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    prolly Bella's female mod ^^

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  1. Could someone plz point me in the right direction? I have checked a couple of guides (both here and the web) on how to work with TESEdit. Most let me tick of different options when setting a filter but or they dont give any result or they return a list of most of my esp's with some left out. I guess the ones left out are those that dont have any conflict? If thats the case any idea what could be the problem? Is this a problem with the meshes (never had those before so dont know how they look like) or really a problem inside the mod's esp? I've tested some more possibilities to see if had something to do with the body mods i run but every race/sex shows the same problem. Now something a bit off topic i've been wondering about: i use some custom necklaces which show nice when followers wear them but are hidden (half or completely) on my character, how/where do i fix that? Tks in advance
  2. Ok i'm new to this so this is what i've done: Open TES5Edit in MO. load in all mods. Apply filter (ticked: 'By conflict status overal', 'Conflict' and 'Critical Conflict'). After the filtering the UnenchantedNGArmor.esp no longer shows. Does this mean there are no conflicts or did i take the wrong options?
  3. Ofc if anyone knows of an other (better?) way to get unenchanted NG gear that should not have this problem...
  4. I love the look on the nightingale set but the enchantments are just not worth using it once u get to a certain level so i installed Unenchanted Nightingale Set Mod (UNS) (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18311/?) after STEP:core. Problem now is my head disappears whenever i want to wear the hood. The rest of the armor is fine. It seems the game doesn't realize the hood is a helmet (i can equip an other helmet over it). This happens in new games and in existing games (saves from before i installed STEP). I have used this mod before i came to STEP without any problems. Effects: -My characters head disapears -My followers can wear the hood but the effect of 'Improved Closefaced Helmets' doesn't work What i have tried t fix: -I have tried to move the esp and the mod folder order in MO but that didn't change anything. -I have tried an other mod that gives unenchanted NG gear but the problem persists. -Disabling the 'Improved Closefaced Helmets' didn't help -Disabling the 'Nightingale Prime' didn't help Without UNS all works fine. I know how to work with CK but with the amount of mods i have running now, i don't dear to touch it XD If anyone has had this or knows about a fix... If not any tips on what could cause this and how i best edit the esp to fix this are always welcome. Greetz Pantera
  5. Ok that look fantastic :o Atm i've been busy long enough to completely reinstall my game and install STEP so first i think imma play a while before trying those out ^^ But that list is def something i have try out soon :D
  6. My excuses if this has to go elsewhere, this just seemed the best place to post this -------------------------------- I have just started using STEP but now i wonder, I'm a big fan of the TAVE (Towns and Villages Enhanced) mods but now i wonder if they are compatible with the STEP core mods? I know there are some mods that already change the appearance of farms etc but they still make the cities look pretty dead imo :/ If there are people who do use these mods in combination with the STEP core mods, if you wouldn't mind to tell me which mods are/aren't compatible and if i should exclude certain texture files from the TAVE mods before installing them? Greetz Pantera
  7. Dude thanks a lot awesome work! :D Since i love collecting (and reading) every book in the game this and ur previous mod are just wonderfull :D I do have a (noob) question, i have modded my game since the day they released on nexus but never used one that required Wrye Bash, so i was wondering: do i have to use wrye bash to install this or do i just have to download it and run it trough MO? Tks in advance :)
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