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  1. As for the weapons mothergoose pointed out, if you read the Legend of Red Eagle, the entire story takes place in the Reach, the area in western Skyrim directly adjacent to Hammerfell. You might also notice the blades' resemblance to existing Alik'r weaponry. With such close borders to Hammerfell, the blades design may have come from there. The runes add more mystery. You don't have to know everything about the backstory of weapons and artifacts you know; assume its in a language long lost to time, or alternatively an incantation from a hagraven (a likely case actually). Minor disagreements with the backstory of weapons is no reason to include these insanely detailed weapons that turn upsettingly generic weapons into masterpieces (really, with books about the sword why does it look like something every draugr has?). It screaming "mod!" may have more to do with the former argument or the pictures being artist shots rather than in-game weapons. tl;dr I really like his stuff and would hate for STEP to not include it. Unique Uniques is unique.
  2. Have you played with it recently and noticed any differences in quality or stability?
  3. This should be included first and foremost in response to "How do I stop CTDs from high RAM usage?"Â If your eye can tell the difference between 1024 and 2048 and you really care that much, apply only as many as you need for stability. But remember: 1024 textures playable is better than 2048 ctd every 3 minutes.
  4. This is why it took ten years for Morrowind to get an automated pack. All of the authors either didn't care or couldn't be contacted. It's even too early for Oblivion, as many authors don't want to lose control. And with Skyrim mods are updated so frequently each individual author couldn't be held responsible for staying compatible. God forbid an author revoke permissions halfway through the process. Another point that hasn't been brought up is the fact that a flat automated process of "copy paste these 25 GB of files" would stifle creativity. Why should someone attempt a better retexture? Everyone already uses this massive pack because it's drag and drop, if it's not included they won't want to expend the extra effort and their mods won't get used. (Did I mention the filesize would be massive?)
  5. Pardon my horribly noobish question, but when you say "half the normal maps", that's when instead of 2048x2048 you select 50% / 50%?
  6. What's your take on the Skyrim Project Optimization mod? While occlusion planes are foreign to me, I don't think SR alters any cells majorly so this might work.
  7. Thanks for the feedback, I'll try out Project ENB and switch back if needed. Also: there's some clipping with robe hoods and vanilla hair. Pick male Imperial with default hair #10 (long hair with side braids), and your hair will clip through the back of the hood.
  8. Could you upload your enb config file if you have it customized? I assume you're using Unreal Cinema as stated earlier in the thread, but if you found something better I'd love to try it out. I'm not sure what (if anything) I should disable in the ini at this point. Edit: I should elaborate - I'm running CoT as well (despite the jury being out on Lighting so far), and while I get amazing fps outdoors, it seems to dip indoors much lower. Is the answer something like disable SSAO? Running a 6970 ATI card.
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