Finished the installation, started the game, tried to save and crashed. I read the topic and none of the "fixes" work. Edit: After rebuilding the patch for the xth time it worked.
But are FormIDs really such a big thing? What if I change a gamesetting and release that as a mod. Is now everyone else forced to ask me for permission when they want to change the same setting in their game or release it as a mod? I think it's silly.
From what I read is that the CoT author misunderstood that VW being "based on" CoT doesn't mean that Manga used assets. So apparently CoT author reported it and Manga is now changing the form IDs of his mod. Take this with a grain of salt since its hearsay.
Yes. I just hope that it's sooner than later since everything else is really good and I would like to switch. Did the Vividian/Vivid enb merge work out for you?