having problems. Are you doing the Real shelter last? I know lots of stuff (requiem for the indifferent.esp, and DynDoLOD say they should be the last esp, but real shelter is the real last esp. worth checking:) Also, what is the system you are using. Anything less than an i7 4 core with ~4.00 Ghz and a 900 series of better graphics care will struggle (you will unfortunately have to install the low Rez options in STEP Extended, choose the low quality DynDoLOD option, and the performance ENB options). Probably should put that as a proper note somewhere on the main page's wall of text :) Hopefully this is an easy one to sort out. If you care, please do some benchmarks, primarily FPS. Some people have reported (my brother one of them) that they only get 30 FPS in some area, like marcarth and whiterun. The ENB settings I give are mid level, so if you get low FPS the first thing you want to do is go back and reinstall with low settings (should not even have to re patch anything either). That should give you lots of FPS if you pick the performance options.
  22. I've done some housekeeping on the Mod Pack page. Basically moving the v0.7 changes into the main page. I've looked up a few of the critical mods, and they have not received any updates in the past 2 months. When downloading a file, if the version date is before September 2016, there are no worries, and install like the instructions say. If the file was uploaded to the Nexus more recently, if its just a minor update (ie to upgrade you just swap out the old files for the new) chances are is nothing to worry about. If you are concerned, just download a file dated September or earlier. Obviously, if the file is updated for Skyrim Special Edition, you don't want it, and you will need to grab an earlier version.
  23. It's also worth noting that it took me 3-4 tries with installing STEP Extended Skyrim modding is fickle, and strange things will cause problems. The spinning logo mod helps you know if skyrim loaded (if it doesn't spin, you got a problem right off the bat) If TES5Edit don't load, that's usually a very easy one to fix. If the game loads funny, start considering graphics. Drop back to the STEP Extended install, (moving ENB files into a temp folder on your desktop) and see if problem persists. Double check all assets are checked in data. I've had those mesteriously uncheck, which leads to various bad things happening. That you load a new game to a dark screen (i have had this myself many times) really makes me want to double check the graphics. And do yourself a favor and put your brightness slider to the middle. Otherwise stuff is just too dark.
  24. This pack is 2 or so months old, and does not contain anything to do with the most recent Skyrim Enhanced edition. Are you using the Enhanced edition? It should also be noted, since the pack was first created, many mods underwent several major overhauls. On the pack page, second line, there is beta 0.7. Please use the Dropbox files, (i lost my passwords to the one note account, so there is nothing I can do with that). This will give you instructions for several updates, such as the DynDoLOD, and others. If a mod has undergone a major update over the last month or 2, then yes this pack would be out of date and no longer work. In that case, you will need to at least read the nexus page for the Requiem patches https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61621/? This is the back bone of the requiem compatibility, and often dictates if I can use a mod or not. Please try to disable the ENB. If that cause the visuals to work, (even if the lighting is screwed up) then at least we know it's a graphics problem. Purple textures typically means a texture problem, first thing I check would be Mod Organizer and if the assets have loaded. I have run my current build for several months, and I have had occasional CTD's. Sometimes none, othertimes 2-3 in a gaming session. It takes a full weekend (maybe 20 hours) to go through all mods, check for updates, find out what dependencies have possibly change (takes a long time to scan through every mod nexus page), and find solutions for bugs. Work (fortunately I guess) has been busy enough to keep me occupied. I'll look things over in a week or two, when I get a chance.
  25. I've put about 15 hours into the new build. So far, I've had only a few CTD, and a few strange CTD when loading a save. Yet when I try a second time to load the same save, there are no problems. I can say I've tested frost fall, it works so far, and Death Alternative has only bugged out on me once and worked otherwise exactly as its supposed to. I'd have to say that the overall stability has increased and that can be squarely attributed to all the amassing modders out on the Nexus who have put many hours into their awesome mods. I would like to have at least one other person install this pack and let me know it also worked for them (with all the latest mod updates) before I go and update the whole PACK page. I think the only one I left old was Skyrim Flora Overhaul, left that at the version the STEP Pack said (there were too many options that my eyes glazed over, so I didn't bother with the new stuff lol). I am curious to know what people get for frame rate, as I know its quite the CPU/GPU heavy setup. I can say that after turning papyrus logging off, I am now getting a solid 60 FPS almost everywhere, with the occasional dip to 50.
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