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Everything posted by ednemo

  1. Hello, I am currently unable to launch Skyrim or SKSE via MO2. I have a completely fresh installation with no mods and I get the bethesda logo on the black screen then CTD. I have MO2 set to go through my firewall and AV and even turned them both off to try that and am still failing. I've tried using Crash Logger and have checked everything I can think of. This is a new problem, and my MO2 setup for Fallout works just fine on the same drive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I am currently using Nexus and running fine. I really liked the tutorials for MO but it looks like I am going to stick with Nexus for a while.
  3. I have tested and finally verified I am only having a problem when launching from MO. I am using NVSE connecting to Fnv4gb and using the argument -laaexe .FalloutMO.exe. I get the screen with no problem, but when I select "New Game" nothing happens. I have tested by launching through Steam and it opens without any problems. Does anyone have any ideas? I am currently just running Fallout NV without any mods and all the DLCs.
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