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  1. Actually your Source1 image points to variables that are relative to the directory that the program is sitting in. Changing that probably wouldn't do what you want it to. (I could be wrong since I don't know C.) The best fix would probably be adding a new argument for the file path and changing the directories lower in the file to use that new argument. That would probably require someone who actually new C to to fix it up for us though. I looked at it again and it looks like the argument addition itself is easy enough but getting the rest of the program to use it would be the problem for me. Or we could just wait for an MO update that doesn't have a memory leak. ~Ari Edit: I'm sorry it looked like I disregarded your post, GrantSP. I had actually started typing this a few hours ago and only just now finished it up (I was looking at the source code for TES4qLOD). What you suggested is pretty much exactly what I mentioned as well, hehe.
  2. I've been lurking on this topic for the past few days. I just wanted to say thanks, pStyl3, for trying to figure out how to get TES4LL working for all of us MO users and for giving me some ideas to try which eventually got it mostly working on my computer. I couldn't get MPGUI to work at all so I gave up on using that, but the batch files that came with TES4LL worked for me (after a few edits). Here's what I did to get TES4LL mostly working on my computer (I'll explain what I mean by "mostly working" a little farther down). Note: The filepaths that I use below are based on where I installed Mod Organizer to. You'll just need to substitute the paths given with where your MO is installed. "Install" TES4LL directly to the actual game data folder. [Recommended but Optional] Open Inites4ll and make a copy of the tes4ll_all.mpb file. Edit the tes4ll_all.mpb file in your favorite plain text editor (I use Notepad++) with the following edits:[Optional] New Line 19 LogFile -value="G:Mod OrganizerOblivionmodsTES4LLtes4ll.log"Note: This edit may be optional, but all other line numbers will expect that this line was added. This line just adds a log file so you can piece apart exactly what the program is doing in case you encounter problems. -- Line 38 - Change @overwritelods SetOption -installdirectory="$_gamedirDataTextureslandscapelodgenerated"to @overwritelods SetOption -installdirectory="G:Mod OrganizerOblivionmodsTES4LLTextureslandscapelodgenerated"-- Line 68 - Change @makenormalmaps @overwritelods SetOption -installdirectory="$_gamedirDataTextureslandscapelodgenerated"to @makenormalmaps @overwritelods SetOption -installdirectory="G:Mod OrganizerOblivionmodsTES4LLTextureslandscapelodgenerated"-- Line 78 - Change @writeout SetOption -installdirectory="$_gamedirData"to @writeout SetOption -installdirectory="G:Mod OrganizerOblivionmodsTES4LL"-- Line 90 - Change @overwritelods SetOption -installdirectory="$_gamedirDataMeshesLandscapeLOD"to @overwritelods SetOption -installdirectory="G:Mod OrganizerOblivionmodsTES4LLMeshesLandscapeLOD"4. In MO, add new program shortcuts for the following: TES4LL, "[Game Directory]Datates4ll_ultimate.bat" (or either of the other two: midres or hires)TES4LL - Normal Maps, "[Game Directory]Datates4ll_normalmaps.bat"Note: Don't forget to replace "[Game Directory]" with the path to your actual Oblivion game directory. [Optional] You can add one more program shortcut if you like: TES4LL - TES4qLOD, "[Game Directory]Datates4ll_tes4qlod.bat" But this will not work (yet). For some reason, even with the edits we made to tes4ll_all.mpb, it still tries to write all of its "partial" files to the Overwrite mod. This is a problem since it causes MO to quickly run out of space and it can't complete. 5. Run your new TES4LL and TES4LL - Normal Maps program shortcuts through MO. When finished you'll notice a new "Mod" added to your list called "TES4LL" which will contain all of the new textures and meshes. Why this edit works: TES4LL suffered from essentially the same problem that TES4LODGen had with MO. When mods add data to the Overwrite mod, MO doesn't release the resources those files used. This isn't a problem for most programs, but when textures and meshes are involved more than likely there will be troubles. TES4LODGen's newest update allowed a new command line switch to specify where the files were placed which fixed the problem since no files were being written to the Overwrite mod. Our edits to tes4ll_all.mpb are actually specifying a place other than Oblivion's "Data directory" (the Overwrite mod) to export the files to. I tried to figure out how to get TES4qLOD's "partials" to go into a temporary folder too, but there's no way to specify this. I downloaded the standalone TES4qLOD mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42473) to look at the source code and see if I could figure out how to tell it where to save to. I probably could, but I came to two road blocks: I don't know C and I don't know how to compile C. I could probably step through it and figure out how to get what I need done in C, but the whole compile thing sounded tough (I'm a web developer, not an application programmer). I might look at it later, but for now I'm happy with my noise replacer for LOD textures (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9952 I use medium or strong personally). Well I hope this helps someone to use TES4LL since it does make the LOD land look so very much better. Happy modding! ~Ari
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